Communnist Techniques still rock??
Like in ACTS Mens Retreats and Charismatic Renewal ??
Check out their respective Team - training manuals !!!
Source: J. Massyngberde Ford's classic Which Way For Catholic Pentecostals? New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
Pages 34 - 35.
"The Life in the Spirit Seminars Team Manual appears to be influenced by Douglas Hyde's Dedication and Leadership: Learning from the Communists, a popular book sold by the Charismatic Renewal Services and listed in a bibliography composed by Paul DeCelles for studying community.
"Hyde, a member of the Communist Party for twenty years, resigned as the news editor of the London Daily Worker in 1948.
"Shortly after, he renounced communism and, with his wife and children, joined the Catholic church.
"In his book [Douglas Arnold] Hyde describes the techniques of Communist training; at the beginning of the book he states that he will discuss those Communist leadership training methods which are capable of imitation or adaptation by Christians (9).
"It is a serious question, however, whether Communist methods can or should be imitated by Christians."
"I do not think that Communist methods can be completely separated from Communists goals and applied to Christian goals.
"[Catholic] Pentecostals who attempt this this are likely to find that the Communist methods will eat up the Christian goals.
"The group dynamics and manipulation of the individual that are a part of the Communist technique might well hinder the deep yet quiet working of the Spirit.
"A [Catholic] Pentecostal group might be able to change the outer behavior of an initiate by behavior - changing techniques, but that is something different from the transforming work of the Spirit.
"It is folly to think that we can enhance the Spirit by adapting Communist leadership training methods.
"What has Pentecost to do with November 1917 [date of the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia]?"
Some good points !! Huh ??