"Ask a Marian with Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC"
Snippet from Marian Helper. Winter 2011 - 2012
www.marian.org .
Or: email ask@marian.org.
"Q: Are the recent natural disasters we've had a sign of God's judgment for our sins?"
A. Father Joe first answers negatively from the Gospel of John Chapter 9 -- where Jesus heals "a man who was born blind.
"The disciples assume that the blindness is a punishment for sin.
"In this case, it seems that the man was born blind so Jesus could manifest God's glory through his eventual healing.
"This Scripture passage teaches us that not every physical condition, sickness, or natural disaster is a punishment from God for sin..."
"At the same time, there is another Gospel passage that teaches us to observe the signs of the times (see Luke 12:54 - 56).
"Later in the same Gospel, Jesus warns of frightening signs that are to come before the Son of Man returns in judgment."
He now quotes Jesus' warning:
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves (Luke 21:25)
"Our Lord then tells us to be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man (Luke 21:36).
"God alone knows the full reason why anything bad happens in the world.
"However, the sheer number of terrible storms and calamities that we have experienced recently has certainly gotten our attention.
"Jesus teaches us to not grow drowsy and to be caught off guard.
"Since God has gotten our attention, let's turn to our Lord who is so merciful and ask Him daily for the gift of conversion..."
Way to go, Father Joe! :)
November 30. Feast Day of Saint Andrew.
George Weigel & Yulia Tymoshenko + Viktor Yanukovich.
Original snippets were published locally in Today's Catholic. Friday, November 18, 2011.
"The emerging crisis in Ukraine"
"The Oct. 11 sentencing of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko to seven years in prison may or may not stand.
"Miss Tymoshenko has appealed the sentence and several western governments, including the Obama administration, have lodged stiff protests over Tymoshenko's prosecution with the government of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich.
"But irrespective of Miss Tymoshenko's legal fate, a marker has been laid down.
"That the Ukrainian government would conduct, publicly, a trial on trumped up and politically motivated charges, and that the court would return a guilty verdict with a heavy penalty -- including a $190 million fine on top of the prison sentence -- makes quite clear that the current authorities have little regard for justice or democratic norms of governance.
"And that is a problem far beyond Kyiv..."
And then, he tells us! After some in - depth discussion of the issues related to said problem, Mr. Weigel concludes:
"So there is a great deal riding on the future of Ukraine: religious freedom in the former Soviet space; Putin's success or failure in building a greater Russia that will threaten Europe, strategically and by its control of oil and gas supplies; Christian ecumenism between East and West ..."
'Way to go, Professor! :)
"Austria: Laypeople May Not Celebrate Mass"
Snippet from the Jesuits' official publication, America. Monday, November 28 & Monday, December 5, 2011.
"Austria's Catholic bishops have rejected a call by dissident church members for laypeople to begin celebrating Mass in parishes with no priests,
"The bishops said they had discussed heavy demands for change at their plenary meeting from Nov. 7 to Nov. 10.
"However, they said, the summons to disobedience has not only left many Catholics shaking their heads, but has also triggered alarm and sadness.
"The bishops were responding to a statement issued on Nov. 5 by the Austrian branch of the We Are Church movement, which said laypeople should start making up for clergy shortages by consecrating [??!!] and distributing Holy Communion, as well as preaching and presiding at Mass.
"The bishops said that some demands connected to this call for disobedience at the initiative of priests and laity are simply unsustainable and breach the central truth of our Catholic faith...."
Well, my - oh - my! :)
You see, friends, if these same bishops and their post - Vatican II predecessors had ever personally believed in the reality of Jesus Christ "as their personal Lord & Savior" in the first place -- most likely all of this would never have happened in the first place!
"Algerian prelate speaks of ministry in a Muslim state"
Posted Monday. November 28, 2011.
By catholicculture.org/news/headlines
"Algeria's leading prelate discusses at length the challenges of ministering in an overwhelmingly Muslim state where conversion is punished by fine or imprisonment.
"Only 4,000 of the nation's 34.8 million people are Catholic, according to Vatican statistics.
"[S]aid Archbishop Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader of Algiers The Church is alive, it is present and doing its best for the well - being of its faithful and the country..."
He then elaborates:
"Our first mission is to be there, to live our faith, and to be faithful to our religion and to respect the other faiths despite our differences.
"The Church believes -- and I believe -- that religious freedom is a human right ..."
Way to go, your excellency! :)
"Eight churches destroyed in Nigeria"
Posted Monday. November 28, 2011.
By catholicculture.org/news/headlines/
"Members of the Islamist sect Boko Haram have destroyed eight churches in an attack on the northeastern Nigerian town of Geidam.
"At least four policemen were killed in the attack..."
Mystical lance - wielding Shiner HS Comanches football team transfixed our Brackett HS Tigers 35 - 0.
But our guys fought to the bitter end!
Good show, great people, we're still proud of all of you! :)
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Thanksgiving Week Day Deacon's Communion Service and Mass well - served!
Tuesday. November 22, 2011. 5:30 p.m. Deacon's Communion Service. TEAM Ms. Brittany Castilla + Mr. Patrick Ortiz.
Thursday. November 24, 2011. Special 8:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Mass. TEAM Mr. Tony Flores w/ Mr. J.T. Rosas & Mr. Roman Rosas.
Way to go, great people! :)
Thanksgiving 2011: Southwest Texas, U.S.A. 78832!
Last Sunday's Saint Mary Magdalene's First Annual Feast of Giving provided 600 Thanksgiving meals to 600 residents of Kinney County, Texas 78832.
23 Turkeys.
100 "Donated" Pumpkin Pies.
600 Trimmings' Portions: potatoes, dressing, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc.
Brackettville's Senior Citizen Center, Law Enforcement & EMS Personnel, Detention Facility Staff, Fork Clark Security Personnel, Super S. & Pico's #15 employees + who knows? -- maybe even $Dollar General, too! Plus U.S. Border Patrol?!
Home-bound, too, I think!
20% of the entire Kinney County population, in short!
Info roughly - from the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, November 24, 2011.
Southwest Texas, U.S.A. Zip 78832.
Congratulations to B.H.S. Class of 2012 Graduating Seniors Ms. Nevada Coe & Mr. Grant Westbrook.
Both fine Brackettville, Texas H.S. Seniors are professional - career bound!
Way to go, Nevada & Grant!
The best of luck, too! :)
From the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, November 17, 2011.
Homosexual Activists vs. "U.S. First Amendment ..."
Canadians most likely have no such constitutional safeguard, huh??!!
"Teachers and Sportscasters to be Silenced"
Snippet from the American TFP's Crusade magazine. November / December 2011.
"Veteran teacher Gerald Buell was removed from his Florida high school after using his personal Facebook account to post his opinion of the New York legislative approval of same - sex marriage.
"He posted that after the decision he almost threw up.
"Similarly, a Catholic Canadian television sportscaster, Damian Goddard, was fired for tweeting: I completely and wholeheartedly support Todd Reynolds and his support for the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage.
"Self - employed hockey agent Todd Reynolds was harrassed by leftists after he tweeted that it was sad and wroing that New York Hockey Ranger Sean Avery produced a TV ad[vertisement] endorsing same - sex marriage..."
Good points, good people! :)
Camarada Rodrigo Londoño "Timochenko"
New Communist Thug & Drug Chief for Colombia!
"Nombran nuevo jefe de las FARC"
AP - Zócalo / Bogotá, Colombia. Miércoles, 16 de noviembre 2011.
"Nació el 22 de enero de 1959 en Calarcá, poblado del departamento de Quindío, en el oeste colombiana.
"Fue un hombre muy cercano a Cano y a Marulanda, y tiene fama de hombre duro.
"EU ofrece una recompensa de 5 mdd por datos que lleven a su captura, en tanto que Colombia ofrece 5 mil mdp (unos 2.6 mdd)."
¡Vamos a ver! :)
"Boston: cardinal stands by editor who printed column on homosexuality"
Snippet from original posted online Monday, November 21, 2011.
At: catholicculture.org.news/
"Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston has issued a statement of support for Antonio Enrique, the father of 11 who edits his archdiocesan newspaper.
"Some priests have joined gay activists in calling for the removal of Enrique after he published a column linking the origins of homosexuality to Satan.
"[T]he cardinal said in a statement, He has done an extraordinary job of running the newspaper. I am grateful for his leadership, advice, and friendship..."
Way to go, your excellency! :)
Don't Forget!
Friday, November 25, 2011 is:
$$$ Wal Mart Day U.S.A $$$ !!
Texas Hill Country, U.S.A.!
"6 men indicted in lamb rustling
"Hill Country rancher devastated by theft of about 6,000 animals"
Snippet from Zeke MacCormack's article in the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Saturday, November 19, 2011.
"FREDERICKSBURG -- six men have been indicted in what's being called the Hill Country's largest rustling case in memory: the alleged pilfering of roughly 6,000 lambs worth upwards of $800,000.
"The animals were reported stolen by the Immel Feed Yard, a sprawling network of pens in the rolling rural countryside north of town, where one suspect had worked for years.
"[O]wner Alton Immel said of the thefts, the worst since the business opened in 1969, made worse by the possible betrayal of a worker, It's devastating.
"The thefts began on a small scale, with a few animals secreted away in the backs of pickups, said Max Hartmann, special agent for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association..
"No lambs stolen from Immel Feed Yard have been recovered.
"Investigators say it's the Hill Country's largest rustling case anyone can remember..."
November 27. First Sunday of Advent 2011.
Opening Salvos of the Great 21st Century Benedictine Liturgical Reform! :)
November 25. Feast Day of Saint Catherine of Alexandria.
November 24. Feast Day of Saint Andrew Dung - Lac and his Companions.Thanksgiving Day -- U.S.A. !
November 23. Feast Day of Pope Saint Clement I.
November 23. Feast Day of Saint Columban.
November 23. Feast Day of Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro.
Southwest Texas, U.S.A. 78832Livestock breaks loose in a still - developing part of the Third World!
Kinney County Sheriff's Report
"Wednesday, November 9.
"A 911 caller reported 30 - 40 goats running loose on Highway 334, around mile marker 382.
"Saturday, November 12.
"A man reported three head of cattle were loose on RR 131..."
Way to go, good people! :)
Tip of the hat to the Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, November 17, 2011.
November 22. Feast Day of Saint Cecelia.
November 21. Feast Day of the Presentation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary.
♪Es por eso, que me fusilan,
♫Este martes, por la mañana♪
♪Por creer en Dios eterno,
♫Y la Gran Guadalupana♪
November 20. Feast Day of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the King.¡Viva Cristo Rey!
¡Viva México!
¡Viva los Cristeros!
Dedicated Altar - server Teams great asset -- whether assisting at Evening Deacon's Communion Services or at Regular Weekday Masses.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011. 5:30 p.m. Deacon's Communion Service. Team: Ms. Brianna Flores + Mr. Tony Flores.
Thursday, November 17, 2011. 7:00 a.m. Mass. Team: Ms. Danielle Gerardo.
Southwest Texas 78832
U. S. Congressman "Quico" Canseco, GOP, is on his way to Brackettville:
Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, November 22, 2011.
6:00 p.m. @ the Senior Citizen Center.
"B There, or B Square!" :)
"Man who cut his arm off speaks!"
To Ms. Melissa Ludwig of the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011.
A snippet her Aron Ralston interview:
"Most people think they could never do what you did. Is there something that made you uniquely capable of cutting of your own arm, or do you think anyone, faced with death, would do the same?"
"We can never know ourselves in someone else's life.
"I was a mechanical engineering major, so I built pulley systems out of my rope and Carabiners to try and lift the boulder.
"If I were an English major; I may have written a beautiful poem and died under the rock.
"If I had taken more biology, maybe it would not have taken me five days to figure out that I needed to amputate my arm.
"There is the analogy of the boulder in anyone's life.
"This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
"It showed me what I am capable of, what is extraordinary in me ..."
Good points all, Professor! :)
"Pope asks prayers for trip to Africa"
Original CNS snippet posted by catholicculture.org/news/ Monday, November 14, 2011.
"As he concluded a public audience on Sunday, November 13, Pope Benedict XVI asked for prayers for the success of his visit to Africa this coming weekend.
"The Holy Father will leave Rome on Friday, November 19, for Benin, where he will release the apostolic exhortation concluding the work of the 2nd. African Synod.
"He said that he hoped the trip will reaffirm the faith and hope of Christians in Africa ...
"The Pope asked especially for prayers for those many people in Africa experiencing insecurity and violence ..."
November 17, 1969: El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, California.
Last active - duty formation before leaving the Corps!
And going home as a real - deal P - F - C, ha, ha, HA! :)
No more than than two (2) weeks earlier at 7th CACO HQ outside Hoi An our CO made one last good - faith attempt to persuade your truly to make one of two choices:
1) Accept a $5,000 cash tax - free gratuity plus a two (2) - year assignment to the US Marine Barracks in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2) Same as above -- but in Old French North Africa -- at the US Marine Barracks in Casa Blanca, Morocco.
But! Campo Rancho del Gato trumped them both! :)
November 18. Feast Day of the Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Peter & Saint Paul in Rome.
November 18. Feast Day of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne.
November 17. Feast Day of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
"Nun escapes prison term for embezzling $850,000 from Catholic college"
Original snippet posted Monday, November 14, 2011 @ catholicculture.org/news
"A New York judge has decided against a prison sentence for a nun who pleaded guilty to stealing $850,000 from a Catholic school where she was a financial official.
"Sister Marie Thornton admitted embezzling the funds from Iona College, explaining that she used the money to sustain a gambling habit.
"But Iona did not demand financial restitution, and Judge Kimba Wood accepted a defense recommendation that Sister Thornton be spared a possible 3 - year prison term.
"She will perform community service instead.
"The nun's religious community has taken a stricter approach.
"The New York Post reports that Sister Thornton is living in virtual solitary confinement in a Philadelphia convent..."
Wow! That ought to work, work, huh??!! :)
November 16. Feast Day of Saint Margaret of Scotland.
November 16. Feast Day of Saint Gertrude.
Fine, fine soundbite on Assisi 2011!
Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace:
"The real prayer will be here at St. Peter's on the vigil [Oct. 26], when the Holy Father is with the Catholic faithful..."
Good for you, Cardinal Turkson, that's the way to go! :)
Source: The Jesuits' magazine, America. Monday, November 7, 2011.
November 15. Feast Day of Saint Albert the Great.
November 12. Feast Day of Saint Josaphat.
Could it possibly be that Mexico is right now approaching what the Marxists used to call a pre - revolutionary state?
The past several weeks have seen local Mexican radio spots out of Ciudad Piedras Negras -- possibly Catholic Church - sponsored! -- speaking of the criteria needed before "a just war" could be fought.
This made no sense to yours truly personally as the U.S. seems to be winding things down.
Then, last night, the penique dropped!
Perhaps as a last ditch effort to stave off a total collapse into the unrelieved horror of massive anarchy and even worse chaos -- the Mexican government is apparently soliciting the active support of at least some Mexican bishops for a sort of joint Church - State Guerra Santa or Holy War -- against the Drug Cartels, no less!
More on last night:
A bewildered group of Mexican Radio News reporters from XEMU -- La Rancherita del Aire -- were cautiously debating the recent legal crackdown on anyone participating in any number of ways that could be even remotely construed as giving aid and comfort to the enemy...!
As one person commented So maybe we'll no longer be able to play corridos from Los Tigres del Norte ..."
Aún la vida diaria estudiantil mexicana está en peligro:
De México bronco de 1911 a México bronco de 2011!
"Ejecutan en Saltillo a 2 jefes policiacos...
"Los acribillan en pleno día ...
"Causan balaceras pánico en escuelas y universidades ...
"El ejército mexicano peinó la zona en busca de los agresores...
"EU vendió 64 mil armas a cárteles del narcotráfico ...."
Fuente original: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Miércoles 2 de noviembre de 2011.
From Tun's Tavern 1775?
To November 10, 2011?
= a lot of birthdays, huh??
Happy Marine Corps Birthday: to all past, current and future Marines in the FMF.
Whether Air, Land or Sea...
Semper Fi!
♪So here's health to you and to our Corps,
♫Which we so proudly serve!♪
♫In many a fight, we've fought for right,
♪And never lost our nerve!♫
♫If the Army and the Navy,
♪Ever look on heaven's scenes,
♫They will find that the streets are guarded,
♪By the United States Marines! ♫
November 10. Feast Day of Pope Saint Leo the Great.
"Grandmother's holiday help...
"Agency's program enabled her to get gifts for grandsons she's raising ..."
Snippet from the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS. Saturday, November 5, 2011. By Vincent T. Davis.
Photo caption:
"Velma Cantu watches as grandson Isidro Zarate, 14, makes tortillas recently at their home.
"Cantu has taken in six grandchildren when their parents couldn't care for them...
Main story:
"Velma Cantu's 21 grandchildren smile on her every day from framed photos that blanket the walls of her West Side home.
"Six of her grandsons have grown before her eyes as she cared for them as if they were her own boys.
"Now, they are a priority.
"As an old - school disciple, Cantu heaps helpings of love and tough talk upon her brood, which she encourages to focus on school and strive for their goals.
"During last year's holiday season, the Bexar Area Agency on Aging provided help to a group of seniors including Cantu, who lives on a fixed income, through the Adopt a Senior for the Holidays program.
"The donation enabled Cantu to give her grandsons, ages 9 to 17, gifts for Christmas .
"Cantu said, It was a big load off of my shoulders...."
Should YOU want to help good people like Velma Cantu this Holiday Season, why not contact the Bexar Area Agency on Aging?
(210) 362 - 5269.
San Antonio, Texas: U.S. Capitol of ♪Your 50,000 Cheat'en Hearts♫ ??!!
A snippet from Father Samuel Heitkamp, of Today's Catholic. Friday, November 4, 2011..
"Still Ten Commandments?"
"Over the news releases the last six or so weeks I was beginning to wonder if perhaps we had dropped one or more of God's Ten Commandments.
"It all started with the news that there was a new internet dating service of married individuals seeking to cheat on their marriage.
"That same news release pointed out that San Antonio was the nation's location for the most subscribers to this dating service to cheat on their marriage.
"The news was that there were well over 50,000 San Antonio subscribers.
"This number would fill the AT & T Center two - and - a- half times.
"In a way it is humorous that the gay and lesbian community wants to get married, even though the definition of marriage needs to be changed to do so.
"Yet in the heterosexual community many, even senior citizens are choosing to live together out of marriage.
"Seniors have chosen cohabitation over marriage so as not to lose their deceased spouse's Social Security and / or pension.
"In reality we need to put God in the center of our lives, where presently we have placed ourselves..."
Way to go, Padre! :)
Southwest Texas, U.S.A. 78832.
Congratulations to the Brackettville H.S. Tigers:
They're now District 1A Champions!
November 9. Feast Day of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome.
November 8, 2011: Election Day USA -- even in remote rural Southwest Texas 78832.
Nice, balmy, sunny and totally mellow "get out the vote day."
Yours truly has just voted for ALL 10 Texas Constitutional Amendment Proposals -- ha, ha, HA! :)
A couple of interesting woman's blogs!
"Leslie D.S. Book is a parishioner of St. James Church in Seguin, where she serves on the Pastoral Council.."
Her blog: writingcatholic.blogspot.com ...
"Denise Bossert is a columnist for a number of diocesan newspapers. She can be reached at ...
Her blog: catholicbygrace.blogspot.com ... "
November 12. Feast Day of Saint Josaphat.
November 11. Veterans' Day.
November 11. Feast Day of Saint Martin of Tours.
November 10. U.S. Marine Corps Birthday.
November 10. Feast Day of Pope Saint Leo the Great.
November 9. Feast Day of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome.
Un saludo cordial a "Los Bronco..."
♪Si tú quieres casarte conmigo...
♫Y si tu entonces esposito ya es nada más que un enemigo ... ♪
Ramón Estevez -- father of Emilio Estevez --
talks to author Matthew A. Rarey
of Catholic World Report about his early Hollywood career and making The Way.
Snippet from Rarey's article, Following The Way, Actor Martin Sheen discusses faith and film. In the November 2011 edition of the Catholic World Report, November 2011.
"[I]s it true you asked Archbishop Fulton Sheen permission to take his name for your stage name?""
"No, I did it before I met him in '65.
"I had changed my name in '59.
"But I really didn't change it, Matt.
"It's still Ramón Estevez.
"But back in '59 I was having enough trouble getting work as an actor without having to contend with the prejudice against the Hispanic community.
"I took Sheen because I thought of the bishop as an actor, if you will.
"Besides being the first televangelist, he was a magnificent public speaker.
"He had a very dynamic personality, and I was inspired by him..."
'Way to, go Don Ramón! :)
Southwest Texas, U.S.A.
Recently trained Altar Servers are quick to make a difference at weekday Masses.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.
Brackettville Zip 78832.
Tuesday, November 1. 5:30 p.m. All Saints Day Mass. Veteran TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz.
Friday, November 4. 7:00 a.m. Mass. New TEAM: Ms. Brianna Flores & Mr. Alex DeHoyos.
Great job, great young people! Keep it up! :)
A salute to the Sons of the Pioneers ...
♪Empty saddles in the old corral,
♫Where do you ride tonight?
♪Are there rustlers on the border,
♫Or a band of Navajo?
♪Are you headed for the Alamo?♫
A salute to Patsy Montana...
♪My vaquero has a gun,
♫And a gun he can use,
♪But only when he's drinking rotgut tequila,
♫Or any other such booze.♪ :)
♫Otherwise he laughs and he talks,
♪As we dance to and fro,
♫He wants me to meet his family,
♪Way down in Old Mexico!♫ :)
November 4. Feast Day of Bishop Saint Charles Borromeo.