M. Auguste Ciparis at St. Pierre in 1902 !
Page 117 of Angelo Heilprin's 1905 classic, MONT PELEE and THE TRAGEDY OF MARTINIQUE.
"When I was at Morne Rouge on June 2, [1902] I knew that Ciparis was still confined there in a temporary lazaret which had been established by the faithful priest of that district, Pere Marty, but circumstances did not permit me to see him at the time, and, unfortunately, the opportunity for an interview never presented itself.
"It was a good service to history, however, to have the statement of this negro taken by so accurate a recorder as Mr. George Kennan, who had preceeded me by a number of days, and who had placed the facts which he gave to me in a published form (Outlook, July 26, 1902).
"At the time of Mr. Kennan's interview Ciparis was still showing the effects of the frightful burns which his back and legs had received, but was sufficiently composed to give a clear and dispassionate account of the physical conditions that presented themselves to him.
"As he stated his own experience, he was waiting for the usual breakfast on the 8th [of May, 1902, Ascension Thursday], when it suddenly grew dark, an dimmediately afterwards hot air, laden with ash, entered his room through the door -grating.
"It came gently but fiercely.
"His flesh was instantly burned, and he jumped about in agony, vainly calling for help.
"There was no help to come...."