Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ms. Laura Kirsten "Swinson awarded Scholarship"

From The Brackett News. Thursday, September 24, 2009.

Local Brackettville faith community member Ms. "Laura Kirsten Swinson, a graduate of Brackett High School, has been awarded a scholarship by the Texas Interscholastic League Foundation.

"Ms. Swinson received the Harold Lawrence Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,500, payable for the first year of higher education.

"Ms. Swinson plans to attend [the] University of Texas at Austin and major in Business [Administration?!]."

Saint Mary Magdalene & San Blas Youth Score in Brackett Cross Country.

From: The Brackett News. Thursday, September 24, 2009.

"Brackett Cross Country ran in the UTSA XC Meet on Saturday, September 19.

"The Varsity girls team placed 2nd.

"Individually, Ms. Icela Rueda placed 34th with a time of 14:54 .

"The Varsity boys team placed 6th.

"Individually, Mr. Joelson Terrazas placed 11th with a time of 19:06 and Mr. Victor Cantu placed 59th with a time of 23:11.."

Way to go, guys!

September 30. Feast Day of Saint Jerome.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

UTEP "Alumni honored during homecoming week"

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, UTEP!

Ms. Beatriz A. Castañeda has today's headlines.

¡Adelante, Beatriz!

Somewhat loosely adapted from The UTEP Prospector, Posted 9/29/09.

"The fall semester has truly begun when college students enjoy tailgates, football games and homecoming.

"Along with the many celebrations happening during homecoming week, UTEP alumni will also be proudly celebrated and honored as Distinguished Alumni."

Among those to be so honored will be:

"Victor Mendez, head administrator of the Federal Highway Administration.

"Mendez began his career as a civil engineering student and earned his bachelor's degree in 1980 .

"Selected by President Barack Obama, he is now the nation's top federal highway official.

"Mendez's job includes supervising highway and road maintenance, highway construction as well as freight operations.

"Mendez said, It has been an interesting journey and it has given me a lot of opportunities. UTEP helped me open those opportunities to become part of what I am now..."

Way to go, Señor Ingeniero! :)

Yet Another Three Masses w / Altar Servers Weekend...

Saturday, September 26, 2009. 5:30 p.m. Mass. TEAM Los Dos Cuatitos, ambos también muy desempeñosos.

Sunday, September 27, 2009. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Danielle G. + Mr. Justin Gallegos.

Sunday, September 27, 2009. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Tony Flores + The Dynamite Brothers.

September 29. Feast Day of the Three Archangels:

Saint Michael. Saint Raphael. Saint Gabriel.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Brackettville's Catholic Parish Switching to Some Bizarre New Age Offertory Ritual?

Or, is it just another Archbishop José H. Gómez - mandated anti - theft protocol?

Hey, maybe it's just me, o.k.?

But I seem to have recently noticed some wild new innovation at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church at Offertory time, right after the collection.

Now, it' s like the ushers stuff all that lana in a white linen bag, and then after ceremoniously presenting it to the priest, deacon and altar servers, shuffle off with it to the left.

The bag is then stuffed down into a vertical wooden contraption next the pulpit, to go who knows where afterwards.

And to think that at least one (1) member of the Parish Financial Committee was so foolish and rash as to assure us way back in March of 2008 that stealing from our weekend Mass collection was "impossible."

September 28. Feast Day of Saint Wenceslaus.

September 28. Feast Day of Saint Lorenzo Ruiz & Companions.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26. Feast Day of both Saint Cosmas and of Saint Damian.

Mr. Steve Martinez, Today's Catholic Newspaper:

"Creating a safe environment"

Minus references to such recent archiepiscopal blunders as Mr. John Ward (2008) & Mr. John Calvin most people don't know he gay [sic.] Hegedus (2009)!

Adapted from the current edition of September 25, 2009.

"With the start of the new school and catechetical year, it is time to review what the Archdiocese of San Antonio is doing to create a safe environment within our parishes and Catholic schools.

"The archdiocese wants every child and youth to be safe from harm within our community.

"The archdiocese has made a commitment to correct mistakes that were made in the past [Wow! That good 'ole passive voice again!] by setting up a system that addresses adults, children and youth.

"The Safe Environment program consists of three parts; criminal background checks,* the sexual misconduct policy** and the safe environment training.***

"The first part of creating a safe environment is to conduct criminal background checks (CBC).*

"The CBC is done to screen those who will be around our children and youth.*

"The archdiocese requires all clergy and employees to complete a CBC.

"It also requires that all volunteers who minister to children and youth , and volunteers who minister to vulnerable populations must complete a CBC.*

"The volunteers that minister to children and youth include catechists,* CYO coaches, youth ministers, youth choir directors, etc.

"Vulnerable populations include the homebound, sick, elderly, etc.

"CBC must be completed every three years.****"


Baloney! John Ward had a fugitive warrant for all he supposedly had "recently taught Catholic doctrine" to Catholic school children at a neighborhood parish located I'd say somewhere close to the block of 3200 Merriweather in San Antonio, Texas.

Shortly after leaving this post he wandered outside one balmy weekend afternoon and allegedly shot his neighbor through the face.

At the same time, Mr. Ward was also openly living with his girlfriend and her children, too.

**So what happened with John Calvin Hegedus? OLLU Grad of the Class of 2007? My guess while still at the seminary?

*** Ditto!

**** Unless the clowns are arrested in between times!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Monsignor James Chapin.

From Brackettville, Texas to Comfort, Texas.

The former St. Mary Magdalene's catholic pastor is now helping facilitate growing calabazitas as a parish industry.


On the grounds of the Sacred Heart Church. in Comfort, Texas.

Adapted from Today's Catholic's article published July 31, 2009, called "Our Lady of the Garden," which was lifted by them in turn from Mr. Bill Terry's article in the Comfort News.

"Mary Petree said, We have God on our side. Our patron saint, Our Lady of Guadalupe, is watching over our garden. We have her with her image on each gate for her blessing of our garden.

"The garden is 90 feet by 50 feet with watering troughs between each row.

"There are 14 double rows with PVC pipe with individually controlled valves to regulate the amount of water each row will receive.

"Bill Csanyi, project manager, said We have a couple of varieties of tomatoes, chili peppers, squash, cucumbers, peppers and banana peppers.

"Cindy Yeates, secretary for Sacred Heart said, We have been picking for about two weeks, 50 percent will go to the needy, 40 percent for sale and 10 percent for those that help in the garden.

"The portion to be sold will be at the Farmers Market on Saturdays, during office hours, and after each of the four Masses, with money going into a garden fund.

"The produce will be sold at an approximate savings of 30 percent less than current store prices.

"They have already begun to recoup some of their costs.

"With the help of donations and shopping around, the expenses for the project were less than their budgeted amount.

"Many of those that helped have gardens of their own and have the knowledge [of how to do so].

"In addition, planting, watering and harvesting duties have been performed by Don Raines; Roberto Legorreta; Santos Garcia; Pedro Garcia; Lourdes Gallegos; Luis and Maria Dorado; José, Antonio, Ester, José and Mariele Tabullo; and Lauro and Eva Lozano.

"Father Cashin said, We want to express our gratitude to everyone for this blessing..."

Way to go, good people!

Can you imagine St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish in Brackettville. Texas, 78832 pulling something like this off?

"Según el artículo 145 - 2..."

En México el aborto:

es uno de los delitos que tienen la pena más baja del Código Penal ...

Adaptada de la misma fuente.

"El delito de aborto consentido es uno de los delitos que tienen la pena más baja del Código Penal.

"Según el artículo 145 - 2 del Código Penal, indica que la mujer que produjere su aborto o consintiere que otra persona se lo cause, fuera de los casos permitidos por la ley, será castigada con la pena de prisión de seis meses a un año o multa de seis a 24 meses."

"Mala madre sería enviada al CERESO por abortar"

La jueza Rosa Patricia Sena Vargas se encarga del asunto criminal...

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Por el Señor licenicado Héctor Sifuentes. El Zócalo / Acuña / Lunes 21 de septiembre de 2009.

"Saliendo del hospital Claudia Johana la Fulana será enviada al CERESO para que responda por su delito.

"En manos de la Jueza del ramo Penal se encuentra ya Claudia Johana la Fulana, quien se provocó un aborto que le costó la vida a su hijo de sólo cinco meses de gestación.

"Como se sabe, esta mujer ingirió pastillas tóxicas para realizarse el aborto, luego que no quería tener a su bebé.

"Mientras que la acusada se encuentra aún internada en el Hospital General, el Agente Investigador del Ministerio Público integró debidamente la averiguación por el delito de aborto consentido y la turnó ante la juzgadora penal.

"Ahora la detenida tendrá que rendir su declaración preparatoria ante la jueza Rosa Patricia Sena Vargas.

"El delito de aborto consentido es uno de los delitos que tienen la pena más baja del Código Penal Mexicano..."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"...un gatto idrofobo..."

"[E]sclamò il giovane:

Verrà Stalin che vi metterà tutti a posto!"

P. 234

Giovanni Guareschi, Mondo Piccolo: Don Camillo.

Giulietta E Romeo.

"La ragazza, ora [¡UTEP!] che le era caduto lo scialle che le copriva la testa e le ombreggiava il viso, si vedeva benissimo che aveva la faccia piena di lividi e pareva che si fosse pettinata usando, invece di un pettine, un gatto idrofobo."*

"[E]sclamò il giovane, Verrà Stalin che vi metterà tutti a posto!

"[E]sclamò la ragazza. Verrà la giustizia che vi metterà tutti in galera!

"Don Camillo si alzò.

"[D]isse deciso. Se non la finite, vi prendo a calci tutt'e due!

"La ragazza si lasciò cadere su una sedia, si nascose la faccia tra le mani e cominciò a piangere..."

*un gatto idrofobo = a rabid cat.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

¡Hey, familia!

Heyyy, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

"Miners win rain - soaked Battle of Interstate Ten"

Mr. Salvador Guerrero has the story

¡Adelante, Salvador!

Adapted from The UTEP Prospector, Posted 9/22/09.

"The Miners defense looked impressive with its 38 - 12 win over New Mexico State Sept. 19, 2009.

"After two years of frustrating losses to their arch rivals, the UTEP football team headed to Las Cruces hoping to reverse the unfavorable trend.

"In a game that lasted almost 6 hours due to a lightning delay, UTEP finally showcased the defense that has been talked about throughout the entire off - season..."

Way to go, guys! :)

September 23. Feast Day of San Padre Pio de Pietrelcina.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Las estafas $$$ Millionarias $$$ del padre Marcial Maciel Degollado"

"Flora Barragán de Garza cedió $$$ millones $$$ de dólares a la legión por el enamoramiento del sacerdote"

"El padre Marcial Maciel Degollado fue una persona ambiciosa que dejó a muchos en la ruina"

Un padrote acusado "de procrear al menos seis hijos -- tres de ellos de origen mexicano..."

Adaptada de esta fuente:
El Zócalo / San Pedro Garza García.

Por la Sra. Licenciada Lourdes de Koster, con la ayuda muy amena también de un joven dichoso Sr. Licenciado Manuel Rodríguez Muro.

Lunes el 21 de Septiembre de 2009.

"Además de ser acusado de pederastia y de procrear al menos seis hijos -- tres de ellos de origin -- el fundador de los Legionarios de Cristo llevó a la quiebra a familias enteras, como la de doña Flora Barragán de Garza, quien prácticamente cedió su patrimonio a la congregación.

"En 1948 falleció Roberto Néstor Garza, cónyuge de doña Flora, quien dejó a su nombre la totalidad de los bienes.

"Lo único que pidió fue edficar un hospital para tuberculosos con los recursos que heredaba.

"Fue en una pregrinación a Roma, a principios de los años 50, donde la señora Barragán conoció a Marcial Maciel y donde para algunos surgió el enamoramiento, a partir de la admiración hacia este sacerdote de andar elegante y fino hablar.

"Fue 20 años más tarde cuando Maciel acabó con el dinero de doña Flora, y la abandonó.

"Nunca más volvió a buscarla ni a llamarle, a pesar de que ella, en el lecho de su muerte, pedía hablar con el padre que vivió en su casa y etc..."

¡Ay, pobre mujer!

A pesar el mero hecho de haber sido una dama rica, loca -- y sobre todo -- sin juicia.... :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

"Why should any intelligent young person even consider the kingdom of Jesus Christ?"

Jesus was "a crucified felon who could have escaped if he had only shut up."

"Kids cannot fathom that."

Random fragments adapted from the Jesuit magazine, America, September 14 - 21, 2009.

We're told that the author, Rev. Fr. William J. O'Malley, S.J., "Teaches religion at Fordham Preparatory School in New York City. His latest book, Help My Unbelief, won a first place award from the Catholic Press Association."

Father's current article in America is provocatively titled:

Faulty Guidance

A new framework for high school catechesis fails to persuade.

"The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.

"It is a colossal effort and theologically unassailable, but in the judgment of this 43 - years - in - the - trenches veteran and others, it is pedagogically counterproductive.

"The Framework exemplifies how Jesus did not teach -- analytically and preceptively; instead, he taught in stories, as societies have done since the caves.

"It also ignores the church's consistent practice of teaching first humanities, then philosophy and only then theology.

"Jesus often validated claims with Scripture, but to a people who all but adored it.

"Presuming such reverence in today's high school students is risky.

"Our audience does not have personally validated Christian faith.

"A majority are baptized but never converted and prefer not to be."

Teenagers as The Audience.

"Would it be heretical to ask the preliminary question: Why should any intelligent young person rooted in the kingdom of this world even consider the kingdom of Jesus Christ?

"Few religion teachers will be as convincing as Survivor's To win you have to screw your neighbor...

"Yet [the bishops' latest catechetical publication] the Framework makes bold to begin by idealizing a crucified felon who could have escaped if he had only shut up.

"Kids cannot fathom that."

Needed: A Prologue

"If the church to which I have given my life were to make a well - intentioned but tragic mistake and I kept silent, I would be no loyal servant.

"The Framework needs a prologue that acknowledges the horrific obstacles educators face just getting a hearing among teenagers."

Why??!! :)


"It presumes too much of what our audience does not have: faith, awareness of the transcendent, appreciation of altruistic values, among much else...

"This audience does not need catechists with the skills of Thomas Aquinas but those of Professor Harold Hill from The Music Man.

"Jesus might admonish today's sowers:

"Plow before you plant! "

Way to go, Reverend Father! :)

Three weekend masses have altar servers at St. Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas. 78832.

Saturday, September 19, 2009. 5:30 p.m. TEAM Mr. Tony Flores + Ms. Cheyenne Peña.

Sunday, September 20, 2009. 8:00 a.m. TEAM Un cuatito muy desempeñoso.

Sunday, September 20, 2009. 10:30 a.m. TEAM Otro jovenicto + Ms. Britney Castilla.*

*A couple of other young and dynamic altar servers may have quietly slipped in as this Mass was starting, we don't know!

September 21. Feast Day of Saint Matthew.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Diocese of El Paso, Texas:

"Bishop Ochoa's Message"

"Church rejects devotion to La Virgen del Rosario del Pozo"

Will Medjugorje be next??!!

Or, will it be San Antonio's Brothers of the Beloved Disciple [BBD] instead??!!

Source for this posting:

We've picked - up segments of an official letter off Bishop Armando Ochoa's own diocesan website 8/31/2009 10:05 AM .

"To the clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the Diocese:

"It has recently come to my attention that certain priests and / or their lay associates called Misioneros de Cristo Sacerdote [MCS] have been promoting a devotion to La Virgin del Rosario del Pozo.

"The priests in question had in fact been given permission a number of years ago to work and form their seminarians in El Paso.

"However, this permission is hereby revoked and the Misoneros de Cristo Sacerdote arenot authorized to solicit any donations for themselves or this devotion either directly or through others.

"In addition, they are not authorized for any kind of ministry in the Diocese of El Paso.

"The Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and our own Archbishop of San Antonio, have both refused to endorse the Misioneros de Cristo Sacerdote and their devotion.

"I understand that there is also a group of women religious, called Hermanas Misioneras de la Restitución.

"This group, also connected to the above movement, has never been officially accepted for any apostolate in the Church...

"+ Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D.
"Bishop of El Paso, Texas"

Giovanni Guareschi's The Little World of Don Camillo.

Translated from the Italian by Una Vincenzo Troubridge.

English version of our previous Italian - language posting a while back!

NOTE: When we compare her translation to the Italian original, my own knee - jerk impression is that Ms. Troubridge (or her editors!) chopped out 30% to 40% of the book.


Pages 46 - 47.


"One day Smilzo came to the rectory.

"He was a young ex - partisan who had been Peppone's orderly during the fighting in the mountains and now worked as messenger at the Town Hall.

"He was the bearer of a handsome letter, printed on handmade paper with the [Communist] Party heading in Gothic lettering, which read:

Your honor is invited to grace with his presence a ceremony of a social nature which will take place tomorrow at ten o'clock A.M. in the Plaza of Liberty.

The Secretary of the Section, Comrade Bottazi, Mayor, Guiseppe.

" Don Camillo looked severely at Smilzo. Tell Comrade Peppone Mayor Guiseppe that I have no wish to go and listen to the usual imbecilities against reaction and the capitalists. I already know them by heart.

"Smilzo explained. No, there won't be any political speeches. This is for patriotism and social activities. If you refuse, it means that you don't understand democracy..."

September 19. Feast Day of Saint JANUARIUS.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sen. Ted Kennedy's sad -- yet inspiring! -- farewell letter to Pope Benedict XVI.

Give Ted credit:

Dying, he no longer had any illusions as to who and what he really was

And that, is a good lesson for us all...

A snippet or two from the Jesuit magazine America. September 14 - 21, 2009.

"Kennedy wrote, I have always tried to be a faithful Catholic, Your Holiness, and though I have fallen short through human failings, I have never failed to believe and respect the fundamental teachings. I know that I have been an imperfect human being, but with the help of my faith, I have tried to right my path.

As the magazine's editors point out, "Kennedy's life, in public as well as in private was a mix of light and shadow.

"His heroic defense of civil rights was accompanied by his tragic support for abortion virtually on demand [and] was followed by moral and political disaster at Chappaquiddick and, later, in Palm Beach.

"It was obvious that he knew something of sin and suffering.

"In the end it seemed he had also learned something about redemption.

"Ted Kennedy had a complicated relationship with his church.

"The Sermon on the Mount and the church's social teaching inspired his public life.

"Until his death, however, he remained at odds with the some of those very teachings..."

UTEP vs. NMSU Las Cruces, New Mexico

"Raging rivalry"

The Battle of Interstate Ten!

Mr. Salvador Guerrero has the story.

¡Adelante, Salvador!

From: The UTEP Prospector. Online 9/17/2009.

"UTEP is looking for more just a few shiny trophies when they head to Las Cruces to face arch - rival New Mexico State.

"The Miners are sitting at 0 - 2 as they head into the third week of the season, and for the players, everything is about staying focused this week in practice."

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!"

¡Adelante. DESTINO!

September 2009 First Baptist Church of Brackettville, Texas.

Pastor: The Rev. Jeffrey Janca.

"YOUTH GROUP -- will begin to meet soon. Be watching for details"

"FELLOWSHIP LUNCH -- Sunday, September 20, After the Morning Service. Please bring extra for our visitors."


Diane Ward
Wynell Coates
Hannah Baggett
Ken Kellar
Patrick Sheedy
Gladys Burkepile
Linda Jackson
Amanda Frerich
B.J. Eckenrod
Trey Shaw
Sharon Isaacs

Saint Mary Magdalene Youth Personalities in The Brackett News!

From the Thursday, September 17, 2009 edition.

Ms. Lila Molinar attended the 2009 Texas Agricultural Science Leadership Institute in Austin, Texas, while Mr. Victor Cantu "had the awesome privilege of attending the Introduction To Minority Engineering and Science Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT].

Way to go, Lila & Victor!

At the same time, Saint Mary Magdalene / San Blas members of the Brackett Cross Country Team at the XC Meet at Uvalde on Thursday, September 3, 2009, did their share.

Mr. Garón Rueda "placed 27th with a time of 12:41; Mr. Victor Cantu placed 108th with a time of 24:22."

Then, too, Spofford's San Blas / Saint Blaze Mr. Joelson Terrazas "placed 19th with a time of 19:43."

Way to, Garón, Victor & Joelson!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Giovanni Guareschi: Mondo Piccolo Don Camillo.

p. 46

Il Tesoro

"Arrivò in canonica lo Smilzo, un giovane ex partigiano che faceva da portaordini a Peppone quando Peppone lavorava in montagna, e adesso l'avevano assunto come messo in comune.

"Aveva una gran lettera di lusso, in carta a mano con stampa in gotico e l'intesazione del partito:

La Signoria Vostra è invitata a onorare della Sua presenza la cerimonia a sfondo sociale che si svolgerà domattina alle ore 10 in Piazza della Libertà.

Il Segretario della Sezione compagno Bottazi Sindaco Giuseppe

"Don Camillo guardò in faccia lo Smilzo. Di' al signor compagno Peppone sindaco Giuseppe che io non ho nessuna voglia di venire a sentire le solite stupidaggini contro la reazione e i capitalisti, le so già a memoria.

"[S]piego lo Smilzo, No, niente discorsi politici. Roba di patriottismo, a sfondo sociale. Se dite di no significa che non capite niente della democrazia..."

September 17. Feast Day of Saint Robert Bellarmine.

Tulsa, Oklahoma Bishop leaves his American Catholic brothers & defects to Rome!

Don't hold your breath that Archbishop Gómez has same inclinations.

Might lose that Red Cardinal's Hat.

Because he really does believe in Jesus Christ as his Lord & Savior, Bishop Slattery feels no need to act like Archbishop Gómez, huh?

Adapted from the Jesuit magazine America. September 14 - 21, 2009.

"First, Bishop Edward Slattery of Tulsa, Oklahoma, announced that in his cathedral he would henceforth be celebrating Masses ad orientam, that is, facing East with his back to the people.

"Explaining his decision, the bishop called the Second Vatican Council's innovation of the priest facing the congregation a serious rupture with the Church's ancient tradition..."

Humm .. you don't say... oh, my! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Ministry to Homosexuals"

"Courage founder urges chastity of the heart for those struggling with same - sex attraction"

It doesn't make sense to identify yourself as gay or lesbian...

What is important is that you are a creature of God...

This random snippet adapted from the April 5, 2009 edition of Our Sunday Visitor.

"Father John F. Harvey, OSFS, was 23 and teaching moral theology when he overheard a discussion about homosexuality.

"[H]e told Our Sunday Visitor, They told me about men being attracted to men, and I wondered -- is that really happening? I laugh at myself now. I was that naive.

"He spent the summers of 1953 and 1954 researching same - sex attraction for teaching and to write for a theological journal.

"He later wrote 40 more articles and a book, The Homosexual Person.

"In 1980, at the urging of the late Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, he co - founded Courage, a Catholic ministry for people with same - sex attraction.

"He directed it until October [2008?!] when Father Paul Check took over.

"Father Harvey now serves as executive director emeritus.

"Courage has headquarters in New York City and chapters in more than 110 dioceses here and abroad.

"Father Harvey, 90, still runs weekly meetings for people who seek to live chaste lives in accord with Catholic teaching...

"Change requires white - knuckle chastity because he, added, we can't do much for someone who keeps acting out in homogenital acts...

"Father Harvey cautions people to not homosexuality define who they are.

"[H]e said, It doesn't make sense to identify yourself as gay or lesbian. That's not the most important thing about you. What is important is that you are a creature of God with body and soul, made in the likeness of God.

"Although the origin of homosexuality is still under study, Courage philosophies are based on research that there are many factors, not causes, such as unhealthy relationships early in life.

"That understanding, combined with support and a commitment, Father Harvey told OSV, has led many people to successfully control their sexual impulses and strive to follow Christ.

"[H]e said, They are coming from lust to sanctifying grace. We call it chastity of the heart. That is a greater change, if not a miracle in itself..."

Way to go padre! :)

Mr. Sam Stewart, Mr. Victor Robledo & Mr. Raúl Rivas all get credit!

For giving their coach high hopes for the 2009 BHS football season!

Source: Super S. Checkout Line Sports News...

Congratulations to Ms. Priscilla Aguirre on her 15th Birthday!

Sra. Elvia Estrada's granddaughter looks sharp w/that big Deer Rifle.

It's not for show...

Her Aunt Elda Tererazas' niece Ms. Marisol Aguirre told us that her sister:

"Likes going hunting with my dad."

All the above from The Brackett News. Thursday, September 10, 2009.

Pastor Ned Sitzes of Frontier Baptist Church.

"The Wages of Sin is Death: Repent Before Payday"

"God Allows U Turns"

September 16. Feast Day of Pope Saint Cornelius & Saint Cyprian.

16 de Septiembre. Dia de Papa San Cornelio y San Cipriano.

¡Viva México!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"A Blue Star first:

Father Clay offers reconciliation in restaurant"

Adapted from article by Katherine Jass López, in Today's Catholic. August 14, 2009.

"[This was the] third installment of the Summer Loving series of Theology on Tap, a discussion and lecture series that invites YA's from all walks of life to discuss Catholic topics of interest.

"Over 85 YA's gathered at Blue Star Brewery at 1414 S. Alamo, to learn how to build a solid foundation for loving themselves from Father Clay Hunt, parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Helotes.

"During the Q & A session, one YA in the crowd challenged that it is sometimes difficult to find a priest to hear confessions and Father Hunt put the challenge right back on the YA's: If you want something bad enough you go out and find it.

"Another YA in the crowd jokingly asked if Father Hunt would agree to stay at the Blue Star and hear confessions.

"Father Hunt agreed, That was the praise and work of the Holy Spirit.

"After the YA's prayed the Liturgy of the Hours with Father Hunt in the name of priests everywhere, Father Hunt offered the sacrament of reconciliation to over 25 YA's.

Way to go, Father Clay Hunt!!

Flattering review of Rembrant Weakland's

A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic [ha! ha!] Archbishop.

One of the Lavender Mafia's highest ranking so - called Male Ho*s in Control

Now dares to bare to us his very soul

Adapted from: U.S. Catholic, October 2008. Book review signed J. Peter Nixon.

"When Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland resigned in May 2002, he did so in the midst of a media firestorm.

"Earlier that month, ABC News had broadcast an interview with Paul Marcoux, who claimed that Weakland had sexually assaulted him two decades earlier.

"In the days that followed, the public learned that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee had paid $450,000 to Marcoux in a confidential settlement.

"Subsequent revelations suggesting that the relationship had been consensual [Oh, wow! So, now we know! :)] did little to salvage Weakland's reputation [My goodness, you don't say! :) ].

"It was a tragic end to the career of one of the most prominent American [male h*os as] churchmen of the 20th century...

"Toward the end of the book, he provides a window into the thinking of bishops faced with allegations of clergy sexual abuse...."

But! Does that include his own? (Ha, Ha, HA!)

"Thursday, June 4, 2009"

"Fr. Pius @ 10 a.m./ Mrs. Molinar [+/- @ 1920 / 7:20p.m.] ], too!

"Mrs. Molinar Returns DVD! Wow!"*

So why on that particular day, and why the long, searching look her car window before speaking, there on Ann St. near the Hwy 90 intersection?

Who might have tipped her off? Fr. Pius?

Or, had one of Quang's women tipped her off?

If so, which one, and what did it actually mean, if anything, period?

Now, back to our notes:

"1000 - 1020 / 10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.] Meeting w/ Fr. Pius in his rectory [and at his insistence!] about [the] probability of $$$ being ripped - off & how to best prevent [it] in the future [he suggested]: by giving the money directly to the parish secretary & her [then] giving us a receipt in return.

"Father then explained to the parish secretary in front of me, that once that's done, she can call the contact person for the committee or organization to come by & pick it up!"

NOTE: A fourth person was present, too, but I honestly did not know who she was, much less if she, too, was one of Quang's women -- so -called because they're suspected of being a part of the Rev. Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van's very own little left - behind network.