Saturday, May 31, 2008

Two important Catholic Feast days, these last two days of May!

May 30:

"The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus"

May 31:

"The Visitation of the Virgin Mary to St. Elizabeth"

Forum contributor J Stolle on Padre Pedro Molina's Sabinal caper.


For yours truly at any rate, this website comes across as the usual google - eyed pseudo Catholic concoction, based loosely around lot of self - serving false piety by some self - described "Father" or the other.

At any rate, "Enter Padre Pedro Molina," of southwest Texas!

Because, this Forum entry in the above cited website reads:

"At [sic] February 3, 2007 10:59 PM, J Stolle said ...[among other things!]

"...In Sabinal, Texas, we have a weeping baby Jesus that was witnessed by about 40 congregants and the priest [guess who?] himself.

"This priest has several healing masses said throughout the year, and numerous people have been healed.

"This episode of the weeping Jesus has flooded the church with many people that have been away for a long time.

"The Lord is calling us ... are we ready to listen?

"God Bless everyone, let's keep the faith and keep praying for Our Lady of America, to turn this country around before it is too late!"


Why did Archbishop José Gomez send Padre Pedro Molina back to Mexico?

What role may our Brackettville parish Charismatic Renewal Group have had to play in it?

What technicality in Canon Law did the Archbishop of San Antonio purportedly use to give Padre Molina the sack?

More to come.....

Friday, May 30, 2008

"Ms. Gabriella Maria Schroeder; Ms. Meghann Louise Davis ranked top of class"

Both girls leave for College Station in the fall...

Adapted from Ms. Leigh Volcsko, publisher of The Brackett News, Thursday, May 29, 2008, in her front page article of our current tissue.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900):

"We must find the courage to live without Christ"

From same article as we've cited below!

The Church? "I would have those people involved in it shot"

Adapted from "Inside the Vatican," May 2008. The Rise of a Culture of Suspicion, by Fr. Bernard O'Connor. "Father O'Connor works in the Vatican in the Congregation for Orientalk Churches."

As this author tells us:

"During a recent visit to England, I observed the truth of how the media ridicules the Church overtly, adamantly and with impunity.

"London's far - reaching daily, The Times, is typical.

"The March 25, 2008 edition featured an interview with popular actor Douglas Henshall.

"When explaining his thoughts on religion to a journalist, Bruce Dessau, it was as if Henshall exploded from the first mention of the subject."

Think that's overdoing it? Well, then! Dig this quote from Henshall:

"I loathe religion of all forms.

"I think the Church especially is responsible for more pain, more suffering, than any other thing on the planet.

"I would have those people involved in it shot."

Thursday, May 29, 2008

'Bye, bye Maymester, UTEP!

Hello, UTEP Summer Students!

Welcome to Summer Semester I!

¡Hey, Familia!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

"Persistent loss of bees having sour effect on economy"

Adapted from: The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Sunday, May 18, 2008. By Sara Inés Calderón.

"David Roy Park began finding empty hives when his bees should have been in the winter of 2006.

"In a matter of months, he went from 4,000 hives to 1,600."

As he tells us:

"You go to the bee yard and open the hive and there's just no bees in it."

A man with a lot of experience!

"Park [is] a fourth - generation beekeeper who runs Cold River Apiaries in Moore, in Frio County."

He thoughtfully comments, "We started losing bees left and right for no reason that we could figure out; they just disappeared."

Then, the economics!

"Park charges farmers around $150.00 per hive for pollination services, so losing 1,000 hives is a big deal, translating to a $150,000 loss in revenue at every farm he works each year.

"[Park's] operation produces honey, but [as we've read above!] makes most of its profit as a crop pollinator, ranging from almonds in California to cantaloupes in West Texas and cucumbers in South Texas."

So, like maybe the researchers can help us! 'Cause as Park says:

"I hope the researchers get this thing figured out because we really need some help.

"Everywhere I go now people ask how the bees are doing."

Well, here in Brackettville, Soutwest Texas, at least, they seem to be doing fine, thank you!

As my own little squash and cucumber patch can attest!

You bet....

"Theology Lecture 3: The Practice of the Eucharist in the Apostolic Church"

Adapted from this article in the current edition of "Inside the Vatican," May 2008. By Stephen Pimental.

"The Eucharist As Tradition"

"Paul relates that he received and delivered the doctrine of the Eucharist as Sacred Tradition (I Cor. 11:23).

"Christ not only instituted the Eucharist, but instructed his disciples to celebrate it in remembrance of me (I Cor. 11:24) so as to renew the covenant he had established.

"The Eucharist is not merely a subjective remembering of Christ's death and Resurrection but a sacred anamnesis of those events (I Cor. 11:26), a covenantal renewal that makes really present his body and blood.

"Therefore, to partake of communion unworthily is to make oneself guilty of sacrilege (I Cor. 11:27-29)."

Qatar: "Catholic church opens"

Source: "The Catholic World Report," May 2008.

Photo caption:

"Priests celebrate Mass at the new St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Doha, Qatar, March 15.

"It is the predominantly Muslim country's first Catholic church."

Then this kicker, towards the end of the text:

"The church was built in the capital city on land donated by Emir Amir Hamad bin Al Thani."

More from DAV's "Bonus Marches & False Economies"

Adapted from their May / June magazine issue, Chapter 4, The Most Costly War.

"By September 2, 1945, when the Japanese signed the Instrument of Surrender on the USS Missouri, 16.3 million Americans had served in World War II; 407,000 had died; and 671,000 had come home wounded.

"With 105,000 disabled veterans in its ranks, the DAV reached record membership in 1946, and the National Convention elected Lloyd R. Oleson as the first World War II....."

Give 'em Hell President Harry Truman weighs in!

Unlike FDR, Truman had himself been in a real - deal war zone, as a Horse Artillery officer in World War I.

Here's his sound bite:

"The debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid."

"Diverse leadership seen at ministry summit as key to future of healthy church"

Adapted from: Today's Catholic, issue of May 23, 2008. By Karen Osborne, Catholic News Service.

Basically the usual pretentious drivel, except for this, towards the end:

"The lack of racial diversity among summit participants was a major concern for many.

"With 91 percent of attendees identifyng as white or Caucasian, and 70 percent between the ages of 50 and 69, speakers wondered about the summit's ability to adequately speak for a the more diverse parts of the church, which has a growing Hispanic and intercutural population."

And then, one Greg Welch, described as "a youth miniter from Renew Internatinal," speaks up:

"Look around this room.

"We are very white, and very white - haired.

"Where are the Hispanics?

"Where are the young adults?"

Then our fearless author thoughtfully shoves the knife in with both her capable hands:

"Age diversity was also a concern, with only 2 percent of attendees younger than 30."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"How Nazis killed priests"

"Priestblock 25487: A Memorir of Dachau. By Jean Bernard. (Zaccheus Press, 4605 Chase Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814, 2007; (301) 654 - 7057). 196 pp. PB. $14.95."

Adapted from: Homiletic & Pastoral Review, May 2008, pp. 75 - 76.

"Mental abuse adds more affiction to th eagony of physical an demotional torment.

"The brutal idiocy of camp discipline forces the victims to make their beds three times a day with mathematical exactness (The cover is folded to a width of 60 centimeters with a measuring stick), and to stand at perfect attention for three hours until all rows have lines straight enough that you could shoot a bullet between them.

"Amid all tese these sordid conditions prisoners are required to write letters that report I am well. I'm healthy and in good spirits. I don't need anything.

"It is only a matter of time, then, that gradually we break ourselves of the habit of thinking, or the prisoner begins to lose his mind... "

What an apt description of a real - life hell hole!

Graduation Time!

Mr. Israel (Bob) DeHoyos, Class of 2008!

We invite you to share in our happiness at Commencement Exercises on Friday, the thirtieth of May at eight O'clock in the evening, in Tiger Stadium...

"Congratulations, Bob, and to all your fellow classmates...."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Success with Squash"

Adapted from: The Texas Gardener, March / April 2008. By Master Gardener, Patty Glenn Leander.

"Success with squash should be easy to come by.

"The seeds are large and easy to handle, they sprout quickly and most summer squash varities produce in 50 to 60 days.

"But it's what happens after the seed germinates that determines our success.

"[P]lease read on as we uncover some of the secrets to an eye - popping, jaw - dropping, make - my - dad - cringe harvest."


Here, you get all the above by simply putting seeds in the ground, watering them, and then simply getting out of Mother Nature's way!

I should know, it works for me and everyone else who's tried it!

May 24th!!

An important Feast Day for all "us" members of the worldwide Salesian Family!!

It's the Feast of Mary Help of Christians...

Memorial Day 2008: A salute to all United States Veterans!

And for me, personally, that especially means:

The roughly 150 Marines of old Fox Two One -- Fox Co., Second Battalion, First Marine Regiment, First Marine Division who gave their all for their country from 1965 to 1970.

Most of them were killed in action (KIA).

Friday, May 23, 2008


Whatever happened to Padre Pedro Molina?

Of Sabinal, Texas?

St. Patrick's Catholic Church?

And why??!!

"Domingo Carismático -- Día de Renovación con Padre Pedro Molina"

"30 de enero [2005], 2:00 PM a 5:00 PM - Misa de Sanación"

"¿Te sientes amargado, enfermo o derrotado? Ven. El Señor Jesús te espera para darte aliento, esperanza y sanación. Informes: Juana la Fulana 437 - 7807"


"Miércoles, 12 de Enero 7:00 -- en la Capilla del Centro Católico de la Renovación Carismática..."

Uh -- oh! Now, what's all this? (heh, heh, heh!)

"Statues getting weepy at Texas church"

Adapted from an online version of a UPI News Service report, o2/03/2007.

"A religious statue at St. Patrick's Church in Sabinal, Texas, allegedly has begun to cry tears.

"The San Antonio Express - News reported that interested parties from all around Sabinal have expressed interest in visiting the church, where statues of the baby Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe have begun to cry.

"The church's pastor, the Rev. Pedro Molina, said the statues' tears represent a miracle for his church's dwindling congregation.

"Archdiocesan officials remined cautious about the reports of a crying Jesus statue, which allegedly began weeping after a recent children's Nativity play, the report said.

"The paper said that the Texas church was previously linked to an alleged miracle after Molina[sic.] reportedly healed a young girl's burnt hand during one of his masses."

More to come...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Pedirán un borrón y cuenta nueva"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Miércoles 21 de mayo de 2008. Por el señor licenciado Osiris Cantú García.

"Percibiéndolo como la esperanza de resolver una de las más sentidas demandas de la comunidad, la gente recibe a los grupos de encuestadores del MT [Movimiento Territorial] que buscan para el pueblo una salida al gravísimo problema de las altas tarifas que SIMAS viene aplicando; pedirán un borrón y cuenta nueva."

¡Orale, camaradas!

¿Y, por qué no aquí en Brackettville, también?

"En los cuestionarios vienen una serie de preguntas como qué opinan de las tarifas, del servicio que brindan, porqué el acumulativo cobro de la basura en sectores donde los camiones ni pasan, que se defnan los rubros de saneamiento y drenaje que se supone que son lo mismo y que se aclaren otra serie de elevadisímos cobros de impuestos sobre impuestos y conceptos que no quedan nada claros a la gente.

"Dijo Roberto de los Santos:

"Sentimos que las cosas están bastante mal desde el momento en que los directivos del Sistema tienen una discrecionalidad y libertad absoluta para condonar de un plumazo abultados cobros cuando asi conviene o cuando no les queda de otra...."

¡Igual a nosotros aquí en Brackettville, Señor, felicidades!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Lepanto: la battaglia del 1571" V.

"Le ragioni storiche dello scontro"

"Non tutti, però, risposero all'appello.

"L'espansione dei turchi si sviluppava anche grazie alla complicità decisiva di paesi cristiani, come la Francia, come la Brackettville, come la Spofford, come la Donna H.S., che in nome della realpolitik, oggi diremmo dei suoi interessi geopolitici, incoraggiava e finanziava i turchi per indebolire il suo tradizionale nemico: la casa imperiale d'Austria.

"Tuttavia grazie alle preghiere e alle insistenze del pontefice, il 25 luglio del 1570, la Spagna, Venezia, Quemado e il Papa conlusero l'alleanza contro i turchi.

"Subito dopo [Cline Check Point!] aderirono il duca di Savoia, la Repubblica di Genova e quella di Lucca, il granduca di Toscana, i duchi di Mantova, Parma, Urbino, Ferrara, l'Ordine sovrano di Malta.

"Si trattava di una prefigurazione dell'unità italiana su basi cristiane, la prima coalizione politica e militare italiana nella storia."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rabbi Gilbert S. Rosenthal ...

"Jewish Views Of Other Faiths"

Adapted from the Jesuit publication, America, May 19, 2008.

"Over 5,800 pages long, the Talmud is a vast sea of learning that contains the opinions of thousands of rabbis, many of whom are not even named, on a variety of subjects, including law, lore, history, theology, ethics and many other topics.

"The Talmud does not represent authoritative law or theology or liturgy.

"There are perhaps four references to Jesus -- all badly garbled, all written at least a century or two after his death.

"It is not at all clear if Jesus of Nazareth is even the intended subject of those citations.

"In 1240, when Rabbi Yehiel of Paris had to defend the Talmud in a public disputation, he maitained that another man named Jesus, who lived a century before Jesus of Nazareth, was the subject of references in the Talmud.

"Jesus, after all, was the Greek name for Joshua, a common name at the time.

"In fact, Rabbi Yehiel argued, there was reference to another Jesus in the New Testament itself.

"But even if Jesus of Nazareth was the intended subject of some of these troubling passages, they reflect the opinion of one man, not the consensus of Jewish thought then or now.

"Interestingly, the Talmud (Shabbat 116a-b) quotes only one passage from the New Testament, Mt 5:17 I come not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it....."

For me, anyway, this whole article is a fascinating read.

Rabbi Rosenthal is one first - class scholar, you may be sure!!

You may be able to access it by clicking on this website, I'm not sure, o.k? O.K.!

Good luck ..... :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

"Por la reivindicación del Martes 13"

El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Martes 13 de Mayo 2008. La licenciada Martha Santos, Zócalo, Saltillo, Coahuila.

"Número temido"

"Hoy martes 13 es un día de mal agüero para los supersticiosos en la tradición latina, cuyas raíces se pierden en el tiempo, hasta el punto de que quienes se dejan llevar por esta creencia desconocen su verdadero origen.

"La cuestión sobre el martes o el viernes 13 estás determinada por la tradición."

"Están los tijuanenses dispuestos a tomar las armas por inseguridad"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Martes el 13 de Mayo 2003.

"Los tijuanenses están dispuestos a hacer justicia por su propia mano"

"Hartos de ser víctimas del crimen organizado o no saber el paradero de familiares secuestrados, tijuanenses anunciaron su disposición a paralizar actividades y hasta recurrir a las armas para tomar la justicia en sus manos y cazar delicuentes, entre otras propuestas, en una medida desesperada para exigir solución a las autoridades."

¡Andale muchachos!

¡Todo el mundo a linchar!

¡Primero, lincharemos a todos los abogados mexicanos!

¡Luego, a todos los políticos malos!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

So why would the Archdiocese of San Antonio still forbid placing a crucifix??

In St. Mary Magdalene's Old Church Building?

In Brackettville, Texas, Zipcode 78832?

Hypothesis Number One:

Neither Archbishop José Gomez himself nor the priest in charge of the Uvalde Deanery has ever done any such thing.

By claiming anything to the contrary, the more or less serving pastor is showing himself to be an ordinary run - of - the - mill garden variety neurotic flake. Period!

Hypothesis Number Two:

As the Rev. Mr. Lachlan T. Cameron assures us in his article "Living with the crucifix," in the May issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review, whether we don't find the crucifix in some married couples' home, or for us, in the Old Church Building, "Jesus Christ is not seen because the crucifix is not present, not necessarily out of malice or because of drawn - out deliberation but from ignorance."

Hypothesis Number Three:

We don't find the crucifix in the Old Church building here in Brackettville due to some quasi - Satanic, witchcraft, or other occult / New Age "revolutionary" mumbo jumbo, or who knows?

After all, in Gary North's None Dare Call It Witchcraft, he quotes Satan's number one wanne be homeboy, Anton Szandor LaVey's views of the crucifix, perhaps (or not) a view held by one or more members of our local Catholic clergy here at St. Mary Magdalene's:

"The Satanist realizes that only by putting himself in league with these forces [he refers here to the demonic forces] can he fully and unhypocritically utilize the Powers of Darkness to his best advantage...

"Behold the crucifix: what does it symbolize?

"Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

"I question all things...

"Theories and ideas that may have meant life and hope and freedom for our ancestors may now mean destruction, slavery, and dishonor to us!

"As environments change, no human ideal standeth sure (North, 178)!"


It's like in all three(3) hypothesis, Jesus Christ Crucified has no permanent role in the Old Church Building of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church Parish in Brackettville, therefore, why not? :) heh, heh, heh!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt not always pro GI?!

A curious quote appears in the current issue of DAV Magazine, May/June 2008, "Bonus Marchers & False Economies."

It seems that FDR, the Great Liberal Democrat at His Noble Best -- this was during the Great Depression, after all! -- had an issue with U.S. veterans he was not slow to address, although I'm still not sure if he was speaking as a) a candidate, or b) as an already elected president.

Anyway, here he goes:

"No one because he wore a uniform must therefore be placed in a special class of benficiaries over and above all other citizens.

"The fact of wearing a uniform does not mean that he can demand and receive from his government a benefit which no other citizen receives."

Friday, May 16, 2008

More Brackett Seniors of 2008 Outbound for the Real World!

Ms. Bella Talamantes...

Ms. Gabriela Talamantes...

Ms. Jessica Gonzales...

Ms. Anita De Leon...

Congratulations, ladies, and Good Luck!!

Source: The Brackett News, Thursday, May 15, 2008.

"Extra - terrestial life is possible, Vatican astronomer says"

"Why can't we speak of a brother from another planet?"

So says Fr. José Gabriel Funes, an Argentinian Jesuit!!

"Rome, May 14, 2008 ( -- In an interview for L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican's astronomer has offered his opinion that it is possible for Christians to believe in the existence of extra - terrestrial life..."

Just log onto: -- and cruise into this article!


"Says the Holy Spirit is Like a Waterfall Able to Purify All Hearts"

"VATICAN CITY, MAY 11, 2008 ( -- Benedict XVI is encouraging the faithful to rediscover the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit."

Good news, again, for real - deal Catholic Charismatics, as the other kind will give all this their own little spin, instead of reading what the Pope actually is telling us here...

SO: What does he mean, when he says "baptized in the Holy Spirit?" (heh, heh, heh!)


Hey! Good news for real - deal Catholic Charismatics !!

"[Pope Benedict XVI] emphasizes the Intertwining of multiplicity and Unity at Pentecost."

"VATICAN CITY, MAY 11, 2008 ( -- At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit gave life to a community that is at the same time both one and universal, says Benedict XVI.

"The Pope affirmed this today during the homily at a Mass he celebrated on the feast of Pentecost in St. Peter's Square."


After an absence of well over half a century...

Yes indeedy! He was: "Part chicken, turkey, duck and goose."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Leaving this man I loved, this house and life..."

Adapted from: "Heaven in Flight," by Elizabeth M. Kelly, from The Word Among Us, June 2008.

"As the plane left the ground, I felt an overwhelming, sharp grief, like my heart being torn from my center.

"Leaving this man I loved, this house and life I had had such hopes for, was more than I could bear alone.

"But during this same time, my boyfriend and I [had] discerned rather slowly and sloppily that we were not headed for marriage.

"With reluctance on my side, we [had] parted ways.

"I decided to return to Minnesota, where I was in graduate school, and prepare for spring semester.

"[Yes!] Leaving this man I loved, this house and life I had had such hopes for, was more than I could bear alone.

"And at the same moment, something else became as clear to me as if I could see it with my own eyes.

"In my heart, I saw that I was surrounded.

"In the aisles, standing over me, around me, hovering and entirely attentive was a communion of saints, the crew I called in when I needed rel reinforcements: Saints Anne, Elizabeth, Joseph, Pio, Joseph of Cupertino, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, the Archangels, my guardian angel, the Blessed Mother, all just hovering.

"And next to me, Jesus, holding my hand and stroking my hair.

"When we are heart - to - heart with Jesus, in the company of heavenly creatures, these heavy, ugly burdens we drag around are lightened and lifted.

"Oh, gentle crucified One, when hearts are weary, you are with us and that is more than enough."

"Lepanto: la battaglia del 1571" IV.

"Le ragioni storiche dello scontro"

"Il terrore regnava nel Mediterraneo, l'antico Mare nostrum.

"La sorte dei cristiani di Cipro, di Spofford, di Brackettville, era quella che l'Islam sembrava preparare ai cristiani di tutta Europa.

"Sulla cattedra di Pietro sedava un teologo domenicano, Michele Ghislieri, salito al pontificato all'inizio del 1566 con il nome di Pio V.

"Egli valutò la gravità del pericole e comprese che solo una guerra preventiva avrebbe salvato l'Occidente.

"Con parole gravi e commosse esortò le potenze cristiani ad unirsi contro gli aggressori e di questa difesa della cristianà fece l'asse del suo breve pontificato..."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Coverups of sexual hanky - panky a "long tradition" in Boston's Archdiocese!!??

Adapted from this source: The Catholic World Report, May 2008. Anthony Esolen's review of Philip F. Lawler's book, The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston's Catholic Culture, Encounter Books, 272 pages, $25.95.

In Boston, we read, "Politics and social appearances had trumped the welfare of Catholic parishes and their children, says Lawler.

"That dynamic, he observes, was at work throughout the 20th century.

"So, for instance, the powerful Cardinal William O'Connell, who built so many Catholic schools and convents in the first half of the century, averted his gaze after his nephew, Father James O'Connell, ran off with another man's wife, married her under a false name, and began to lead a double life, part as a priest of the Boston archdiocese, and part as an investor in New York.

"Lawler writes that Cardinal O'Connell certainly knew about it in 1918, if not earlier.

"It took a visit to the pope himself, Benedict XV, to compel O'Connell to remove his nephew from the priesthood -- in 1920."

My, oh my! :)

"Es igual (o peor) educación privada"

Adaptada de esta fuente: El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña, Martes 13 de mayo 2008. Por la Stra. Licenciada Sonia Del Valle / Agencia Reforma.

Una nota personal respeto este tema: Platicando por mi humilde parte aquí, aunque con nomás que unos cuantitos años de experiencia "allá" ¡yo estoy 100% en acuerdo con que ella nos dice aquí!

También, en un comentario sobresaliente que salió en la revista El Consumidor de México, de agosto de 1986, si yo lo acuerdo bien, fue la Stra. Guadalupe Loaeza quien nos compartía su propia opinión más o menos así.

En las escuelas privadas de la República Mexicana, 30% de los chamacos marchan en rumbo a la superación, mientras 70% marchan al rumbo muy por lo contrario.

Y, ahora, el tema corriente:

"La educación privada parece que no es garantía de un mejor aprovechamiento por parte de los alumnos, porque las escuelas privadas mexicanas están igual o peor que las escuelas públicas, según se desprende de un análisis hecho por la OCDE.

"Demuestra que si todos los alumnos de 15 años tuvieran el mismo nivel socioeconómico y asistieran a escuelas similares, las las escuelas privadas obtendrían 20 puntos menos que las públicas en la Prueba Internacional para la Evaluación de los Estudiantes (PISA) 2006, que aplica la Organización para Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo."

"En tierra de ciegos el tuerto es rey.."

El análisis de los resultados de PISA 2006 señala, en otras palabras, que en tierra de ciegos el tuerto es rey (...) esto revela que el sistema educativo mexicano es malo todo, tanto los póblicos como los privados (...) expresó David Calderón, director del Consejo Académico de Mexicanos Primero."

"¡Los hermanos Rivas siempre a tiempo!"

You bet!

Nora's Raúl and José, just like Yolanda's Garón & Icela, plus Bianca T. and Bianca M. plus Becky's Adam, and Janie's Jerry Lee, Israel aka "Bob" and Samantha, are all steadfast in providing an essential service at the altar of Brackettville, Texas' Catholic Parish of St. Mary Magdalene.

So, too, are such stalwarts as Bianca S.'s brother, Sammie, la Sra. M.'s Daniel, plus Tony and Mikey F., dynamite brothers all!!


Got a problem with believing all this?

Then, just ask any priest or deacon!! :)

"VERITABLE PORTRAIT DU RÉVÉREND Jean - Baptiste Vianet, Curé à Ars, département de l'Ain"

Adapted from this source:The WORD among us, June 2008. "Saint of the Confessional: How St. John Vianney brought a whole town to conversion." By Patricia Mitchell, editor of The Word Among Us Press.

"La piété, les vertus et la charité évangélique de ce digne et respectable pasteur sont connues et révérées dans toute la France.

"Des milliers de malades après ètre venus ímplorer sa protection et ses príères, ont été quéris subitement.

"L'ascendant irrésistible de sa parole évangélique a ramené à la foi et converti beaucoup de pécheurs, dont l'endurissement dans le crime et l'erreur avaient refusé tous les secours et les consolations de la religion.

"Tous les pauvres [todos los pobres...] affligés viennent en foule de tous còtés pour voir [ para ver], entendre [entender], toucher [tocar] mème les vètements de ce vénèrable ministre de la foi, comme autrefois [como en otro tiempo] on touchait ceux du Sauveur [ el Salvador] et de ses apotres [y de sus apóstoles], dont il est le vrai modele."

Man, for me, anyway, this story really rocks!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

"Above all, don't tell me that Christianity is true. That upsets me.."

Source: Retired Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, in the Jesuit magazine, America, May 12, 2008.

In discussing what he calls "Teaching the Faith in a Postmodern World," the cardinal says, regarding the attitude he finds prevalent today:

"There is acceptance of every form of dialogue and exchange because of a desire to be always open to another and to what is different....etc...etc..

"That is why Christianity is not easily accepted when it presents itself as true religion.

"I recall a young man who said to me recently":

Above all, don't tell me that Chirtsianity is true.

That upsets me, that blocks me.

It's quite something else to say that Christianity is beautiful...

The cardinal then sums up the young man's attitude thusly:

"Beauty is preferable to truth."

¡Guau! Wow! :)

"Saudi ruler suggests interfaith talks"

Source: The Catholic World Report, May 2008,page 14.

"Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah announced that he had been consulting Muslim religious leaders about the possibiity of initiating a dialogue involving other religions.

"King Abdullah said that he had discussed the possibility of talks among leaders of the three monotheistic faiths during a meeting last November with Pope Benedict XVI.

"He said he suggested the meetings, and the Pontiff reacted positively.

"[King Abdullah] reasoned that religious leaders of every faith should unite to support family life and to fight against atheism."

The hale and hearty old king also noted that family life is falling apart all over the world, thanks to secularism, and that's no good, period!

As he tells us in his own words:

"That is unacceptable to all religions -- to the Qu'ran, the Torah, and the Bible."

Right - on, Your Highness...!

Martin Amis' "sour hatred toward religion in general"

"Stolen" from this source:"Writer's reflections on 9 - 11 laced with hatred for Islam." A book review by David Hendricks, business columnist for the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Sunday, May 11, 2009. The title of the book he reviews is: The Second Plane, September 11: Terror and Boredom, by Martin Amis.

As our reviewer tells us:

"Many readers will be put off by Amis' own sour hatred toward religion in general.

"It's almost anti - human as well."

He then quotes this passage by the author "in the second essay, published in June 2002."

And here's what we read:

"Religious belief is without reason and without dignity, and its record is near - universally dreadful.

"It is straightforward -- and never mind, for now, about plagues and famines: if God existed, and if he cared for humankind, he would never have given us religion."

To which declaration of feroscious -- as well as totally pitiful -- fanaticism Mr. David Hendricks wryly responds:

"If this is your cup of tea, go for it.

"But whatever happened to the idea of tolerance?"

Good question, amigo!

'Cause these guys want Christians dead, along with Moslems, Hindus, Jews, hel*l, more or less everybody.

Like they're not - so - secretly convinced that maybe 'ole Hitler had the right idea, after all!

Friday, May 09, 2008

So - called Liberal and/or New Age Christians waking up to a new reality!

Their Atheist Allies just want them dead. Period...

Freely adapted from this source: America magazine May 5, 2008.

For years this Jesuit religious publication has not been noted for too much of religious and doctrinal enthusiasm, but my, oh, my!

Like Mein Kamph, at least when it was read after World War II, today's militant atheists make their intentions clear: "You Christians -- wishy, washy, liberal, New Age, Evangelical, Conservative, Catholic, Prostestant, etc. who cares? -- you gotta go!

"Yeah! All of you!"

In his editorial, "Of Many Things," in America (May 8, 2008) Associate Editor Fr. James T. Keane, S.J. notes how one Christopher Hitchens, "continues to find no greater enemy than Christian believers, and several years ago delivered his personal coup de grace to Mother Teresa:"

And here's the sound bite / quote from Mr. Hitchens:

"I wish there was a hell for her to go to."

To which the good father whimsically adds:

"This crowd, it seems, will not be known by their love."

Nope! You're right on, padre! But at least this atheist crowd is spelling it all out for us, don't you think?

Me, I'd want to continue listening to all their ranting and raving, 'cause they for da*m*n sure mean every word they say.

And who knows what they may be getting together to back up their threats of eventual extermination of all Christians, whatsoever?

First Baptist Church & St. Mary Magdalene's have 2008 BHS Grads...

First Baptist Church and Laughlin AFB's Paul and Kathy Kluzek have a son, Mr. Josh Kluzek, graduating: congratulations, Josh!

Roman Catholic Seminarian -- intern Mr. Clay Hunt has a sister, Ms. Daphne Hunt, graduating: congratulations, Daphne!

Ms. Elva Rosa Garcia won't be around this summer to help out at the KCL, why? 'Cause she'll be leaving for basic training in the U.S. Navy. Congratulations, Elva Rosa!

Mr. Jesús Balderas is likewise leaving for the real world of work and a future with the US Border Patrol. Congratulations, Jesús!

The above was loosely adapted from this original source: The Brackett News, Thursday. May 8, 2008.

"Fire Rescue receives numerous donations"

"Flamin' With Donations To Fire Department"

Source: The Brackett News, Thursday, May 8, 2008.

Submitted by Jeff Janca...