Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $Financial$ -- Enablers.

In Brackettville, Texas 78832.

From the Saint Mary Magdalene's Parish Bulletin, labeled "The Weekend of Saturday November 27th & Sunday November 28th 2010 "

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for December 5, 2010.

"Mike & Twilley Young, Shirley Donaldson, Patti Hidalgo...

"ROSARY LEADER: December 5, 2010 [will be] Frances Franklin."

Father Theodore Francis Pfeifer, O.M.I When the Wolves Came..

"Father Richard Junius Sandor, OMI, was murdered in Mexico City on July 29, 2007.

"Father Richard lay dead on the floor.

"He was naked and his hands and feet bound.

"Two large boxes of pornographic material were found nearby.

"The ladies said they had never seen these items before while cleaning his room..."

Folks, take it from me!

This is one book you owe to yourself to either buy or to check out from your local library!

Francis Theodore Pfeifer, O.M.I. When The Wolves Came: A Memoir.

Kinney County, Texas!

"Sheriff's Report"

"Saturday, November 20, 2010

"A woman reported a herd of cattle were loose on Brown St. and Fulton.

"A deputy was notified.

"Sunday, November 21, 2010.

"A motorist reported that a car hit a deer on Hwy 90 East by Gove Street.

"A deputy was informed..."

Thanks to: The Brackett News. Thursday, November 25, 2010.

Hey, Familia! Hey, UTEP!

Thanksgiving 2010 may be history, but!

The UTEP Prospector's "Turkey - less Thanksgiving" hot - button issue is not!

Mr. Justin Anthony Monarez has last week's sensational blockbuster.

¡Adelante, Justin!

From the Tuesday, November 23, 2010 edition.

"According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture more than 45 million turkeys are cooked and eaten at American Thanksgiving dinner tables per year...

"[S]aid Andrea Benitez, senior political science major and president of UTEP Animal Activists club Don't let the food get in the way of what Thanksgiving all about.

"Benitez's family is also embracing some aspects of her diet and ideologies.

"Benitez said her sisters have adopted a vegetarian diet.

"Her mom recently eliminated most meat, except for fish, from her diet..."

Right - on, great and good people...!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Fine Altar Servers do their duty @ both Sunday a.m. Masses.

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832

Sunday. November 28, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Spanish Mass. TEAM Ms. Britney Castilla.

Sunday. November 28, 2010. 10:30 a.m. English Mass. TEAM Mr. Adam Resendez & Mr. J.T. Rosas...

Noted Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth quoting Pope John Paul II:

"Those bishops who don't believe in the devil, don't believe in the Gospel either."

Father then concludes:

"So, the Catholic who does not believe in the existence of Satan does not believe in a truth revealed in the Gospel.

"I would say that he is a false Catholic..."

Brief snippet from Wlodzimierz Redzioch's interview with Father Amorth, Fighting The Great Deceiver in the November 2010 issue of Inside The Vatican magazine.

November 30. Feast Day of the Apostle Saint Andrew.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Does Jesus -- just like the little girl Heather in the Jones Elementary child's story -- likewise have two mommies?

A local pastor...NOT Bishop Flores! O.K.? O.K.! :)

See the footnotes to yesterday's posting below!

New generation of authentic Jesus Christ - believing Roman Catholic Bishops is well - represented by the Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas.

"CFLC: Bishop Daniel E. Flores reminds attendees Jesus continues to come to us..."

And as he reminds us in Today's Catholic, Friday November 19, 2010:

"While the word catholic in a general sense first appears in the New Testament in terms of Jesus' coming for all nations, the words took on a more specific sense in the late third and in the fourth centuries in response to the Arian Heresy."

Were the Arians of yesterday much like Saint Mary Magdalene's clergy today?

In Brackettville, Texas?

Zip 78832?

You bet they were!

Just read on .... :) *

"The Arians held that Jesus was not fully God but kind of like the highest possible angel God could have sent, noted Bishop Flores.

"The Arians could not buy the fact that God himself would become flesh.

"Those who came to be called Catholics opposed this view, believing God so loved the world that he came himself..

"[R]elated the bishop What is the good news if we can't proclaim to the world that God came himself in the mystery of the Incarnation, in the flesh. Everything hangs on this..."

- - - --- ----- ---------------

*Here locally we hear such things from our clergy as, let us say, things more or less along these lines:

An ordained priest:

-- just like the little girl Heather in the child's story - - likewise has two mommies.

An ordained permanent deacon:

When was the Virgin Mary finally saved?

"When did she come to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior?



" Forget that stuff about Cana!

"She still wouldn't have known more than the fact that her Son was really a somebody with the local wine merchants -- more than likely they were Phoenicians from either Tyre or Sidon.

"Thus, it was vitally important [for her own salvation??!!] that she be baptized with water and so that would most likely have happened between the Ascension and Pentecost..."

"[A]firmó el zar antidrogas norteamericano, Gil Kerlikowske..."

"El informe en cifras

"Logros de la Oficina de Inmigraión y Aduanas de EU durante los años fiscales 2009 - 2010.


"Más de 282 mdd en efectivo/

"Más de tres millones de kilos de drogas.

"Más de 6 mil 800 armas en la frontera con México.

"CONTRA EL 2009...

"Se tiene un aumento superior a los 73 mdd en efectivo, 500 mil kilos drogas ... respecto a los años fiscales 2007 - 08.


"El Departamento de Justicia logró la cantidad récord de 107 extradiciones desde México en 2009.

"Entrenó a 5 mil 462 fiscales e investigadores mexicanos de las instancias estatal y federal..."

Fuente original:

AGENCIAS / Zócalo / Washington, EU. Viernes 10 de noviembre 2010.

Y la clientela nigropetense nos asegura:

♪ ¡A la Bio, a la Bao! ♫

♫ ¡Siempre nos cae bien con Don Cuau! ♪

"Tortillería Cuauhtémoc"

"Una buena tortilla es el secreto para un buen taco ...

"recién hechos, calientitas para usted y su familia

"Prop. Gabriel Rojas.

"Carretera 57 #3202 Fracc. San Felipe. Piedras Negras, Coahuila.."

Tel. 783 - 9794

¡Viva México!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Una placa en la capilla Nuestra Señora de los Lagos, cerca de Pachuca..."

Nos dice:

"Centro Juan Pablo II de Evangelación de Catequesis, donado por Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano."

¿Y el Señor Don Heriberto?


"jefe regional de Los Zetas, cartel notorio por su violencia e implicado en la masacre de 72 migrantes en agosto"

Fuente original: Today's Catholic. Viernes, 16 noviembre de 2010.

Comentario por David Agren. Catholic News Service. "Católico, funcionarios mexicanos investigan donación a iglesia de jefe narco"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Local" Wish List For Our New Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas


I. Tighten - up on local clergy.

II. And here in Brackettville, Texas 78832?

To smash once and for all Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish's so - called in-house theft ring, whether it's actually composed of a minimum of two(2) well - placed Anglo men and one (1) Anglo woman, or whether it's actually composed of three (3) Anglo men and two (2) women -- including in this for instance -- one(1) Hispanic lady.

III. Lower - level archdiocesan personnel w/access to one (or more?) bank accounts in Uvalde may also be involved.

Theoretically there might also be dummy accounts by now established in both Eagle Pass and Del Rio.

IV. Because it was to a bank in Uvalde that an estimated slush fund of $450,000 was transferred after being donated to the parish by some totally naive and well - meaning yet devout folks some years back.

V. The ostensible motive for this transfer was "to keep it out of Father Quang's hands." Heh, heh, heh! :)

"Rafael also grew to adulthood.

"He was armed with pistols,

"and one day he shot and killed three men.

"He had been cutting into another drug cartel's territory..."

Random snippet from Father Francis Theodore Pfeifer, O.M.I's memoir, When The Wolves Came.

"Rafael also grew to adulthood.

"He drove a new truck and made many night trips.

"He was armed with pistols, an done day he shot and killed three men...

"When Father Liekens and I returned from a retreat, we were told that Rafael had killed three men.

"He said it was self - defense.

"He had been cutting into another drug cartel's territory.

"One day, Father Liekens and I returned from a meeting with Bishop Arturo Lona Reyes.

"[W]e arrived in the parish at the top of the mountains around 3 p.m.

"After unloading the truck, we lay down to rest."

Comes a knock on their door: it's Rafael's mother!

"She said: Rafael my son, has been shot and is very badly hurt.

"Leaving with her, we walked to a house on the edge of town.

"Rafael lay on the floor bleeding, with part of his face shot away.

"I said: Rafael, your are dying. Please, let me confess you and give you the holy oils.

"He made the motion and received the sacraments in the presence of his mother..."

Like I say, good people, this little book rocks!

Check this book out pronto at your local public library.

It should be readily available in both English and in Español. :)

"I was left to care for our house while everyone else went to visit the Morony family ..."

A random snippet from Father Ted Pfeifer, O.M.I's personal memoir When the Wolves Came...

"Another time, my sisters Mary Alice and Colleen were in college and were traveling by bus to Pharr, about four miles from Alamo.

"I was left to care for our house while everyone else went to visit the Morony family.

"The typewriter had always attracted my attention.

"It belonged to my grandfather, who was justice of the peace in San Juan.

"He had loaned it to my sisters to practice.

"When everyone returned home in the evening, they found the typewriter ribbon scattered over the floor.

"I had been home alone, so the conclusion was evident.

"I don't recall what punishment I received for this, but rats frequently lived in the rafters.

"One day, as Dad and I were killing the rats, we found a big nest, and it was lined with typewriter ribbon.

"But I wasn't always so fortunate to have such a good excuse.

"In 1941, I was nine years old.

"I was in the fourth grade at St. Joseph's Catholic School in Alamo..."*

*I graduated from there in May of 1962; ours' was the last class to do so ...

Man! This story just keeps on getting better and better! :)

November 24. Feast Day of Saint Andrew Dung - Lac & Companions.

"Saint Andrew
was one of 117 people martyred in Vietnam between 1820 and 1862... "

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Needy folks in Brackettville, Texas 78832??

Did they ever get a surprise early Thanksgiving this past Sunday afternoon!

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Youth Group / Confirmation Class and Parents: "prepared and delivered baskets with Turkeys and Trimmings."

And they did, as grateful friends and neighbors can attest! :)

Texas Law Enforcement:

The Kinney County Sheriff's Report!!

"Monday, November 8

"A woman reported two horses were on the road.

"A city employee was notified of the situation.

"A caller reported two cows were on West Fulton St.

"A city employee was notified of the situation.

"Tuesday, November 9.

"The Val Verde Sheriff's Office called to report a loose bull was hit by the Federal Express Truck on Highway 90.

"No injuries were reported.

"A deputy was informed to check for any road debris..."

"Wednesday, November 10.

"A caller reported he had hit a deer on Highway 90 in front of Julie's Restaurant.

"A deputy was informed..."

And so, good and wonderful people!

The Law Enforcement beat goes on and on and on...

Tip of the hat to: The Brackett News. Thursday, November 18, 2010.

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly -- $$ Financial $$ -- Enablers.

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Original published source is the official bulletin labeled:

" The Weekend of Saturday November 20th & Sunday November 21st 2010.

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for November 28, 2010.

"Tina Meek, Dan & Bernice Yandell, Ricardo & Dalia Rangel..."

"Rosary Leader: Diana Flores..."

Saint Mary Magdalene's Altar Servers rendering great service at both Sunday a.m. Masses.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Sunday. November 21, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Spanish Mass. TEAM Ms. Amy Herrera.

Sunday. November 21, 2010. 10:30 a.m. English Mass. TEAM Mr. Roman Rosas & Mr. J.T. Rosas.....

Brackettville High School's 2010 C.C. track champion Mr. Joelson Terrazas has a grandmother ...

who can still drop marauding
tejones dead in their tracks.

And with just one well - aimed shot from her rifle.

Even when it's @ one o'clock in the morning in Spofford, Texas.

In Kinney County.

And because this indomitable lady did what she did, her free - ranging chickens made it through yet another south west Texas night!

Way to go, Doña Paulita! :)

November 23. Feast Day of Pope Saint Clement I.

November 23. Feast Day of Saint Columban.

November 23. Feast Day of Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro.

Monday, November 22, 2010

¡Hey, Familia!

Hey, UTEP!

At long last ...

"Academics: NSF grant to help UTEP produce science teachers"

And The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Diana Arrieta has last week's story! :)

¡Adelante, Diana!

Snippet from the hard copy edition of Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

"To address the severe lack of science teachers affecting the country, UTEP was given a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to help produce more science - related educators.

"[S]said Eric Hagedorn associate professor of physics and head of the project, UTEP has not graduated a physics high school teacher in the past 20 years..."

"The Robert Noyce Scholarship Grant will provide a $10,000 scholarship per academic school year for the next five years for a selected number of juniors and seniors who plan to major in math or science with a minor in secondary education...

"UTEP was in tough competition to receive the grant and was one of 37 universities in the country to be awarded, Hagedorn said..."

Way to go guys!

For all UTEP's 4 - year graduation rate for incoming freshmen is still most likely artificially pegged at 2%!

Or less... :(

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Adelante, Destino!

¡Ora, MEChA!

El R.P. Jorge y "Las Fabulosas!"

"[H]is only answer was to turn around and around..." :)

El Padre: "No puedo"

Las Fabulosas: "Vamos a usar vestidos"

Another snippet from the Father Francis Theodore Pfeifer, OMI work, When The Wolves Came: A Memoir.

Father Jorge had been serving in roughly the same area of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as had Father Ted, as Father Ted tells us, "until about 1968 or 1969, when he was called to Mexico City.

"At the Oblate parish of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe one day, a half dozen well dressed, elegant ladies went to the parish and asked him to celebrate a high Mass for them, for having served one year in their place of work.

"Father Jorge listened to them and his only answer was to turn around and around.

"When he found out that they wanted this high Mass to be celebrated in their bordello, he did the same thing again and said he could celebrate the Mass.

"These well - dressed ladies were prostitutes.

"He said, No puedo -- I can't do it.

"Their point was, Vamos a usar vestidos -- we are going to wear long dresses.

"Needless to say, Father Jorge didn't agree.

"The ladies were known as Las Fabulosas -- the fabulous ones.

"Christ comes into the world and loves everyone.

"Father Jorge is most remembered for his great love toward the poor and the sick.

"He spent most of his life helping them, administering the sacraments and bringing the love of Christ and Mary to them."

Father Jorge and the Mexican Army.

"He died in Mexico City.

"Hours before his funeral Mass at La Guadalupita, soldiers were present in uniform beside the casket.

"It was not permitted to wear a military uniform in church in Mexico, but they gave a mute salute to Father Jorge because he had visited so many sick soldiers.

"As far as I know, the Mexican army had never done this for any priest before, and Father Jorge was an American citizen.

"He died with the people he loved..."

November 22. Feast Day of Saint Cecilia.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Father Francis Theodore Pfeifer, O.M.I.

"These Are My Thoughts"

A snippet from the end of his personal memoir, When The Wolves Came: The Missionary Life of an Oblate Priest in Mexico, 1963 - 2007.

"Dear Lord,

"Who am I?

"My dear God, what am I?

"I am created your servant.

"My God , I am only doing what you have already given me.

"In your glory and kindness, you have granted this servant your magnificent goodness to serve and to love you....

"The greatest love ever shown to me was by a poor Indian lady advanced in years.

"She was close to eighty years of age.

"One night about 10 p.m., some men went to her shack intending to shoot and kill two men they thought were hiding in her shack.

"The woman opened her door in response to their pounding.

"They shot her several times and left her to die.

"I heard the shots.

"About twenty minutes later, two ladies came to call me.

"Señora Gloria had been shot and was bleeding all over.

"Could I please come?

"I went with them and a good man, Rafael.

"Her body was full of blood, but she was still alive.

"We carried her down to the little clinic.

"She was moaning and crying in pain.

"We tried to help her at the clinic with great effort as she kept calling, Padre, Padre, Padre..

"I said, I am here as I continued [to] administer the holy oil.

She said, Padre, Padre, I forgive them.

"A few minutes later, God called her to heaven.

"That was Jesus Christ calling out to God:

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing

A great little book! :)

Green Jays still around on this balmy Fall afternoon!

In Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Ask a Marian, with Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC...

"70 years of spreading Divine Mercy."

This brief snippet is adapted from Marian Helper. Winter 2010 - 2011.


"Q. Haven't the Marians been spreading The Divine Mercy message since 1941? How did they get started?"

"A. The stage was set when the Nazis started World War II by invading Poland in 1939, less than one year after St. Faustina's death.

"Then in the spring of 1940, Fr. Joseph Jarzebowski, MIC -- a Marian priest from Warsaw who had been blacklisted by the Nazi SS -- heard about the devotion to The Divine Mercy at a camp in Lithuania.

"That summer, he prayed to The Divine Mercy that he would be able to escape to America.

"Blessed Michael Sopocko, St. Faustina's spiritual director, heard of Fr. Joseph's plans, and on February 25, 1941, he gave him a Latin memorandum outlining the message and devotion to The Divine Mercy.

"Father Joseph promised to try to keep it safe and to publish it in America.

"He entrusted himself and his mission to the Merciful Savior, vowing to spread the message and devotion for the rest of his life if he safely reached the U.S."

Which he finally did in May 1941...

"Grateful for God's mercy, he began to share the message and to print materials.

"That same year, a small group of Marians in Washington, D.C., decided at a house meeting to undertake an apostolate of spreading the message and the devotion.

"The Marians began to print novena leaflets for the first time.

"Therefore, 2011 marks the 70th Anniversary Year of the Marians' spreading this message and devotion..."

Así nos opinó Monseñor Alonso Garza Treviño, obispo de Piedras Negras, Coahuila, República Mexicana.

Hace ya casi dos años:

"Apoya Iglesia pena de muerte"

"A secuestradores que quiten la vida a sus víctimas."

El Señor obispo:

"[H]ay dos principios muy claros que yo les invito a tener en cuenta,

"primero que la vida es el don más grande que tenemos las personas y que junto...

"... con ese vienen todos los demás;

"segundo, el secuestro es hoy por hoy uno de los crímenes más horrendos..."

Fragmentos tomado de este fuente original: comentario por el joven dichoso señor licenciado Homero Gómez Valdés. El Zócalo / Piedras Negras. Lunes 1 de Diciembre de 2008.

Página 13A.

"Monseñor Alfonso Garza Treviño, obispo de la Diócesis fronteriza, externó que la Iglesia católica se pronuncia a favor de la pena de muerte a los secuestradores, si es que los legisladores la ven como la única forma de erradicar este terrible crimen es de desear que no, pero si es necesario, ni modo, externó el prelado después de la tradicional misa dominical...

"Hizo hincapié en que los legisladores son conocedores de las situaciones: Ante el primer derecho de toda persona y uno de los peores crímenes de la sociedad tienen una grave responsabilidad porque ellos están obligados a que el estado luche por la vida del secuestrado..."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona vs. Father Vernon Meyer.

"Priest's excommunication announced.

"Participated in attempted ordination."

From The Catholic World Report, November 2010.

"Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona, has announced the excommunication of a local priest who participated in the attempted ordination of a woman.

"Father Vernon Meyer -- who had broken publicly with the Church before he joined in the ceremony -- is the fifth person to be excommunicated from the Phoenix diocese under Bishop Olmsted..."

Way to go, Your Excellency! :)...

This Thursday morning 5 or 6 Green Jays visited our backyard in Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Great news for
Saint Mary Magdalene's choirs!

Way down here in Brackettville, Texas 78832.


"New liturgical translations envision more music.

"Cardinal George comments on texts..."

This snippet's from: The Catholic World Report, November 2010.

"In his archdiocesan newspaper column, Cardinal Francis George of Chicago discussed the preparations that should be made before the introduction of the new Roman Missal.

"He argued that information about the new translation will have to be given in a systematic way, because much of the information found so far in various articles and new [or news?] stories has been incomplete and sometimes erroneous.

"In an interesting reflection on the new liturgical texts, the cardinal says: the translations have been made with singing them in mind, so there should be more music in the Eucharistic celebration."

Hey! Way to go, Your Excellency! :)

November 18. Feast Day of the Dedication of the Basilicas of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome.

November 18. Feast Day of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Evangelization is a critical part of the Christian life,

"one that has been neglected by American Catholics

"for some time..."

Mr. Victor R. Claveau, M.J.

"The Church exists to evangelize"

A snippet from his timely commentary in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review -- November 2010.

"According to the most recent statistical data (2010) released by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), during the past ten years the Catholic Church in the U.S. has declined by 5,846 priests, 761 brothers, and 22,270 sisters.

"During this same period, 1,278 parishes were closed, and currently 18.93 percent of parishes are without a a resident priest pastor.

"Additionally, the percentage of U.S. Catholics declined from 22 percent to 21 percent, which amounts to approximately eight hundred thousand souls.

"Alarmingly, only 22 percent of Catholics attend Mass one or more times per week.

"The only positive statistic in the report was the gain of 4,271 deacons...

"Thirty million Americans now identify themselves as former Catholics.

"These losses, however, have been partly offset by the number of people who have changed their affiliation to Catholicism (2.6 percent of the adult population), but more importantly by the disproportionally high number of Catholics among immigrants to the U.S.

"The result is that the overall percentage that identifies as Catholic has remained fairly stable."

But! As he now warns us:

"Evangelization, conversion and growth are Christ's commission; mere stability is an indictment against our leadership.

"There is but one answer to these numerous challenges.

"Only the Gospel message, broadly and enthusiastically proclaimed, has the power to change attitudes and to guide individuals from destructive paths toward holy lives and eventual righteousness before God..."

Way to go, Señor! :)

"VIETNAM: Faithful defy government orders.

"Prayer Groups in Home Continue..."

From: The Catholic World Report, November 2010.

"An estimated 4,000 Vietnamese Catholics in three northwestern provinces are defying local government bans on public religious activities and are gathering to pray in homes.

"[S]aid Joseph Nguyen Van Tien, a father of five who has been interrogated several times by police: I am very happy that 120 local Catholics now gather regularly at my home on Sundays to pray. We fear nothing because we gather to pray for ourselves to live better lives and for our relatives on their death anniversaries..."

Just like Catholic Christians did so many centuries ago -- don't believe it? Check it out in ACTS.

Saint Mary Magdalene's CCD & Youth Group personalities shine in many areas!

In Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Mr. Justin Hidalgo. Altar Server. Stars as Oliver @ the "Fort Clark Post Theater."

From The Brackett News. Thursday, November 11, 2010.

Ms. Abigail Gutierrez. CCD /Youth Group personality & BHS Girls' Volleyball Champion. "The Gold Star Award 4 - H member from Kinney County that was recognized was Abigail Gutierrez."

From The Brackett News. Thursday, October 28, 2010.

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers

Faithful members of Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish --

on next week's $$ enabling $$ detail! :)

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

From the bulletin labeled:

"The Weekend of Saturday November 13th & Sunday November 14th 2010.

"Serving in the Following Ministries

"The Collection Counters for November 21, 2010.

"Allen Kreiger, Jaime Ballew, Lydia Tipps.

"November 21, 2010 Rosary Leader

"Patti Hidalgo..."

November 17. Feast Day of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.

November 17, 2010. Forty - first Anniversary of discharge from the Marine Corps.

At MCAS El Toro California!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sr. Elvia Estrada's granddaughter Ms. Priscilla Aguirre named "Newcomer of the Year"

In Brackett High's Tigrettes volleyball team.

This sophomore is also active in the St. Mary Magdalene's Parish CCD / Confirmand Group.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

From The Kinney County Post. Tuesday, November 9, 2010

UTEP & Homicidal neighbor Ciudad Juarez:

The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Aaron Martinez has the story.

"Borderland research at risk"

¡Adelante, Aaron!

From the hard copy edition of Tuesday, November 9, 2010.

"As UTEP proclaims to be a vital and unique research university on the border, a new regulation passed by the University of Texas System is now requiring students and faculty to avoid traveling to Mexico for research purposes.

"The new policy has left students scrambling to find other ways to carry out their graduate thesis or dissertations.

"[S]aid Alma Hernandez, graduate sociology student. Since the violence started, UTEP has basically shut down all the research we have been able to do... It creates a sort of disconnect since I am not actually there to conduct my research...

"According to Benjamin Flores, interim dean of of the graduate school, the new regulation is not meant to prevent students from doing international research, but is to help protect students and faculty from areas deemed dangerous...

"Eva Moya's doctoral thesis project was in the earlier stages when the regulation from the UT System went into effect.

"Moya, now an assistant professor of social work, said she did [have] to alter the gathering methods for her research project, but was lucky enough to have reliable sources to help her complete her thesis...."

Gee, folks! What a spot to find yourself in... :(

Altar Servers conscientious in serving both a.m. Sunday Masses.

Including one college freshman!

At Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Sunday. November 14, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Xavier Herrera.

Sunday. November 15, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos + Mr. Justin Hidalgo + Mr. Moses Herrera.

Youth from Saint Mary Magdalene's / Saint Blaze / San Blas Catholic Parish in Brackettville and Spofford, Texas!

Were well - represented in Girls' and Boys' Varsity Track stars in Round Rock last Saturday.

This includes Ms. Icela Rueda & Ms. Bianca Cruz & Mr. Joelson Terrazas.

Both Ms. Icela Rueda & Ms. Bianca Cruz are active in Youth Group / CCD activities.

Basic information is from this original source:

The Kinney County Post. Tuesday, November 16, 2010.

Texas Friday Night Lights!

Mason High School Punchers corral the Brackett High School Tigers!

In a lopsided 48 - 13 win in Bandera, Texas.

In bi - district playoffs last Friday.

Punchers = cowboys working cattle on ranches.

November 16. Feast Day of Saint Margaret of Scotland.

November 16. Feast Day of Saint Gertrude.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Novena al Espíritu Santo en Preparación para Recibir al Nuevo Pastor de la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio, Texas"

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y Padre Pro, rueguen por nosotros!"

Padre Miguel Agustín Pro y el Arzobispo Gustavo Garcia - Siller.

"Para Rezarse entre Noviembre 14 y Noviembre 22.

"Espíritu Santo, te damos gracias por haber concebido al Padre Miguel Agustín Pro vivir y morir buscando tu mayor gloria y amor al prójimo.

"Te rogamos que prepares a nuestro nuevo pastor, el Arzobispo Gustavo Garcia - Siller y al Pueblo de Dios en la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio, para ser verdaderos discípulos y misioneros de Jesucristo.

"Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y Padre Pro, rueguen por nosotros.

Viva Cristo Rey!"

Fuente original:

Volantes ubicados en "Saint Mary Magdalene's Parish Bulletin for Saturday, November 13th & Sunday November 14, 2010. Brackettville, Texas 78832."