Friday, April 30, 2010

"I've spent time in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Muslim and other countries,

"and I can tell you they don't worship the same god Christians do..."

Adapted from This Rock magazine, May / June 2010 edition.

Father Vincent Serpa answers this one!


"I've spent time in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and other Muslim countries, and I can tell you they don't worship the same god Christians do.

"They believe the Trinity is made up of God, a human Jesus, and Mary, his mother.

"How can they worship the same god?"

Father Vincent Serpa's answer:

"Granted, Muslims do not believe in the Trinity as we do.

"Nor do Jews.

"Yet we all believe in a Supreme Being who created and governs the universe.

"When St. Paul learned that the Greeks worshiped an unknown god (Acts 17:23), he identified that god as our God.

"Muslims worship the one God to the degree that they know him -- which in our view, is a very limited knowledge."

-- Fr. Vincent Serpa --

April 30. Feast Day of Pope Saint Pius V.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Catholic Campus Ministry.

With San Antonio College student Ms. Jennifer Medrano

"Finding The Spice of Life through Catholic Campus Ministry"

From Today's Catholic. Friday, April 23, 2010.

Here are some miscellaneous and random snippets from Ms. Medrano's fine article.

"In my early years of schooling, I had the privilege of attending one of the best parochial schools offered in San Antonio.

"During tougher financial times, I joined the public school system.

"Due to my parents' woes with the public school environment, my transition into a public school was postponed for a year when I was home schooled.

"I now can conclude that this change helped develop the diversified person that I am today.

"With the help of Catholic teachings, I vowed to continue to piece together all perspectives of circumstance and people to help strengthen my opinions and beliefs.

"I have been blessed to have such an array of opportunities available to me here through Catholic Campus Ministry, all of which include personal, spiritual and social growth.

"Not the least to mention are the incredible amount of talents from different people adding just the right amount of spice to Catholic Campus Ministry.

"The Catholic Student Association aids my personal health and well - being on a mental and physical level.

"I personally gravitate toward my teaching qualities.

"However, sometimes even a teacher may seek out guidance.

"In the case of the Catholic Student Association, there are many options available.

"Students are guided by the campus minister, nuns,priests and elders.

"Retreats also offer guidance on specific topics and remind us that [we are ] to follow the ways of our Lord.

"One - on - one counseling is available during the Busy Student Retreat that is loved by so many students who deal with the troubling pressures of work, school and family.

"Another great source would simply be to have each other.

"At the Catholic Student Association we all share the same beliefs making all of our talents and skills merge beautifully in the eyes of God.

"By piecing together and connecting all the people, perspectives, talents, skills and opportunities we bring forth a new generation of well - equipped and well - rounded members of the Catholic Church ready and productive for the generations that will follow..."

Well done, profe -- and already with the master's touch!

"Good luck on your finals, everybody..." :)

UT El Paso's

"Student body elects new officers for SGA"

PIC candidate Ms. Diana Gloria trounces FUSE's Mr. César Monsivais.

Even write - in vote winner Ms. Laura Acuña knocked 'em all dead with her 4 votes "for the education senate seat..."

Although her electoral victory is one of those that is pending verification, etcetera ...

The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Aaron Martinez has the story.

¡Adelante, Aaron!

"Published: Tuesday, April 27, 2010."

"The 2010 Student Government Association [SGA] election results are in.

"[T]he PIC -- Progress, Improvement, Continuity -- party claimed 15 of the 24 seats available.

"The remaining nine seats went to the FUSE -- For United Student Excellence -- party.

"[S]aid Rosemary Prieto, collegiate education senator and 2010 election adviser at the weekly SGA meeting, The elections went very well this year. We got 3,746 votes with no violations or hearings. It was a very clean election this year and it happened in half the amount of time it did last year.

"While both parties complained about some of the campaigning ethics of their opponents, as of yet, no violations were brought [sic] against either party.

"[S[aid Lucia Murguia, senator - at - large elect and junior communication studies major, It was an overall clean election, as both parties were respectful toward one another and maintained composure despite a couple of insignificant controversies.

"Diana Gloria -- PIC -- a sophomore organizational and corporate communications major, won the presidential seat with 1, 736 votes against junior electrical engineering major and FUSE candidate César Monsivais' 1,389..."

'Way to go, good people... :)

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

April 29. Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Siena.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sergio Sarmiento

Alza a maestros

Albert Einstein:

"Educación es lo que queda una vez que olvidas todo lo que aprendiste en la escuela."

El Zócalo Acuña. Miércoles 21 de abril de 2010.

Frase del día:

Jorge Luis Borges, "escritor argentino."

"Hay comunistas que sostienen que ser anticomunista es ser fascista.

"Esto es tan incomprensible como decir que no ser católico es ser mormón."

De el Zócalo Acuña. Miércoles 21 de abril de 2010.

Julio Hernández

Mirando al cielo

Fuente original: Zócalo Acuña. Miércoles 21 de abril de 2010.

El nos platica respeto el tema de "la conducta de presbíteros que han abusado de menores de edad, mi amigo editor, Jorge Anaya, me ha hecho saber amablemente el error que cometí recientemente, al hablar impropiamente de niños abusados, pues el verbo abusar es intransitivo: Se abusa de alguien, por lo tanto, no puede haber niños abusados, por lo menos, no en ese sentido..."

St. Mary Magdalene's youth are everywhere, doing everything!

In Brackettville, Texas 78832

Here's a random sample:

Ms. Icela Rueda. Advances with her B.H.S. track co - champions to regionals in Hunsville.

Ms. Priscilla Aguirre. Along with her B.H.S. teammates knocks 'em dead as la asesina con bate, against LaPryor, plus helps the Kinney County 4 - H shooting team "advance to district."

Priscilla's St. MM's 4 - H shooting teammates Mr. Rolando Gutierrez and Mr. Ramón Gutierrez likewise are on their way, too.

Mr. Dante Luna. "Dante received Best of Show for this category" -- in the Kinney County 4 - H Photography Project, Intermediate Level.

Ms. Lila Molinar. Likewise helped her B.H.S. teammates "lead the attack" at the Brackettville - LaPryor baseball game. She also placed 8th at the Regionals Golf Tournament.

Sources for raw data: The Brackett News. Thursday, April 22, 2010. The Kinney County Post. Tuesday, April 27, 2010.

April 28. Feast Day of Saint Peter Chanel and of Saint Louis Mary de Montfort.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Militares aliados de El Chapo

El resultado sería de beneficio para ambos...

"La indagatoria PGR / SIEDO/ UEIDCS / 189 / 2009

"el subteniente de Infantería Reymundo Morales Merla...

Me dijeron que mi trabajo iba a ser simple... :)

Fuente original: REFORMA / Zócalo / México, D.F. Miércoles 21 de abril de 2010.

"La organización criminal que dirigen Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán e Ismael El Mayo Zambada contacta a militares adscritos en Sinaloa para enrolarlos y hacer mancuerna en contra de sus rivales, Los Beltrán Leyva, aseguraron a la PGR soldados implicado que fueron detenidos.

"De acuerdo con sus declaraciones, la banda delictiva ofreció a soldados de la Tercera Región Militar, con sede en Mazatlán, los domicilios de sus enemigos.

"El resultado sería de beneficio para ambos: los soldados limpiarían la plaza de adversarios a El Chapo y, ante la opinión pública, presumirían sus logros en la lucha contra el narcotráfico.

"Lo anterior lo declaró en la indagatorioa
PGR / SIEDO / UEIDCS / 189 / 2009 el subteniente de Infantería Reymundo Morales Merla, detenido el 12 de junio de 2009 y encarcelado el 2 de septiembre en el Penal de Chilpancingo.

"[D]eclaró el militar, Me dijeron que mi trabajo iba a ser simple ... que no me preocupara ... que no me iban a pedir información que me comprometiera ... etcetera..."

¡Ay, qué pobrecito! Tan inocente de cualquier pecado ... :)

Operation Palace Guard / Shineola Joe prepares to lurch into the merry month of May! :)

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for May 2, 2010.

"Mary Meek, Regina Peña Salinas, Hortencia Peña, Yolanda Rueda"

'Way to go ladies!

And keep an eye on whoever is keeping control of that PINK -- or is it a BLUE? -- padlock.

Same with the BLUE -- or is it a PINK? -- cash deposit bag. :)

'Cause she -- or he -- who is seen by you good people as you're doing the counting will be the same he -- or she -- who more than likely has 100% control of la lana...

Believe it or not! :)

Original published source for the top part of the above:

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish bulletin for

"The Weekend of Saturday April 24th & Sunday April 25th 2010"

Three weekend Masses well - served at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Show - up Honor Roll:

Saturday. April 24, 2010. 5:30 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Dante Luna.

Sunday. April 25, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Justin Gallegos + Mr. J.T. Rosas.

Sunday. April 25, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos & Mr. Adam "Charlie" Resendez.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Well - orchestrated local uproar in Commodity's Beanie Weenie Gate!

Apparently stung by being snitched to the
Archdiocesan Chancery Office

over questions of Commodity's Beanie Weenie Distribution to the Homeless & Hungry...

local Brackettville, Texas Catholic Pastor loses it.

Multiple public lines - drawn - in - the - sand invoke in yours truly scenes within such Eric Ambler thrillers as Judgment on Deltchev.

With some inoffensive elderly couple from Fort Clark suddenly revealed starting Saturday night with all the requisite drama as "Class Enemies."


Whoever the so - called snitch being publicly denounced here in this case is, one thing is certain:

"He ain't no dry snitch."

This character being denounced must have really done his own homework, before contacting the Archdiocesan Chancery Office, whether in person or by phone.

Perhaps even within Commodity's Beanie Weenie Gate.

Now, our pastor assures us, he's drawn blood.

The pastor's own.

Big time!

And NO!

I wouldn't be too sure it's really all about a misplaced can or two of Commodity Beanie Weenies.

As our St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group and their equally young parents are apparently supposed to believe.

And accept without question.

Instead, our latest pastor acts like he's preparing for the fight of his priestly career, clearly ready to pull down as many of the over
70 Fort Clark crowd with him as he possibly can in the process. :)

Día del Niño

"Para alumnos de primaria: Festejarán a los niños ¡corriendo!"

Por lo menos así nos asegura la Lic. Sandra Luz Guerrero, Directora de Deporte y Recreación municipal.

Fuente original: Por la Licenciada Alma Proa. Zócalo Acuña. Martes 20 de abril de 2010.

"El 30 de abril se realizará la carrera infantil del Día del Niño, donde se espera contar con la participación de las escuelas de la comunidad.

"Informó que dentro de esta carrera podrán participar todos los niños de primero a sexto de primaria y se premiará a los tres primeros lugares de cada categoría con trofeo al primer lugar..."

"Frase del Día, de Winston Churchill, político británico:

El político debe ser capaz de predecir lo que va a pasar mañana, el mes próximo y el año que viene; y de explicar después por qué fue que no ocurrió lo que el predijo...

Fuente: Zócalo Acuña. Martes 20 de abril de 2010.

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Still Water and Still Religion are Quick to Freeze"

Words of Wisdom from Frontier Baptist Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Pastor Ned Sitzes.

Good, point Reverend!

Father Brian T. Mullady of the Homiletic & Pastoral Review.

"The Charismatic Renewal"

Saint Augustine on harvesters expressing happiness in tongues:

"They burst into a simple sound of joy and jubilation.

"Such a cry of joy is a sound signifying that the heart is bringing to birth what it cannot utter in words...

"Now, who is more worthy of such a cry of jubilation than God himself...

"...whom all words fail to describe?"

Some random snippets from this publication, edition of April 2010.


"My daughter has a very active prayer life but has recently been highly by the charismatic renewal. She ends our family evening prayers speaking in tongues, which I consider gibberish. Several priests have told me that though people spoke in tongues in the apostolic period there is no current tradition for this. Others have said that the last three popes have approved of it. What is an authentic Catholic position on this?"


"The Catholic charismatic renewal has been very influential in the past few decades.

"Catholicism and charismatic spirituality do appear compatible, as the last three popes have indeed encouraged the Catholic charismatic renewal.

"They have done so with cautions to avoid extremes and to stay faithful to Catholic teaching, while at the same time acknowledging that the movement brings people into a scriptually based, active prayer life.

"Some early attempts at the current movement were influenced by Protestant Pentecostal theology, which does have aspects that are in conflict with Catholic teaching.

"At this point, however, almost all dioceses have taken steps to counteract problems by assuring guidance to the movement from knowledgeable priests acting as chaplains, as well as training lay leaders.

"Some clarifications are needed to more properly base this guidance on a proper understanding of the doctrine of grace..."

Fast forward 300 words plus to Saint Augustine!

"Spontaneous praise is when one is so filled with the experience of God that he breaks into spontaneous expressions of joy.

"The Liturgy of the Hours describes such an experience in a discourse on the psalms by St. Augustine used for the feast of St. Cecilia."

Now, in St. Augustine's own words:

"You must first understand that words cannot express the things that are sung by the heart.

"Take the case of people singing while harvesting in the fields [...]

"Although they begin by giving expression to their happiness in sung words, yet shortly there is a change.

"As if so happy that words can no longer express what they feel, they discard the restricting syllables.

"They burst into a simple sound of joy and jubilation.

"Such a cry of joy is a sound signifying that the heart is bringing to birth what it cannot utter in words.

"Now, who is more worthy of such a cry of jubilation than God himself, whom all words fail to describe?"

Now, Father Mullady again...

"This rejoicing in the presence of God is what is most commonly called tongues in charismatic spirituality.

"This is not, however, the gift of tongues which is described in the New Testament..."

Indeed, it's not!

Our own Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Renewal here refuses to either even believe this last statement or to even accept it -- at least they don't as a group.

Our own fed - up current pastor apparently has long since turned them loose to wander aimlessly about the theological landscape with no sense or guidance.

Indeed, if their local leaders assure them of the necessity of the Virgin Mary's receiving both the Baptism of the Holy Spirit along with the Gift of Tongues in order to complete her own salvation -- Dr. Don Smith -- then the rank and file will tend to accept this with the same groveling docility with which they accept the declaration of one deacon's assertion -- Dr. Joe Goebel -- that Mary's salvation likewise depended on her being saved after Jesus' birth and by being baptized by water.

The issue jointly raised here -- by Dr. Don Smith & Dr. Joe Goebel, Deacon -- is simply this:

If either -- or both -- Dr. Don Smith and the Rev. Mr. Joe Goebel, Deacon, are correct, then Jesus had one awesomely flawed mother, and thus could Himself never be truly divine.. :)

April 23. Feast Day of Saint George and Saint Adalbert.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good generic character sketches by Louis L'Amour in the Bowdries Law episode, Strange Pursuit.

Ranger Bowdrie enters a bar and this is what he finds:

"An aging cowhand in faded blue denim with a tobacco tag hanging from his breast pocket, his faced seamed with years, weather, kindness, and irony.

"The town drunk; his face was a mirror for lost illusions , his eyes hungry with hope, his boots worn, and the old hands trembling.

"The solid, square - built rancher with new heels on his boots and an air of belligerent prosperity and affluence.

"The bartender, slightly bald back of the plastered black hair above a smooth, ageless face and brow.

The wise, cold eyes and the deft, active hands ...*

"They were types of men without names, faces from a page of life he had turned many times, and faces he had often seen, like the husky young cowboy at the end of the bar who had a split lip and a welt on his cheek bone..."

*Heh, heh, heh... Boy, oh boy! So just how the heck could Louis L'Amour have even known about some of our favorite K of Cs here in good 'ole Brackettville, Texas?

Zip 78832?

In some cases at least going back well over 20 years or so? :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21. Forty - third Anniversary of the Battle of Binh Son I.

As a 7 - year veteran with prior Air Force experience Cpl. Bradley -- First Platoon Fox Company 2/1 USMC -- had tried to warn us months ahead of time, re the fighting qualities of the Peoples Army of Vietnam a.k.a. PAVN and / or NVA:

"I want all y'all Marines to listen up now!

" You heah?

"'An that includes all y'all absent minded intellectual muthah truck-as, too, o.k.?"

This with a pointed glance in my direction. :)

"These here NVA will be carrying packs.

"Just like us.

"Be wear'in uniforms.

"Just like us.

"'An wear'in helmets.

"Just like us.

"'An using field radios.

"Just like us.

" 'An they'll be using fire team tactics.

"Just like us.

"People it's like this: any time we hit them hard they gonna hit us back.

"Even harder..."

By ten o'clock local Vietnamese time this very day 43 years ago, out of 8 Fox Company rifle squads committed to a frontal assault albeit reinforced with weapons attachments -- plus assorted volunteers -- 33 were dead and 56 were wounded.

Most likely in many cases from multiple gun shot wounds.

So, I guess you might say:

Corporal Bradley was dead on...

April 21. Feast Day of Saint Anselm.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Operation Shineola Joe / Palace Guard.

St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.

Brackettville, Texas.


"The Collection Counters for April 25th, 2010.

"Mike & Twilley Young, Shirley Donaldson, Patti Hidalgo"

Original published source: the parish bulletin for the weekend of Saturday, April 17th and Sunday, April 18, 2010.

Random Saint Mary Magdalene's Youth Group Personalities in the news.

Mr. Adam Resendez & Mr. Ramon Gutierrez -- to State Rodeo in Gonzalez & Abilene.

Ms. Priscilla Aguirre helps B.H.S. base ball team mates defeat Sabinal.

Ms. Icela Rueda scores points for her B.H.S. co - track stars at the district meet.

Way to go, great people! :)

From The Brackett News. Thursday, April 15, 2010.

All Three Weekend - Masses well - served @ St. Mary Magdalene's.

Brackettville, Texas.


Saturday. April 17, 2010. 5:30 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Justin Hidalgo.

Sunday. April 18, 2010. 8:00 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Nathan Pearson + Ms. Britney Castilla.

Sunday. April 18, 2010. 8:00 p.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz + Mr. Dante Luna.

WW II History Question:

Does Antony Beevor deliberately erase Major Glover S. John's personal account of the St. Lo affair from the historical record??!!

A question re:

Beevor's otherwise excellent book -- D - Day -- and his own version of the taking of St. Lo.

So far at least, we've found no reference to either Major Glover S. John, nor to his fascinating book, Clay Pigeons of St. Lo, in Beevor's thoroughly researched account.

Guess, we'll just have to wait and see...:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Beyond even Father John Corapi!

St. Alphonsus De Liguori on TIME !

But this hour shall not be given...

The source is based on one of most likely any number of the saint's works loosely labeled "Preparation for Death."

The one I'm using here is what I'd guess you might call a facsimile - English translation of the Italian original.

As the bottom of the back cover tells us, in the saint's own words:

"O time despised during life!

"O time despised during life!"

"You will be ardently desired by worldlings at the hour of death.

"They will then wish for another year, another month, another day; but they will not obtain it: they will then be told that time shall be no longer.

"How much would they then pay for another week, or another day, to settle the accounts for their conscience?

"To obtain a single hour, they would, says St. Laurence Justinian, give all their wealth and worldly possessions.

"But this hour shall not be given.."

From the $1.00 per month magazine U.S. Catholic. May 2010.

"9% of U.S. Catholic readers surveyed think most adults know a great deal about their Catholic faith."

Cool! :)

That simply means yours truly is among the winning 91%
who know better! :)

Man, at long last... :)

Question of readers by U.S. Catholic "feedback" editors:

"The biggest obstacle to participation in religious education for adults is ....??!!"

And now, three random answers

Lila Tupa. Brookings, S.D.

"A lack of compelling subject matter."

James F. Cassidy. Glendora, Calif.

"Poorly educated, uninspiring priests and the growing divide in opinions on what it means to be Catholic."

John Chuchman. Scottsdale, Arizona.

"The people qualified to teach are sitting in pews and are not being asked to teach."

Article by John J. Donovan. Seniors need some class.

"Jesus taught adults, so why are parishes so focused on educating young children when the older members could really use the lessons?"

Humm ... gee ... o.k. ...maybe??!! :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Exit Archbishop Gómez, enter Father John Corapi "in person?" :)

"This Billy Graham of the Catholic World..."

Real - deal Jesus Christ believing Roman Catholic priest hopes -- at the very least!

-- to come crawling out of his death bed.

Even if it's only to kick theological a*s*s one last time! :)

"Jesus said:

You think
I've come to bring peace? I have not come to bring peace, but division that will separate a house of five, three against two and two against three...

Father John Corapi "was ordained to the priesthood by Pope John Paul II in May 1991."

From this original source:

The newspaper Today's Catholic Friday, April 9, 2010.

"Organizers anticipate more than 13,000 people will pack San Antonio's AT & T Center August 7 to hear one of the church's most sought - after theologians.

"The priest, a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, will lead a daylong series of dynamic talks against a sacred backdrop of music - filled activities including Eucharistic adoration, celebration of Mass and the sacrament of reconciliation."

And this conference is to be called: Life, Love and the Purpose of Our Existence.

But! As the good father matter - of - factly warns us:

"If you present the truth clearly, unambiguously, it will elicit radical responses one way or the other..

"Jesus said, You think I've come to bring peace? I have not come to bring peace, but division that will separate a house of five, three against two and two against three...

"What brings division?

"Truth ... those who are ill disposed, those who are confirmed in sin, they react negatively.

"They'll behave violently ...

"I've had death threats multiple times over the years -- many times...

"I've never been so conscious of being loved or hated as since I've been a priest..."

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"From Prophetess to Pope"

Like, from Ms. Ellen White -- to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI?!


Way cool! :)

A snippet from the Arthur and Teresa Beem story.

Honey, I don't think I'm an Adventist anymore...

Original source:

The Coming Home Network International / "April 2010 Newsletter.


"Adventism, to me was not only confusingly hypocritical but scary.

"Some Adventist doctrines are based on the visions supposedly given by an angel to a 19th - century prophetess an done of the founders of the Seventh - day Adventist church, Ellen White.

"According to my childhood church, heaven opened up to her a crucial new addition to the Gospel -- called the Everlasting Gospel.

"In fact, White calls it the most important message of all time. .."

Here, Arthur gives us this citation:"Ellen White's Manuscript number 760.29.5 You can find these quotes at ."


"It was as if, until that moment, I had been a merry, floral - crowned damsel tossing rose petals through the air as I skipped through my Pre - Raphaelite, bucolic life when I was hit by a Mack truck.

"In shock, with my emotions plowed into the ground, I pondered how my whole life had been a lie.

"But then the thoughts turned even darker; my parents' lives had also been based in fiction.

"Then the circle grew wider -- my grandparents, my teachers, my pastors.

"Oh, it was just too painful to even think about..

"Arthur and Teresa

"Sitting staring at each other, we were both thinking the same thing, 'How do I say: Honey, I don't think I'm an Adventist anymore."

And then, at long last, the Catholic Church's RCIA program!!

"We had finished the RCIA program and now, after intense study, we were entering the Catholic Church.

"We thank each one of you who faithfully prays for unity and for little straying lambs, like we were, to find our way home into the Roman Catholic Church.."

Hey, fellow Marines of 'ole Fox Company 2/1 -- F 2/1


"The Big Outfit"

Forty - third anniversary of the Battle of Binh Son I is next Wednesday.

April 21, 2010.

A good, concise source for what is recorded in history as Operation Union I and II is readily available thanks to Wikipedia's online version.

Yet, too, there are many, many others.

One of them we were checking out this a.m. is -- or so I'd guess! -- "Combat Wife:"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"The second Prison ACTS Retreat was held at the Connally Unit at Kenedy, Texas,

"from February 25 - 27, 2010"

From the Archdiocese of San Antonio newspaper, Today's Catholic.

Friday, April 9, 2010.

"Fredericksburg. St. Mary's. The second Prison ACTS Retreat was held at the Connally Unit at Kenedy from February 25 - 27.

"Sixty retreatants from the prison attended the retreat, and 18 offenders from the first retreat were part of the team.."

Also notable is that five (5) priests participated! :)

Msgr. Enda McKenna.

Father Paul Grala, SOLT

Father Phil Henning

Father Norbert Herman

Father Joseph Varghese

Good show, fellas & good fathers ! :)

The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Nicole Chávez

"Voices of immigration"

Published: Tuesday, April 13, 2010.

¡Adelante, Nicole!

"Families from the El Paso area, activists and UTEP students joined together April 10 to demand the government cease immigration raids and push for a comprehensive immigration reform.

"More than 1,000 people marched in the protest rally that started at UTEP's Leech Grove.

"[S]aid Fernando Garcia, executive director of Border Network for Human Rights, We cannot wait any longer to pass comprehensive immigration reform. The more we wait, the more we hurt American and immigrant families.

"Around 4 p.m., the attendees, who held signs reading Raids, NO! Reform, Yes! among other slogans, walked over University Avenue Street, and El Paso Avenue to finish the rally at San Jacinto Plaza in Downtown El Paso..

"According to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center, about 12 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States.

"In Texas, 1.5 million of the 24.3 million of the people living in the state are undocumented immigrants.."

Way to go guys!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, Destino!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Orgia de Sangre

"...el fusilamiento de noventa mujeres inocentes...

"...a un niñito de unos dos años, sonriente y sentado junto a su madre muerta.

"Con sus deditos jugaba con la sangre

"y se embadurnaba el rostro inocente..."

Por lo menos así nos comentaba El Coronel José María Jaurrieta.

"Este episodio de la vida de Villa, de tremenda ferocidad, me ha sido relatado en distintas formas; pero coincidiendo todas en el hecho capital: el fusilamiento de noventa mujeres inocentes

"El coronel José María Jaurrieta, que anduvo con Villa varios años tiene escrito un libro, titulado Seis años con el general Villa -- según un entrefilet de El Universal del 19 de agosto de 1932 -- en el que después de relatar la toma de Camargo, escribe con relación a esta matanza: ..."

Y ahora, nos habla el coronel:

"Esas mujeres o soldaderas denunciaban a los tropas del Gobierno a cuantas personas ... a cuantas habían buenos con nosotros, y se habían portado como amigas de los villistas, exagerando los hechos al extremo de que personas que ni siquiera nos habían visto antes, eran acusada de espías villistas y ejecutadas.

"Al ver a noventa de ellas, el Jefe de la División del Norte, ordenó su ejecución en una barranca cercana a la Estación.

"La escena me recuerda el Infierno de Dante y dudo que haya quien pueda describir la consternación y alflicción de aquellas infelices: lágrimas, sangre y dolor y noventa mujeres sacrificadas con el cuerpo perforado en muchos lugares por las balas villistas.

"Cuando terminó la carnicería, podía verse en aquel lugar de horror, a un niñito de unos dos años, sonriente y sentado junto a su madre muerta.

"Con sus deditos jugaba con la sangre y se embadurnaba el rostro inocente.

"Los crímenes de la revolución se cubrían con el velo de la necesidad..."

2010 B.H.S. Grad Ms. Brianna Escamilla to take the legendary Rivas Road to Angelo State. :)

2010 B.H.S. Grad Ms. Lilianna Valdez to stop off at SAC first.

Congratulations, ladies on the successful completion of four busy and challenging years!

Thanks to: The Brackett News. Thursday, April 8, 2010.