Summer is having an early start in Southwest Texas!
World of UTEP
The World of the University of Texas at El Paso as the Academic Equivalent of an Enron of Texas-style Continuing Criminal Enterprise.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Southwest Texas USA
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish.
Brackettville, 78832.
"The Most Reverend Gustavo Garcia - Siller, M.Sp.S., Archbishop of San Antonio, will be coming to our Parish on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 5:00 pm to celebrate Mass and to bestow the Sacrament of Confirmation to fourteen candidates.
"We are all encouraged to attend and to welcome the Archbishop to our Parish.
"All weekend Masses are at the regular time schedule..."
Way to go, good people! :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Snippets from Juan Williams' op - ed, The Wall Street Journal.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012.
""Black people accounted for 13% of the total population in 2005.
"Yet they were the victims of 49% of all the nation's murders (a majority between the ages if 17 and 29).
"And 93% of black murder victims were killed by other black people ..."
Sobering statistics! :(
"Mother and I are on a mission to prove to the world that, first of all,
"Nijinsky was not a homosexual.
"He did what he did out of necessity, basically to support his family ..."
Snippets from Dexter Duggan's fascinating April 6 Wanderer interview with 91 year old Tamara Nijinsky and her own daughter, Kinga Gaspers .
It's titled Nijinsky Legacy Lives on with his Daughter.
In The Wanderer Catholic newspaper.
Thursday, April 26, 2012.
More snippets:
"The Kiev - born Nijinsky was nine to ten years old when his mother moved to pre - Communist St. Petersburg, Russia, where Nijinsky grew up, spoke Russian, and was accepted into the czar's ballet school, Tamara says.
"[Granddaughter] Gaspers says it was well known that both the school's male and female dancers were passed on to royalty for their [sexual] pleasure, then the young Nijinsky was given to the ballet company's considerably older male impresario as a lover.
"When the impresario later learned that Nijinsky, far away from his control, had married Romola, he is said to have flown into a rage and dismissed Nijinsky from the dance company.
"Asked if he [Nijinsky] was known to have repented or stated his regret over this, [granddaughter] Gaspers says yes, he did so in his unexpurgated diary ..."
Fine and informative read!:)
This insight into "Rasputin's Imperial Russia" echoes the early - life English school - boy forced homosexual experiences of the novelists Graham Green and Evelyn Waugh -- exemplified by the latter through the male characters in his Brides Head Revisited and exemplified by the former in his own publicly self - destructive life style.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
More snippets from TFP's Crusade magazine, May / June 2012.
"Matthew 24:9"
Folks, be careful with these following stats! There may well be a misplaced decimal point or two! :)
"A comprehensive study by the Pew Forum has found that over 100,000 Christians are murdered annually because of their faith.
"Out of the world's 197 countries, 131 openly persecute Christians.
"Most of them are either officially Islamic or Communist.
"Among the top twenty oppressors are countries such as China, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Syria, Pakistan and Cuba...
"..... and you shall be hated by all nations for My Name's sake (Matthew 24:9 ). "
From the American TFP's magazine Crusade May / June 2012.
"Bullying Homosexualists"
And spell check says Duh? Excuse me!
"Tennessee State Senator Stacey Campfield was denied service and thrown out of The Bistro restaurant in Knoxville because of his recent politically incorrect comments on the health risks of homosexual behavior.
"In a radio interview Senator Campfield said that someone who is not a homosexual, someone who is not an IV drug user, someone who is not sleeping with someone who is one of those things is not likely to contract AIDS.
"One of the senator's sources was a Center for Disease Control report which found that the rate of HIV cases among homosexuals is more than 44 times that of heterosexual men and more than 40 times that of heterosexual women even though homosexuals make up less than two percent of the general population.
"After being thrown out of the pro - homosexual - only bistro, Senator Campfield posted on his blog that it was just another example of the open - minded tolerant left. They claim tolerances for divergent points of view ... until someone actually has one .... "
Good point, Professor! :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.
August 1915.
America's "Dirty War."
With the Plan de San Diego Guerrillas.
And with their Mexican allies, especially Generalissimo Venustiano Carranza's hand picked military and financial liaison for all things "anti - American," General Nafarrate...
This "military assistance" included Mexican soldiers -- and sometimes even officers -- disguised in civilian garb.
You might say for "deniability!" :)
Snippets of history:
'Skirmishing continued along the river; on the night of August 10, a private of the 12th Cavalry was killed near Mercedes in a clash with Plan de San Diego guerrillas. .."
And as a consequence:
"[T]he entire 26th Infantry was dispatched from Texas City to garrison Brownsville, Harlingen and Kingsville ...
"[US] artillery was sent to Brownsville to overawe General Nafarrate, the guns were pointed directly at his headquarters in Matamoros...
"In ordering the move Acting Secretary of War Henry Breckenridge telegraphed Above is urgent and admits no delay..."
Original source: The Texas Rangers and the Mexican Revolution: The Bloodiest Decade, 1910 - 1920.
By Charles Harris III & Louis R. Sadler.
Page 269.
Fascinating read! :)
April 25. Feast Day of Saint Mark.
Held in derision and contempt by many so - called American Catholic Theologians for such "unsound, personally hurtful & controversial verses" - - as Mark 16:16... :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Luzon, Philippine Islands in late January 1945:
Elements of the 6th U.S. Army Ranger Battalion are set to rescue 500 U.S. and Allied POWS in Cabanatuan POW Camp..
With the help of Philippine Guerrillas.
They would have to go 30 or more miles on foot beyond General Walter Krueger's Sixth Army lines.
Deep into the heart of Japanese - occupied territory..
Battalion CO Lt. Col. Henry Andrew Mucci has some final words to say to those men selected:
"Mucci said One more thing, there will be no atheists on this trip.
"[H]e told them I want you to swear an oath before God, swear that you'll die fighting rather than let any harm come to these prisoners...
"[H]e said he wanted every last one of them to meet with the chaplains and pray on their knees. Services would be held in a half hour ..."
The source for all the above is Hampton Side's superb book: Ghost Soldiers: The epic account of World War II's greatest rescue mission.
Pages 28 - 29.
A fine read! :)
Minneapolis, Minnesota's Max Deleone on Cardinal Francis George's (ha, ha! )
Charismatic Prophecy:
From Catholic Answers Magazine's May - June 2012 issue.
Max claims that the whimsical cardinal assures us:
"I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison, and his successor will die in the public square ..."
Humm ... is that so??
My, oh, my! :)
Father Vincent Serpa, OP & the Catholic Answers Magazine
May - June 2012.
Question for Father:
"Can the devil read your mind, and does he know the f uture?"
Father's answer:
"No. Satan cannot read our minds and he does not know the future. He is also no match for sanctifying grace. The sacraments are a strong guard against him....
"Fr. Vincent Serpa "
Way to go, Father! :)
Monday, April 23, 2012
B.H.S. Class of 2010 now has a "Pioneer Number 4"
As Mr. Raúl Rivas keeps ties locally, too!
Along with such Class of 2010 peers as Mr. Daniel Molinar, Mr. Gerald Lee DeHoyos and primo Mr. Roland Rivas.
Although pursuing his education 40 miles to the North in Uvalde, Raúl is still resisting the urge to "escape to Planet Earth!" :)
Like his peers, he, too!
"Is helping reverse the Kinney County brain - drain... "
From cutting the rug with Ms. Nydia Talamantes in their star roles as 2010 Prom King & Queen -- to participating in the recent MENS ACTS Retreat at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas 78832 -- to recently getting a pretty pink and white candy - striped bicycle for his three - year old niece, Raúl has what it takes.
As even an Episcopal member of our own extended family in far - off San Angelo was duly informed, nearly two years ago::
"... he has a pleasant blend of humor and professionalism, as he watchfully helps younger and less experienced altar servers at Mass ..."
Way to go, Raúl! :)
Laconic reminder from Pastor Ned Sitze's marquee ....
Frontier Baptist Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
"Got Faith?"
Faithful service by dedicated Altar Servers makes a difference!
At Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Sunday. April 22, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish - language Mass. TEAM Ms. Brianna Flores & Mr. Alex DeHoyos.
Way to go, great young people!
Keep up the great work! :)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Nighttime Drums & Gongs around Hill 185 Nui Loc Son -- South Vietnam -- early 1967.
Fox Company, 2nd. Bn. 1st Marine Regiment...
Everytime we set off on patrol in the pitch black tropical darkness, hand on the shoulder straps of the marine ahead, sooner or later, VC scouts would detect us.
Then would come a slow, muffled drum beat or the slow, mournful sound of a gong.
It kind of made a man really think!
It was as those those drums and gongs were sending each and every one of us a personally - crafted message:
We're watching you every step of the way, Marine. And we will kill you when we can....
Repeated over and over again, night after night: a message truly awesome in its simplicity! :)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Pope Benedict XVI and Fidel Castro
From: Inside The Vatican magazine.
Snippets from the April 2012 edition.
Editorial by Robert Moynihan.
"What does a Pope do? That is what Fidel Castro wanted to know when he met Pope Benedict on March 28 at the end of Benedict's historic journey to Mexico and Cuba...
"Pope Benedict will be 85 on April 16, Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro is already 85, so he is a bit older than the Pope. When they met, the two joked about their age and the hardships of being old men, and then Castro popped the question: So what do you do?
"Castro questioned Benedict in particular about the changes in the Church's liturgy, and he asked the Pope to send him a book to help him reflect. The Pope said he would think about which one to send.
"The essential message that the Pope conveyed in Cuba was that the Church should be allowed to be free.
"And so we know, in part, what a Pope does: he speaks truth to power, and he asks that the Church be set free.
"If Cuba makes Good Friday a national holiday, we will know that Castro heard his voice, and that their meeting changed life in Cuba ..."
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Slight editing / revisions to yesterday's Scriptural Rosary posting!
We'll bet you GOOGLE can lead us to some good examples!
"Fidel Castro questions Pope on changes in liturgy"
Thursday, March 29. 2012.
A snippet:
"During his March 29 meeting with Pope Benedict XVI, Fidel Castro questioned the Pope about reforms in the Latin liturgy, and asked for books that would help him understand changes in the Church, the Vatican has disclosed.
"Castro told the Pontiff that he was delighted with the beatifications of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope John Paul II, saying that they had both done enormous good for Cuba.
"The ailing Cuban leader complimented Pope Benedict on his stamina, and asked how the Pope continues to carry out his duties despite his advancing years.
"Castro, who retired from active political life in 2008, is less than a year older than the Pope.
"Before ending the meeting, Pope Benedict promised Castro that he would recommend some reading to help the Cuban leader understand recent developments in the Catholic faith..."
Way to go, fine 'ole people!
Safe guess is that the Holy Spirit is already "on the job!" :)
Vietnam -- four and a half decades ago this coming
Saturday, April 21, 1967.
The Marine vs NVA/PAVN Battle of Binh Son I
"Operation Union I"
Wikipedia can tell you all about this operation!
Fox Company 2/1 Rifle Squads Numbers Two through Nine + Weapons Attachments lost 33 KIA & 56 WIA in a bruising frontal assault against crack dug - in bodoi infantry.
Da*n, but those bodoi were first class fighting men!
Lucky yours truly was in Rifle Squad number One.
Thus, "we're still around..."
In spite of having gone ahead and serving more combat tours! :)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tips for praying your daily 5 - decade "Scriptural Rosary ..."
Source: Combat Mode - Christianity 101: pre - remedial High School Freshman / Homeboy / Applied Clownology level ......
By: one guess! :)
Budgeted time frame: 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours + -- not counting the preliminary "calling to mind exercise ..."
And that is done by ...
Reading out loud the names of the living and deceased and those living having special problems, or who have asked you to pray for them...
Four to six loose leaf pages crammed full of names should cover this preliminary exercise.
"We offer the following five decades of the Rosary in honor of the Ever Most Blessed and Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
".. and likewise through her hands as Co - Redemtrix, Mediatrix of all Graces, Queen of Heaven, Queen of Angels and Queen of Men ..... etc... etc ....
"Especially for all those brothers and sisters in Christ whose names we have just read out loud, both the living and the dead and those living who are facing special challenges ... etc.
"Also -- in an equally special way -- those brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we have been in contact with the past 24 hours or with whom we'll be in contact the next 24 hours.
"And, regardless of our relationship of one to another:
"Whether we are family, friends, relatives, benefactors, strangers -- or even enemies to one another...
"We respectfully and humbly request that these same 5 - decades be offered for the same fourfold intention for each and everyone of us without difference or discrimination ..
"And that fourfold intention is for:
"And Petition.
"In Jesus' name we pray ..."
Remember good people, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Both Father Kenneth Baker, S.J. and the great charismatic Evangelist David Wilkerson are uncannily similar -- if in only one theological area - and here it is:
To have so much as even the remotest chance of an eternity with Jesus we need to put in some sweat equity!
Say a total of 2 hours to 2 and a half hours in spiritual exercises everyday -- as a minimum .... :)
Take it or leave it.
I don't even come close: 1 hour and 30 minutes some days, 2 hours + other days ....
That's the "pre - remedial side of zero level," you bet!
At least it's a start!
And we've been starting, now, some 4 and a 1/2 years! :)
Good luck .....
Revenge by supporters of Fathers Guindon, OMI & O'Neill, SJ !
As E. Thomas Dowd of Kent, Ohio, tells readers of U.S. Catholic, in the May 2012 issue:
"As a professional psychologist,
"I know that homosexuality is likely genetic and biological in origin .... is cruel and inhuman to deny gays and lesbians an outlet for sexual intimacy that we allow everyone else who chooses it ...."
And at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Parish Church, Brackettville, Texas 78832?
Believe it or not, the pro - gay English - language hymn that wows our over age sixty Anglo crowd is:
They will know we are [ha,ha, ha!] Christians by our love!
♪ We will walk hand in hand with our [militantly gay?!] brothers* in their Dignity and Pride ... ♫
Don't believe it?
Coincidentally or not, see if your hymnal dates this pulsating militants' marching song all the way back to 1968 -- the famous year of the equally famous New York Stonewall Riot -- or whatever it's called these days! :)
*Forget our Lesbian Sisters, by the way! :)
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith:
"CDF Archives Offer Timely Reminders"
"Other cases not yet online involve former Jesuit John McNeil,
" a propagandist for homosexuality ..
"Franjo Cardinal Seper initiated the investigation in 1974
"and silenced McNeil in 1977..."
These snippets are from Paul Likoudis' article in The Wanderer Catholic newspaper. Thursday April 12, 2012.
More snippets:
Canadian Father André Guindon, OMI's book The Sexual Creators...
"..his book argued, essentially, that homosexual relations were morally superior to heterosexual relations.
"He was also a public advocate for same - sex marriage ..
"Guindon died [in May of 1992] thus ending the [CDF's] investigation ....
"Other prominent cases from the turbulent 1970s and 1980s include the expulsion of the pro - abortion nuns Barbara Ferraro and Patricia Hussey ..."
Interesting! :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
¡Hey, Familia!
Hey, UTEP!
UTEP Spring Semester 2011 is rapidly coming to a close...
Good luck on finals, everyone!
Barely six (6) weeks to Summer I, huh?
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
The U.S. Catholic magazine is still celebrating what we might call "Gay Catholic Pride USA"
Actual title a month or so back was: Pride and Prejudice: The uneasy relationship between gays and lesbians and their church ...
Snippet from a current April 2012 issue letter to the editor;
"I'm a 66 year - old gay male who just celebrated his 29th anniversary ...
"... with another [ Oh, really? :) ] wonderful man..."
Mr. Robert J. Williams' "sizzling" testimony, celebrating his own narcissism, if nothing else!
As he continues:
"... In the 1970s I was very active in Dignity in New York City and later in Boston.
"One of the points often stressed then [by militant fellow homosexuals, both priests and lay!] was that we were meant to go back into our parishes and work for change..."
Oh, boy!!
"I have not been to a Dignity meeting in over 20 years but did become very active in my parishes.
"I am currently the men's [ ha, ha, HA! -- you sure? :) ] club president at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church in Sonoma, California and a regular at morning Mass.
"Little by little people have come to know me as and realize that my sexual orientation is not a stumbling block to being a good Catholic....*
"Robert J. Williams. Sonoma, California "
* NOTE If both these "wonderful men" are living together is what we might call a "post - sexual mode," all may be indeed "fine and dandy."
If not, man 0h man! :(
Monday, April 16, 2012
Soon, Father Moreno will have to deal with "it!"
And the sinister clique that covered "it" up! :)
For roughly nine (9) consecutive years ..
Type in "Zumaya" in the box at the top of the portal page of this blog ...
to learn about Father David Zumaya's sordid sexual legacy ...
In Bracketville, Texas 78832
1986 - 1995 :(
Uvalde Deanery, Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.
Routine Transfers:
July 1, 2012 Father Pius Ezeigbo.
From Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene to Del Rio's Sacred Heart Church, 78842.
"Maybe" to replace our current & now outgoing Dean, Monsignor James ... as "acting Dean" -- of the Uvalde Deanery.
Congratulations & Good luck, Father!
These past 3 years have flown by! :)
Same date: Father Moreno to replace Father Ezeigbo in Brackett, 78832.
Congratulations and good luck, Father Moreno!
You're "inheriting" a troubled parish, where Archbishop Patrick Flores first knowingly ordained a multiple sex - offender and then sent him as a curse on Brackettville -- from 1986 - 1995.
Cuban President Raul Castro ...
"Declared Good Friday 2012 a Holiday"
¡Viva el Señor Presidente!
¡Viva la Política!
¿Y, sobre todo?
¡Viva El Papa Benedicto XVI!
Snippet from the Catholic newspaper The Wanderer. By Alejandro Bermudez. Thursday, April 12, 2012.
"HAVANA (CNN / EWTN News ) -- In response to Pope Benedict XVI's special request to Cuban President Raul Castro, the Cuban government announced that Good Friday 2012 would be a one - time national holiday.
"Minutes before the Pope's departure from Cuba on March 28, President Raul Castro told the Pope of his desire to declare Friday, April 6, a holiday ..."
As Señor Presidente Raul tells us:
" an exception, and in consideration to His Holiness and the happy results of this transcendental visit to our country..."
Here comes Granma!
"The government's short statement, published March 31 in the official newspaper Granma, said that the Pope requested the holiday declaration in honor of the religious celebrations that take place on the occasion of the passion and death of Jesus of Nazareth ..."
"The Christmas holiday was reinstated for 1998 after Pope John Paul II's specific request to then - President Fidel Castro during that Pontiff's historic visit to Cuba ...
"In Rome, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., expressed enthusiasm..."
Way to go, everyone!
The Holy Spirit does seem more than able to work through anyone, anytime, anyplace and anywhere .... :)
Believe it or not:
Pope Saint Peter and Acts 2:16 / Joel 2:28 still ROCK!
Southwest Texas, U.S.A.
Brackettville, 78832.
Divine Mercy Sunday's 8 o'clock Spanish - language Mass well - served!
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.
Sunday. April 15, 2012. 8:00 a.m. Spanish Mass. TEAM: Ms. Brianna Flores & Mr. Alex DeHoyos.
Great job, great young people!
Both Father Pius & Deacon Joe Goebel were glad for your assistance, as were we all! :)
The off - line priestly equivalent of inmate mumble - mumble says:
"Pope Benedict XVI was to deal directly with Bishop Fellay & the misnamed Society of Saint Pius X...
"...on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 15, 2012...
"In America their priests are starting a 2 - week retreat!"
Humm .... you don't say?
My goodness! :)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
¡Viva México!
Southwest Hispanic Texas U.S.A.
Brackettville 78832
Saturday, May 5, 2012
¡Cinco de Mayo!
Already a committee including such KCL YA Personalities as Mr. Robert "Bob" Martinez & Mrs. Ana Vella Martinez + Ms. Claudia Rocha are all but working 24/7 to make this year's celebration the best ever!
Way to go, good people! :)
"Pakistan: government commission to discuss forced conversions to Islam"
Friday, April 13, 2012.
Some snippets:
"Under the leadership of Akram Gill, a Catholic who serves as Pakistan's minister of state for national harmony, the National Commission for Minorities will discuss the issue of forced conversions.
"Each year, an estimated 700 Christian women and 400 Hindu women are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam."
Akram Gill's sound bites:
"Forced conversions [are] a plague in the institutions, in society, but also at a religious level, and this cannot be tolerated.
"We know that Islam is a liberal religion and that no one can or should force another human being to change their faith.
"We want to ensure full respect for freedom of worship and religion..."
Good luck, Señor! :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
Clueless West Coast Archbishop cordially invites disobedience,
and gets the casual contempt that he asks for!
Friday, April 13, 2012.
"Seattle parishes refuse to collect signatures for marriage referendum"
Some snippets:
"An increasing number of Seattle parishes -- including St. James Cathedral -- are refusing to heed Archbishop J. Peter Sartain's request [sic.] to collect signatures for a referendum on the State of Washington's recent redefinition of marriage.
"In February, Gov. Christine Gregoire, a [ha, ha!] Catholic, signed into law a bill that legalized same - sex marriage in Washington [State].
"St. Joseph parish, whose pastor is Father John Whitney, SJ, posted the following notice on its web site: "
"You may have heard about a petition drive concerning Referendum 74, which will be gathering signatures at a number of parishes in Seattle.
"Please be aware that Fr. Whitney has decided that no petitioning will be permitted anywhere on the campus of St. Joseph ..."
Yes sir, Archbishop Sartain!
Whoever is in charge of your archdiocese, it sure ain't you! :(
Second Sunday of Easter 2012.
Divine Mercy Sunday 2012.
Day Four of the Catholic Revival Movement:
Brackettville, Texas 78832
"All the guys are back for special 10:30 a.m. Mass"
Saturday in the Octave of Easter 2012.
Day Three of the Catholic Revival Movement:
Mens' ACTS RETREAT 2012.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Friday in the Octave of Easter 2012.
It's Day Two of the Catholic Revival Movement:
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
UTEP's Marty Luna's M.A. & PhD Home-base!
Thursday, April 12, 2012.
"California [ha! ha!] Catholic college hosts drag show"
"The University of San Diego, a Catholic college governed by a lay board off trustees, has hosted its first drag show.
"The show was hosted by PRIDE, a student organization that describes itself as an alliance at the the University of San Diego for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered queer and questioning students and their supporters...
"The show began with a lecture by Lori Watson, a philosophy and gender studies professor.
"Father Jacob Bertrand, a priest of the Diocese of San Diego, prayed before the event with others who were opposed to the show..."
What the good Father has to tell us!
"Every person that I have dealt with who is experiencing same - sex attraction has had childhood problems ...
"I am here because Jesus has a message of healing.
"I think there is a better way to healing than expressing something that is broken ...
"Any way a culture breaks apart a the bonds between a man and a woman breaks the threads of the human heart ..."
Way to go, Padre! :)
Southwest Catholic Texas, U.S.A.!
Brackettville 78832.
Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church + Spofford's San Blas / Saint Blaise Mission.
Around 14 fine young men + twice their number in MENS ACTS RETREAT Team Members -- will be dutifully trucked from the Church parking lot to Fort Clark Springs for the "MENS ACTS RETREAT 2012..."
Good luck, fellas! :)
Hope at least one(1) Father & Son duo makes it.
If they do -- it will be because County Sheriff "Buddy" Burgess kindly allowed "Junior" time out from the Kinney County Jail.
Good man, is our sheriff! :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
¡Viva el R.P. Félix Varela!
¡Viva Cuba Libre!
April 10, 2012 ...
"Cuban priest declared venerable"
Random snippets:
"Pope Benedict has declared Father Félix Varela (1788 - 1853) venerable, according to the Archdiocese of Miami.
"[S]aid Archbishop Thomas Wenski ...."
What the good archbishop said:
"In his homily in Havana, Pope Benedict called Father Felix Varela a shining example of the contributions a person of faith can make in building a more just society.
"Varela in his own words reminds us that there is no authentic fatherland without virtue.
"In recognizing this holy priest's heroic virtue by conferring on him the title of Venerable, the pope offers to the world a role model who in being the first to teach his people how to think also show[s] us a path to a true transformation of society.."
Summary conclusion:
"Father Varela represented Cuba in the Spanish parliament and called for the abolition of slavery.*
"Exiled from Cuba in 1823, he ministered for the last three decades of his life in New York City ..."
Quite a story!
Way to go, Holy Father! :)
*So, how many Anglo - American Catholic priests & bishops dared to so much as to publicly open their mouths on the slavery issue in pre - Civil War America!?
Monday, April 09, 2012
Still in a remote part of the Third World!
♪Afuera de casar nos, como marido y mujer...♫
♫¿Qué más podemos hacer?♪
English translation:
"A Town Called Brackett 78832"
"You don't know how great it is to hear you say that ...
"Go ahead, ask me anything you want ...
"Go ahead, just ask me anything you want ...!"
It was outside Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church, Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Our only Star Witness -- hers and mine! -- is the Rev. Mr. Joseph Goebel -- who has by now long since safely "escaped" beyond effective subpoena range to Monahans, Texas!
But starting that evening in mid - December 2010 yours truly knew that this was one h*ll of a woman of women, this Kinney County Treasurer Diana Leticia Gutierrez -- and she had a most exuberant in your face way of expressing her feelings -- take it or leave it.
It just had to be, too!
That she most likely had a most fine life companion, along with seven children and so far, at least twenty - one grand kids! :)
As we were belatedly informed on Saturday, March 3, 2012.
Meanwhile, other threads were coalescing, two (2) becoming apparent within the same week of Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
And one of them was a Class of 2011 B.H.S. Senior Varsity Cheerleader, Brenda by name.
"And therein hangs a tale!" :)
To be continued!