Monday, December 31, 2012

Southwest Texas U.S.A.

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville 78832.

Great ministerial team at 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass December 29, 2012.

With Father Anthony Moreno, Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon, Mr. Moses Hernandez, Jr. Altar Server.

Little Nathanial James received the Holy Waters of Baptism from his very own  paternal grandfather, Deacon Jimmy, while at least one paternal great aunt stood nearby!

Fr. Moreno clothed the baby with the same Baptismal Bid and Tucker that his mother's Great Grandmother had put on when she, too, was baptized nearly a century ago! 

Way to go everyone!:)

"¡Aquí todos somos familia! -- Here we're all one family!" :)

"My father was raised by wolves.

"When you shook his family tree, nuts and drunks rained down ..."

Robert Grassley in Saved: A Wretch Like Me. In Catholic Answers Magazine.  

January - February 2013 issue.

"My dad's mother was a drug addict.

"His father was trapped by mental health issues.

"My father was lucky to survive his upbringing.

"I believe he loved Christ in his own way, but was never taught how to move beyond his own suffering. 

"I suppose it's heartbreaking when you realize Jesus isn't Santa Claus and he doesn't always give us what we want.

"It's unfortunate that my dad died without healing that relationship.

"I hope and pray he snuck into Purgatory.

"But he died with a belly full of booze, and, I imagine, a heart full of unforgiveness and a ton of un - confessed sin ...." 

Hope always compels us to trust in the Mercy of Jesus no matter how terrible things may look in any one's life! :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Meet whimsical Pro - Choice icons Alberto Giubilini and Francisca Minerva -- 

the second with a wickedly cheerful in - your - face grin -- equal to that of a certain BHS Senior Varsity Tigrette!

"In the 2011 article After birth abortion: why should the baby live? which was published in the prestigious Journal of Medical Ethics Giubilini and Minerva argue that if abortion is legal, then why not legalize infanticide?"

This is a snippet of what they wrote:

"The moral status of an infant is the equivalent  to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual..."

To this Catholic Answers magazine author Trent Horn responds in the January - February 2013 issue:

"Since infants do not value their lives like older humans do, they are not persons and have no rights.  

"As horrific as this argument is, it's only the extension of pro - abortion thought regarding the unborn child..."

So, why not?

The NAZIs reportedly threw newborn inmate babies into the crematorium at Ravensbruck (sp?) during WW II (Inside The Vatican magazine, December 2012) so why shouldn't Americans 70 years later?! :)

Mexico's latest accounting for the 129 escapees in last September's Piedras Negras jail break:

42 Retaken -- nominally at least! -- still breathing.

12 more simply shot dead.

65 still running loose.

 From last night's broadcast of Mexican News Radio La información sin fronteras.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Nine states have formed a group of religious - freedom caucuses to develop state policies to protect religious liberties..."

From the Franciscan Catholic magazine, St. Anthony Messenger, December 2012 edition.    

 "Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, and Tennessee will work together to share information and best practices in fighting against infringements on religious freedom.

"The program hopes to have similar caucuses in all 50 state legislatures  by the end of 2013..."

Oh, These Sovereign States! :)

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Today, BHS Class of 2010 Graduate Mr. Daniel Molinar is officially scheduled to begin his law enforcement career as a Kinney County, Texas Sheriff's Deputy...

Way to go, Daniel!

Your triplet sisters Elidia and Elena are surely proud of you too! :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Terrific Southwest Texas Christmas, U.S.A.

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville 78832.

First: Ms. Bianca Cruz becomes godmother to little Christian Michael during 5:30 p.m. Mass Saturday, December 22, 2012.

Father Tony Moreno officiated. 

Altar Server TEAM Mr. Dante Luna.

This makes Ms. Bianca Cruz the second B.H.S. Class of 2011 Varsity Cheerleader to be so honored-- following in the foot steps of Ms. Erica Christine Villanueva.

Second: Christmas Eve Mass starting at 5:30 p.m. to 7:10 p.m.

One hour and forty minutes  of Liturgy, Holy Water, Incense, Pageantry, Singing, Exhorting, Chanting, Slam - Jammed together Worship and Fellowship.

Father Moreno thought maybe 300 were there, yours truly thinks way, way over 400! :) 

Mr. Adam Charlie Resendez shined -- literally! -- as the Archangel Gabriel, as did so many more CCD children and young people!

Altar Server TEAM Mr. Justin Hidalgo, Mr. Moses Hernandez, Jr., Mr. J.T. Rosas, Mr. Roman Roses, Ms. Jackie Pacheco, Ms. Danielle Gerardo, Ms. Brittany Castilla, Mr. Dante Luna

TEAM MOMSPatti, Chica, Alex, Maria, Martha, Frances, etc ...!

Terrific job, Servers and Moms! :)

Third: Christmas  Day 10:00 a.m. Mass w/ Fr. Moreno and Altar Server TEAM Ms.  Brianna Flores and Mr. Alex DeHoyos.

Plus, full - throat-ed singing and chanting by an all - male choir headed by a guitar - playing Mr. César Cantu and our Bongo - drumming friend Mr. Paul Fernandez.

Thanks to each and every   one  of you great people! :)

Early Christmas morning shoot out in Morelos, Coahuila -- leaves 3 Cartel gunmen dead at the hands of the Mexican Marines....

Last night's Información sin fronteras radio broadcast said the hoods were riding a dark - colored Dodge Ram pick - up truck with Texas plates.

Moreover, that the losers preipitated the gun battle...

 Way to go, Marines! :)

Friday, December 21, 2012

According to the December 2012 issue of Inside The Vatican magazine:

Pope Benedict's ex - butler is to be pardoned "by Christmas..."


He'll have to find a new job outside Vatican City!

Cool side to all this: At last college professors of Detective Fiction now have a real - deal crime story as an example of where "the butler really did do it!" :)


New York City Cardinal Dolan has formally taken possession of his Roman "Titular Church" of  Our Lady of Guadalupe.

He quickly won the goodwill of the parishioners by his whimsical pitter - patter in Italian!

It seems Our Lady of Guadalupe in Rome was founded by an order of Mexican religious sisters.  

And now, for a four - day weekend.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI personally  inaugurated his Twitter -- @Pontifex -- on Wednesday, December 12, 2012.

Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

Nowadays, a two - man team has charge of his Twitter....


Nobody puts any words in the Pope's mouth: he personally dictates all content! 

Way to go, Your Holiness... :)

Basic info from The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. Thursday, December 13, 2012.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Members of the Brackettville, Texas family of the Goodloes 

 -- including their sister Mrs. Augusta Pines! -- 

are rightly proud of their Seminole Scout ancestor Joseph Phillips.

He in turn, was proud of his service with Lieutenant Bullis

"The scouts thought a lot of Bullis.

"Lieutenant Bullis was the only officer ever did stay the longest with us.

"That fella suffered just like we - all did out in the woods.

"He was a good man.

"He was an Injun fighter.

"He was tuff.

"He didn't care how big a bunch dey wuz, he went into 'em, every time, but he look after his men.

"He didn't stand back and say Go yonder; he would say, Come on boys, let's go get 'em ..."

From pages 259 - 260 of Roy L. Swift's Three Roads To Chihuahua  ....

Special thanks to Mrs. Augusta Pines for her kindness in alerting us to this family connection a few months back! :) 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

January 1. The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord -- Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

New Years Day.

January 2. Saint Basil the Great and Saint Gregory Nazianzen.

 January 3. Christmas Weekday -- The Most Holy Name of Jesus.

January 4. Feast Day of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.

January 5. Feast Day of Saint John Neumann.

January 6. The Epiphany of the Lord.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Full ministerial team shines at 5:30pm Saturday Mass.

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Saturday. December 15, 2012. 5:30pm Mass. Father Antonio Moreno and Deacon James Bader ably assisted by TEAM Ms. Brianna Flores and Mr. Alex DeHoyos.

Way to go everyone! :)

With the death of Mexican Cartel gunman José Enrique de la Rosa Cruz at the hands of the Army a week ago this past Saturday ...

the total is now 12 Dead plus 36 Recaptured out of  the 128 who escaped last September from the Piedras Negras Jail.

Sorce: Broadcast of Friday, December 14, 2012. Mexican News Radio -- La información sin fronteras.

December 21. Feast Day of Saint Peter Canisius.

December 23. Fourth Sunday of Advent.

December 24. Christmas Eve.

December 25. The Nativity of Our Lord.

December 26. Feast Day of Saint Stephen.

December 27. Feast Day of Saint John.

December 28. Feast Day of the Holy Innocents

December 29. Fifth Day, Octave of Christmas.

December 29. Feast Day of Saint Thomas Becket.

December 30. Feast Day of The Holy Family.

December 31. Seventh Day, Octave of Christmas, New Years Eve.

December 31. Feast Day of Pope Saint Sylvester I. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What the vast majority of American Catholic bishops can't say publicly, this Federal Judge can and does! :) *

"Catholicism teaches that it is a sin to use, provide, or otherwise support  contraception..."

This is how U.S. District Judge Robert H. Cleland opines on "What Catholics believe" re: Obamacare!

These judge's own words came while he was granting a preliminary injunction last October "temporarily stopping  the Obama administration from forcing a family - owned outdoor - power - equipment company to comply with an Obamacare regulation that requires virtually all health - care plans to provide women with co - pay - free coverage for sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortion-- inducing drugs ..."

Way to go, Judge! :)

Snippet from Terence P. Jeffrey's provocative article Will Obama Allow Americans To Practice Catholicism?  No! in The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. Thursday, December 6, 2012.

*Perhaps just because they might be putting at risk a cozy 2 billion $$$ a year in Federal Subsidies to their so - called (ha, ha!) "Catholic Charities!" :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Era una hermosa mañana, 
  Cuando la Guadalupana,
  Bajó a Tepeyac...♫

Las Mañanitas started this freezing dark Southwest Texas  morning at 6:00 a.m.  sharp with at least 50 people.

Inside Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church
Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Mr. César Cantu led the singing with his guitar, and Señora Estela Valdez led the Rosary followed by the special homenaje prayer by Señora Celestina Hernandez.

Afterwards maybe 20 or so of us enjoyed fellowship while drinking piping hot  champurada -- made with cornmeal  + cinnamon and lots of sugar -- and munching on pastilitos -- sweet rolls.

So, this special day got off to a great start! :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kinney County in Southwest Texas U.S.A.

Holiday Seasons in full swing!

November even had our Brackett High School celebrating the first Annual Renaissance Festival!

And last Sunday the Knights  of Columbus had a fabulous Spaghetti $$$Fund Raiser$$$.

Then, too!

Last night, the Kinney County Library had a special Christmas Party for all staff and Friends of the Library and other Volunteers

In 42 years of such Christmas parties yours truly is happy to say that -- for me personally! -- it was Número Uno!

Fine food fellowship and warm, thoughtful, recognition of all good folks by the dynamic duo  of Head Librarian Mrs. Sarah Terrazas and Assistant librarian Mrs. Sara Rivas.

Tomorrow, Wednesday December 12, festivities in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe!

They will start at 6:00 am with las mañanitas.

Then, there will be Adoration beginning at 1:00pm to 5:00pm -- followed by a special Mass at 5:30pm -- then a fine CCD party with a dinner at 6:30 pm featuring a really fine Piñata Guadalupana.

Way to go, every one! :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Two great turnouts of Altar Server Teams...

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Friday. December 7, 2011. 5:30pm Vigil Mass of the Immaculate Conception

TEAM Mr. Justin Hidalgo, Mr. John Thomas Rosas, Mr. Roman Rosas, Mr. Moses Hernandez, Jr.

Way to go, fellas, great job! :)

TEAM MOMS -- Patti, Alex, Chica.

Way to go, ladies: because only  you can guarantee these great things can happen! 

Saturday. December 8, 2012. 5:30pm Mass. 

TEAM Ms. Brittany Castilla and Ms. Jackie Pacheco.

Way to go, ladies, great job! :)

TEAM MOMS  Frances and Maria.

Ladies: keep up the great work! :)

December 11. Feast Day of Pope  Saint Damasus I.

December 12. Feast Day of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

"Tiene la tez morena, pero es hermosa ..."
"¡O, hijas de Jerúsalen!" :)

Prophecy of Saint Bernard of Clairvoux,  circa 1135 AD, 400 years before Tepeyac.  Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spanish version.

December 14. Feast Day of Saint John of the Cross.

December 16. Third Sunday of Advent.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012.

For Brackettville Catholics a Holy Day of Obligation.

Mass at 5:30 p.m.

¡El mitote navideño fabuloso de 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Southwest Texas USA 

Brackettville 78832

"T'was the Night of the Frontier Christmas!"

From the Kinney County Post. Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Rio Grande Electric Coop's Ms. Sonya Cruz captured the moment in her front  page letter to the editor as did Ms. Pam Hale's colorful photos! :)

Even from 2 blocks away we could already hear the cheerful noise of music, laughter, singing and sirens  going -- all in one melodious blend of alcohol - free exuberant serendipity!

Our younger neighbors were full of enthusiasm over what they experienced at the event.

Brackettville's Five Points intersection did the honors as "ground zero."  

Then, late Sunday afternoon, the old green mule - drawn farm wagon that had been left parked in front of the Bank and Trust was quietly hooked - up in person  by Kinney County Judge Tim Ward and hauled off -- still emblazoned with the fabric - logo of "The Kinney County Historical Commission."
We were almost sorry to be standing there -- seeing it  go! 

Yeah! You folks know the feeling, right?

"The party was officially over!" :(

But, Yeah II!

It still goes to show that no matter what insanities are afflicting the rest of the so - called civilized world today -- here in Brackettville, Texas 78832 -- Todos somos familia -- We're all family! 

And that's what counts! :)

More awesomely - inspiring Christmas Trivia!

19 million annually - consumed Chocolate Santa Clauses are outweighed by 1.26 billion annually - consumed Candy Canes!

Source: Same issue of the OSV as last entry!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Hey, UTEP!

¡Hey, Familia!

Finals are HERE!

Good luck, everyone!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Fascinating Holiday Trivia!

From Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly. Sunday, December 2, 2012


122 million pounds of Eggnog are consumed this time of year.

"...equal to 1/2 cup  per person per year..." :)

Monday, December 03, 2012

"Aborting children is not a political issue..."

Judie Brown, President, American Life League. In Celebrate Life magazine, September - October 2012.

Some snippets:

"The answer is clear: Jesus is missing, and it is to Him, first and foremost, that we owe our fidelity and our trust.

"Aborting children is not a political issue.

"It is a grave moral disorder that has poisoned the national psyche, to the point that few admit that aborting a child is a heinous crime and that our nation is awash in the blood of its own innocents.

"Only Christ can cure this.

"Listen to Him.

"Be not distressed at the impoverished political choices we have been given -- and take heart.

"The victory  is in Him.

"It has been all along.

"Sincerely yours in the Lord Who IS Life, "

Amen to that, Sister Judie Brown! :)