Thursday, September 30, 2010

"T - 6 crashes near Brackett; pilots ejected safely"

From the Kinney County Post, a.k.a. "The Good News Newspaper." Edition of Tuesday, September 28, 2010.

"KINNEY COUNTY -- An Air Force T - 6 Texas II crashed at around 11:16 a.m. Friday between Brackettville and Spofford.

"Laughlin Air Force Base (LAFB) officials released a press statement shortly before 1 p.m., stating a board of officers will investigate the accident.

Wednesday Night:

45+ at Saint Mary Magdalene's Rosary, Night Prayer & Conclusion of Benediction.

7:25 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

'Way down in Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Maybe 30 - 35 were young people, divided evenly between the Youth Group -- under the watchful eye of Mrs. Janie DeHoyos and the Confirmation Class. -- under the equally watchful eye of Mrs. Rosa Cantú.

Plus, the Rev. Mr. Joe Goebel, Deacon, told us that -- by counting an earlier group that he personally saw coming in around 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for the Beginning of Benediction, there would have been a total last night of something more like 70, all together!

As we both agreed: "The Holy Spirit is indeed at work here."

In our remote rural Texas parish!

To which I added and still add:

"ACTS 2:16 Rocks!" :)

Saint Faustina Day will be celebrated this Saturday, October 2.

At the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy.

Source: the Marian Helper magazine. Fall 2010 edition.

Visit online, too, at:

"October shapes up to be a special day at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy.

" On that Saturday, the Marian Fathers will observe St. Faustina Day (the actual feast day is October 5) and host a regional gathering of the North American Congress on Mercy (NACOM).

"[S]ays Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC, shrine rector, The two concurrent celebrations are part of our continuing observance of the Shrine's Golden Jubilee Year. Making this extra special is that this year marks the 10th anniversary of Pope John Paul's canonization of St. Faustina ..."

September 30. Feast Day of Saint Jerome.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Don Camillo e don Chichì -- Don Camillo e i giovanni d'oggi"


Alessandro Pronzato:

"Pochi mesi prima di morire, Guareschi scriveva a un amico: Io vivo isolato come un vecchio merlo impaniato sulla cima di un pioppo. Fischio ma come faccio a sapere se quelli che stanno giù mi sentono fischiare o se mi scambiano per un cornacchione? (Cademario, 11 gennaio 1968).

"Dunque, sembra finito lui su un pioppo come il fatuo don Chichì inguainato in un clergyman attillato e dotato di paracadute svolazzante.

"In realtà, Giovannino si è annidato lassù per sfuggire al diluvio parolaio, alla cagnara, alla stupidità, alla volgarità, alla sguaiataggine, al vuoto dilagante e rimbombante.

"E di lassù lancia il suo inconfondibile richiamo venato di poesia e musica, oltre che di saggezza.

"Non è rimasto impigliato sull' albero precipitando col paracadute dalle alte quote dell' intellettualismo d' accato e dell' ideologia corrente e trionfante.

"Vi è salito per cercare un riparo di solitudine e creare uno spazzio di libertà per tutti.

"Pronto sempre a ridiscendere quando si tratti de affondare i piedi nel fango e intrecciare le proprie mani con quelle di altri uomini di buona volontà per sconfiggere ancora una volta l'alluvione devastatrice.

"Se nessuno riesce a cogliere la melodia di quel merlo impaniato sul pioppo, vorrà proprio dire che non c' è più speranza e che dovremo affidarci a don Chichì.

"Un bel guaio.

"Ma ce lo saremo voluto noi.

"Colpa imperdonabile di preferire un cornacchione riciclato in chiave di moderità che gracchia una canzone insulsa, al merlo che fischia una melodia che viene da lontano.."

--Alessandro Pronzato --

"Last minute field goal lifts Miners past Memphis 16 - 13"

And The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Alex Morales has the story.

¡Adelante, Alex!

This is a snippet from Alex's original published online: Monday, September 22, 2010.

"UTEP's winless streak against Memphis came to an end after a game - winning field goal by sophomore kicker Dakota Warren capped off a victory against the Tigers 16 - 13 as time expired.

"Warren said, I'm pretty speechless right. I lost my voice. There is more pressure, the game i son the line. It's a short field goal, so you're supposed to make it..

"The Miners ... were pinned inside their own five - yard line with the score tied and 3:13 left to play in the game.

"UTEP surmounted a 12 - play 95 - yard drive to set up the winning field goal with 1.9 seconds left in the game.

"Warren, who made two clutch field goals from 57 and 50 yards, was set up for a chip shot from 18 yards away.

"He split the up rights and the crowd erupted as the Miners celebrated in the middle of the field..."

Way, to go, Miners! :)

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

September 29. Feast Day of the Three Archangels.

Saint Michael

Saint Gabriel

Saint Raphael

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Los Albigenses Españoles!

"Dice que veneraban la cruz con tres clavos y tres brazos, á la manera de oriente ..."

Don Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo.

Catedrático de Literatura Española.

En la Universidad de Madrid.

"Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles"

"Tales son los principales capítulos de acusacion contra los Albigenses, según D. Lúcas de Tuy, quien dá además curiosas noticias de sus ritos.

"Dice que veneraban la cruz con tres clavos y tres brazos, á la manera de Oriente.


"7. Negaban la existencia del purgatorio y la eficacia de las indulgencias...

"9. Ponían en duda la eficacia de los Santos..

"10. Decían que ni los Santos entienden los pensmaientos humanos, ni los demonios tientan y sugieron el á los hombres ..."

"En el libro III crece el interés de la obra.

"Ante todo muestra don Lúcas el enlace de las doctrinas de los Albigenses -- á quienes llama formalmente maniqueos y atribuye la creencia en los dos principios -- con los novadores filosóficos de su tiempo, es decir, los discípulos de Amalrico de Chartres y David de Dinant..."

Y. ahora -- así nos opina Don Lúcas de Tuy:

"Con apariencia de filosofía quieren pervertir las Sagradas Escrituras ... gustan de ser llamados filósofos naturales, y atribuyen á la naturaleza las maravillas que Dios obra cada dia ..

"Niegan la divina Providencia en cuanto á la la creación y conservación de las especies ...

"Su fin es introducir el Maniqueismo, y enseñan que el principio del mal creó todas las cosas visibles..."

¿Tal vez éste es en acuerdo con cierta materia de "Faith Sharing," utilizado aquí en Brackettville, hace tres años, más o menos? :)

"Dicen algunos herejes: Verdad es lo que se contiene en el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento, si le entiende en sentido místico, pero no si se toma á la letra...

"De éstos y otros errores llenan muchas profanas escrituras, adornándolas con algunas flores de filosofía...

"Algunos de estos sectarios toman el disfraz de presbíteros seculares, frailes ó monjes, y en secretas confesiones engañan y pervierten á muchos..."

Pues, ¿Quién sabe? Tal vez, así lo fue....

September 28. Feast Day of Saint Wencelaus.

September 28. Feast Day of Saint Lawrence Ruiz & Companions.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Both Sunday a.m. Masses well - served @ St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832

Sunday. September 26, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Amy Herrera.

Sunday. September 26, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Patrick Ortiz + Mr. J.T. Rosas & Mr. Ray Sandoval..

"Serving in the Following Ministries"

Sunday Bulletin for St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

"The Weekend of Saturday September 25th Sunday September 26th, 2010."

"October 3, 2010 ROSARY LEADER: Diana Flores."

And now it's the turn of those well - meaning people recruited into the ranks of:

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers

"The Collection Counters for October 3, 2010.

"Tina Meek, Wylie & Charlene Simmons, Mary Meek"

Pope Benedict XVI and Saint Faustina.

"Pope Benedict XVI called St. Faustina a prophetic messenger of Divine Mercy."

"Q. I've heard that St. Faustina was a prophet.

"What does this mean?

"Can you share some examples?"

These random snippets are from Marian Helper. Fall 2010. Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC's column, Ask a Marian.

"A. We can consider St. Faustina not only a mystic but a prophet, because of the nature of the extraordinary private revelations she received from our Lord.

"In fact, at the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy celebrated in Rome in 2008, Pope Benedict XVI called St. Faustina a prophetic messenger of Divine Mercy..

"A prophet is one chosen by God to bring His word to His people.

"Saint Faustina has done for us what the Old Testament prophets did for the people of their time.

"Saint Faustina's ultimate mission in our day is to prepare the world for the Lord's Second Coming.

"As our Lord told her, Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy (Diary of St. Faustina, 300)

"Jesus told her, Secretary of my mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near! (Diary, 965)

"This is why now is the time to plead for Divine Mercy..."

Friday, September 24:

Junction Eagles smack down our Brackett Tigers 41 - 9! :(

Homecoming this Friday will be the B.H.S. Tigers vs. D'Hanis Cowboys. :)

"Brackettville will be ... The Heart From Which We Will Go Out"

Last weekends' Evangelization Column:

From the Sunday Bulletin of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.

In Brackettville, Texas 78832.

"Our Legacy is Our Mission.

"Let Us Make Brackettville The Great Heart From Which The New Evangelization of Our Nation Goes Out with Renewed Fervor"

Humm ... well.. ... o.k.!! :)


"Our Second Meeting for the ACTS Womens' Prayer and Worship Group will be Monday September 27, 2010 @ 6:30 p.m. @ the Parish Hall"...

September 27. Feast Day of Saint Vincent de Paul.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"John Paul II Catholic High School honoring Weigel"

High School Theological teacher Deacon Robert Gordon:

"Our vision was to found a high school committed to following the Great Books approach to the Catholic intellectual tradition."

This random snippet is adapted from: Today's Catholic, front page. Edition of Friday, September 24, 2010.

"John Paul II Catholic High School, which has begun its second academic year, is hosting a special event for the archdiocese.

"On Thursday, October 14, renowned Catholic commentator George Weigel, the official biographer of Pope John Paul II, will be visiting San Antonio to receive the school's inaugural Guardian Award.

"John Paul II Catholic High School is located in Schertz and was founded to serve Catholic families in the northeast deaneries of the archdiocese.

"Deacon Robert Gorman of Saints Peter and Paul Parish in New Braunfels is one of the founding members of the school council.

"[S]aid Dr. Gorman, who also teaches theology at the high school, Our vision was to found a high school committed to following the Great Books approach to the Catholic intellectual tradition... .

"For information, call (830) 643 - 0802, or see:

"www. john paul 2chs . org / news/weigel.htm ..."

Way to go, San Antonio, Texas Seminarians:

Mr. Anthony Dorsa & Mr. Chris Locascio

"Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary is located within the Diocese of Lincoln"


"The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right canonically established by Pope John Paul II in 1988.

"The particular charism and mission of the Fraternity is to offer the Sacred Liturgy, including the Holy Mass and the Divine Office, as well as the sacraments, in all of their traditional solemnity, according to the Latin liturgical books of 1962..."

Way to go, San Antonio, Texas seminarians Mr. Anthony Dorsa and Mr. Chris Locascio!!

"St. Pius X Church fetes parishioners entering seminary"

From the photo caption below the picture on the bottom left of page 26 of the San Antonio Archdiocesan news paper, Today's Catholic. Friday, September 24, 2010.

"Father Francis McHugh,
pastor of St. Pius X Parish in San Antonio, and Father Gonzalo Meza, parochial vicar, recently hosted a farewell party for two 19 - year - old men of the parish who are entering Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska.

"Parents and grandparents of Anthony Dorsa -- wearing the Benedictine cross -- and Chris Locascio gathered with other family members, friends and parishioners to give this duo a happy send - off."

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Zog mir a shtickl Torah -- Tell me a little Torah"

"The Yiddish phrase encapsulates the secret of Jewish survival"

This snippet is adapted from Rabbi Meir Y. Solovbeichik's article, Torah and Incarnation. In the October 2010 issue of First Things magazine.

"As Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, the chief rabbi of great Britain, notes, In the shtickl, the small township of Eastern Europe, when Jews met, one would say to the other: Zog mir a shtickl Torah -- Tell me a little Torah..."

Rabbi Sacks goes on to explain:

It's words were their intimations of infinity, it's letters the solid shapes of mysteries to be decoded."

Now, Rabbi Soloveichik makes a salient point:

"If there are in the in the Torah limitless insights waiting to be found, then Jewish survival is assured:

"For as long as there are hiddushim to be discovered, God will provide Jews to discover them.

"The Torah's infinity guarantees Jewish eternity.

"Communion with the divine through Torah learning brings the Jew into God's eternal time.

"All the Jews who ever lived were present on Mount Sinai, the rabbis teach.

"Mount Sinai remains eternally preset among us, always available to be studied and obeyed.

"All the generations of Israel, all its sages and teachers, assemble on the study benches of the Beit Midrash when Torah is learned.

"Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik asked, When I enter the classroom I am filled with despair and pessimism. I always ask myself: Can there be a dialogue between an old teacher and young students, between a rebbe in his Indian summer an dboys enjoying the spring of their lives?

"But the generations gather around the study table of Torah.

"[A]dds Rabbi Soloveitchik, who is descended from influential Talmudists, When I start a shiur [lesson] the door opens and another old man walks in and sits down. My students cal me the Rav. He is older than the Rav. He is the grandfather of the Rav. His name is Reb Chaim Brisker..."

Thank you both, gentlemen! :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sixty plus turnout Wednesday night this week.

For Divine Mercy - Night Prayer and Closing of Benediction.

7:25 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

At St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

My own guess is that we were roughly 20 adults + 40 young people, the latter divided roughly between Confirmation Students and Youth Group.

The Reverend Father Pius Ezeigbo was understandably pleased as were we all!

Plus, there were still plenty of $6.00 per plate tickets left to buy -- for this coming Saturday's Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser for our MENS' ACTS RETREAT!

I know.

I bought 3 myself from Mr. Paul Fernandez himself.

In person.

Way to go, good people! :)

ACTS 2:16 still rocks!

"Border Patrol agents rescue, airlift snakebite victim"

Original in the Kinney County Post -- a.k.a. "The Good News Newspaper" -- September 21, 2010.

"DEL RIO, Texas -- A 46 - year - old Guatemalan national is recovering, in a SanAntonio hospital, from a rattlesnake bite following a harrowing trek through inhospitable terrain Saturday.

"U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Carrizo Springs Border Patrol Station responded to a report of a snakebite incident at 10:20 a.m. Saturday after being contacted by a local oilfield worker.

"Randy Clark, patrol agent in charge of the Carrizo Springs Station, said the worker was approached by a 15 - year -old Honduran, who reported his traveling companion had been bitten by a rattlesnake the previous day, and was in a remote area in need of help.

"Clark noted that recent outreach efforts with oil and gas workers proved crucial to getting help to the injured man in an expeditious manner.

"Carrizo Springs agents quickly arrived at the oilfield worker's location and picked up the Honduran juvenile, who led them to where he left the victim -- a remote area four miles north of Mines Road in Maverick County.

"Agents provided first aid to the victim -- who had been bitten on the right ankle -- and called for air support from Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.

"The victim was taken by local ambulance to the Dimmit County Memorial Hospital.

"He was later airlifted to University Hospital in San Antonio.

"Dean Sinclair, acting chief patrol agent, Del Rio Sector, lauded the actions of the agents involved in the rescue.

"Sinclair said, Were it not for the quick response and superior knowledge of the geography of the area, this case could have had a tragic outcome.."

Sinclair now goes on to make some good points:

"The area where this occurred is some of the harshest terrain throughout the entire Del Rio sector.

"This incident, once again, illustrates the many dangers of crossing the border illegally..."

September 23. Feast Day of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Riga, Latvia


The Brazilian TFP's publication Catolicismo


Interview w/ the retired Archbishop of Riga, Cardinal Janis Pujats.

"The Church Must Protest Against Laws Favoring Homosexuality"

Snippet from the TFP's Crusade magazine September / October 2010 issue.

Sample Question by Catolicismo of Cardinal Pujats:

"What favors the expansion of homosexuality?"

Cardinal Pujats:

"On the one hand, homosexuality is favored by the rampant idolatry of sex propagated through the modern media and that this vice has been promoted in some countries in the name of ill - understood human rights.

"On the other hand, the lack of faith and the hardening moral decay in much of society paves the way for homosexuality."


"Why are so many people indifferent to the expansion of homosexuality?"

Cardinal Pujats:

"Those who do not believe in God, and Christians who do not consider their faith important, are the ones most indifferent to this problem ...

"...However, all that remains to those who believe in God with all their hearts, but do exert real influence in society, is to organize and bear witness courageously to Christ with the example of their lives, based on the fulfillment of the Commandments.

"The various systems change and fall, but the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever (Ps. 116:2)."

The paragraph quoted below is the second of two found in a separate high - lighted sidebar on the first page:

"As practicing Catholics, we are filled with compassion and pray for those who struggle against unrelenting and violent temptation to homosexual sin.

"We pray for those who fall into homosexual sin out of human weakness, that God may assist them with His grace..."

Well said! And it pretty well sums up the Catechism of the Catholic Church's teachings on the subject. :)

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie.

Montaillou, village occitan de 1294 à 1324.

"Jacques Fournier, l'évêque inquisiteur, s'est chargé, comme on sait, de mettre bon ordre à tout cela.

"Le catharisme n'est plus aujourd'hui qu'un astre mort, dont nous recevons à nouveau la lumière fascinante et froide, après un demi - millénaire d'occultation...

"Montaillou, c'est la chaleur charnelle de l'ostal, et la promesse cyclique d'un au - delà paysan.

"L'un dans l'autre.

"L'un portant l'autre..."

Fr. Jonathan Toborowsky

The Coming Home Network International.

May 2009 Newsletter.

"A Child of Abraham Becomes a Catholic Priest"

Now, here's a few random snippets:

"My father's side of the family is Jewish.

"My mother's side of the family is Roman Catholic.

"My parents were married in 1965, with the marriage being performed by a Rabbi.

"I was born in 1967 and named Jonathan Samuel Toborowsky.

"Jewish cultural tradition said that you do not name children after living relatives."

He is then circumcised!

"When I was eight days old, a Rabbi brought me into the covenant of Abraham."

A lot of years go by.

He was baptized in September of 1990.


"I began to think the preposterous question of whether God could be calling me to be a Catholic priest.

"This led to a conversation with the pastor of St. Anthony's, as well as a conversation with the Bishop of my diocese, which led to the diocese's vocations office.

"The rest, shall we say, is history..."

The editors then go on to tell us, among other things:

"Fr. Jonathan -- Jay -- Toborowsky was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey in 1998. He is co - author of the book John Paul II for Dummies."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last Saturday's Battle of Interstate Ten!

UTEP Miners stomp NMSU Aggies 42 - 10.

And The UTEP Prospector's Mr. Alex Morales has today's story.

These brief snippets are "stolen" from the original published online:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010.

"For the fourth time in his career, senior quarterback Trevor Vittatoe threw for five touchdowns in a single game as he led the Miners past New Mexico State 42 - 10 September 18 at the Sun Bowl.

"UTEP (2 - 1, 0 - 1 Conference USA) had a field day through the air as they retained the Silver Spade and Brass Spittoon against a winless NMSU team.

"Up next for the Miners is a showdown with Memphis at 7:05 p.m. September 25 at the Sun Bowl.

"This game will mark the first father - son showdown between [Memphis] Tigers offensive coordinator Eric Price and Miners coach [Mike] Price..."

That should be quite a game, huh??!! :)

So, Yes!

UTEP Fall Football 2010 is indeed off and running!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

September 21. Feast Day of the Apostle Saint Matthew.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas.

And both of yesterday's Sunday a.m. Masses were well - served.

Sunday. September
19, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Nathan Pearson + Ms. Brittany Castilla.

Sunday, September
19, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Ms. Amy Herrera.

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers.

"Serving in the Following ministries

"The Collection Counters for September 26, 2010

"Allen Kreiger, Jaime Ballew, Lydia Tipps."

"ROSARY Leader for September 26, 2010: Patti Hidalgo.

These random snippets are in the bulletin labeled:

"The weekend of Saturday September 18th & Sunday September 19th, 2010."

"Jesus + vampires + Catholicism = big headline"

Snippets from commentary by Bryan Cones, managing editor of U.S. Catholic October 2010.

His own original title is Will the center hold?

"Pop culture journalists had the brass ring of celebrity stories dropped on them in August when Anne Rice, grande dame of the current vampire entertainment empire, announced that, 10 years after her return to the Roman Catholic faith of her childhood, she was leaving once again.

"Jesus plus vampires plus Catholicism equals big headline."

And, then, as Cones quotes Rice herself in this dramatic declaration:

" I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being Christian or to being part of Christianity. In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti - gay. I refuse to be anti feminist ... I refuse to be anti - Democrat."

Cones goes on to thoughtfully mention that some loyal Catholics will "retort ... that Rice wasn't all that Catholic to begin with..."

Amen to that, Mr. Bryan Cones! :)

September 20. Feast Day of Saint Andrew Kim Taegon + Companions.

September 20. Feast Day of Saint Paul Chong Hasang + Companions.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sergio Sarmiento, Enrique Krauze y Padre Hidalgo:

"Muchas de las mujeres y niñas asesinados por órdenes de Hidalgo fueron también violadas.

"Cuando se le preguntó a Hidalgo en el juicio de la Inquisición por qué no había procesado a los españoles,

''él respondió que porque sabía que eran inocentes..."

Adaptada de esta fuente original:

Jaque Mate por Sergio Sarmiento -- Héroes y mitos.

El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña. Jueves 16 de septiembre de 2010.

"El impoluto Miguel Hidalgo de nuestra mitología, por ejemplo, es distinto del que con frenesí destructivo permitió la salvaje matanza de la alhóndiga de Granaditas e hizo asesinar a cientos de españoles en Guadalajara y Valladolid.

"Muchas de las mujeres y niñas asesinadas por órdenes de Hidalgo fueron también violadas...

"Cuando se le preguntó a Hidalgo en el juicio de la Inquisición por qué no había procesado a los españoles, él respondió que porque sabía que eran inocentes..

"Hemos llegado a venerar, en lo que Krauze llama necrofilia histórica, los restos mortales de los próceres como si fueran santos ...

"Esta visión maníquea de la historia nos impide ver los errores de los próceres o los actos positivos de los villanos

"En su libro Héroes y Mitos, Krauze nos invita a meditar sobre la verdadera historia, ésa que se ha olvidado en la historia de bronce, en el dispendio de la fiesta o en la toma del Paseo de la Reforma.

"[Krauze] escribe: México ha vivido de héroes y mitos, y esa condición nos ha costado cara porque ha generado en nosotros falsos recuerdos, ha exagerado nuestros reflejos, ha mantenido viejas llamas, nos ha vuelto a veces amargos y soberbios...

"De hecho, el bicentenario se convierte en una oportunidad perdida para reflexionar, como hace Krauze, sobre la historia y sobre las lecciones que ésta nos ofrece para el futuro de México...."

Frase del día:

El Zócalo de Ciudad Acuña.

16 de septiembre de 2010

"San Agustín, obispo y filósofo:
Nadie puede ser perfectamente libre hasta que todos lo sean"

"Arraigan a El Grande"

"La medida es por 40 días"

"Sergio Villarreal -- El Grande -- tenía el mismo nivel jerárquico de Edgar Valdéz -- La Barbie"

El Universal / Zócalo / México, D.F. Jueves 16 de Septiembre de 2010.

"Sergio Villarreal Barragán, quien ocupaba un nivel jerárquico equivalente al de Edgar Valdez Villarreal, La Barbie, en la estructura de los Beltrán Leyva, fue traslado al Centro de Mando de la Policía Federal en Iztapalapa, donde cumplirá el arraigo..."

"Llega a Australia el poder de El Chapo"

"Trafica droga hace más de 3 años"

"Periódico The Age revela las operaciones del capo mexicano..."

Fuente: REFORMA / Zócalo / México, DF. Jueves 16 de Septiembre de 2010.

"El cártel de Sinaloa, encabezado por Joaquin El Chapo Guzmán, se ha infiltrado en Australia y ha introducido a ese país un promedio de media tonelada de cocaína mensual en los últimos 30 meses, de acuerdo con un artículo publicado hoy en la edición en línea del periódico australiano The Age..."

"On September 17, 1787:

"Thirty - nine brave men signed our country's constitution...

"... at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania..."


"Thank you, reporter / columnist Ms. Tyler Schuster + The Brackett News!"

Edition of Thursday, September 16, 2010.

You good people never fail to make my day! :)

September 17. Feast Day of Saint Robert Bellarmine, S.J.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Daniel Rodeau Weikert -- has worked with three Grammy winners."

"From Heathen to Christian to Catholic Christian."

"I was a history major in college.

"Of course, at that point I was more of an expert on sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll than on history.

"Yet I loved to gain knowledge and find truth...

Original source for these snippets:

Daniel Weikerts From Punk to the Papacy. In the August 2010 Newsletter of Marcus Grodi's The Coming Home Network International.

"Becoming Christian was a total paradigm shift.

"I had to reorder just about everything I knew.

"My first year was one of repentance and discovering my new heart and mind.

"I was a history major in college.

"Of course, at that point I was more of an expert on sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll than on history.

"Yet I loved to gain knowledge and find truth."


"I began learning about Mary's roles -- New Eve, Ark of the New Covenant, Mother, and Queen, among others -- and discovered these roles are scripturally supported, doctrinally sound, and theologically definable.

"In addition I personally found her intercession to be powerful.

"Many other experiences, prayers, and moments of revelation led me to become a Catholic.

"After my first Confession, which took more than forty - five minutes and many tears, I received the sacraments of Confirmation and my first Eucharist on February 17, 2007..."

Altar Servers always make a difference at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Sunday. September 12, 2010. 8:00 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Dante Luna.

Sunday. September 12, 2010. 10:30 a.m. Mass. TEAM Mr. Roman Rodriguez.

"September 19, 2010. Rosary Leader: Frances Castilla."

Operation Palace Guard / Friendly Enablers

"Serving in the Following Ministries.

"The Collection Counters for September 19, 2010

"Hector & Gloria Jimenez, Martha & Paul Fernandez."

Original source for all the above can be found within the parish bulletin labeled:

"The weekend of Saturday, September 11th & Sunday, September 12th, 2010."

September 16. Feast Day of Pope Saint Cornelius.

September 16. Feast Day of Saint Cyprian.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Católicos mexicanos rezan por 72 emigrantes encontrados muertos en un rancho"

" encontró que más de 9,750 emigrantes indocumentados habían sido secuestrados durante un periodo de seis meses...

"Se sospecha como responsables del asesinato en masa en San Fernando a los Zetas..."

Por David Agren -- Catholic News Service / Today's Catholic / September 10, 2010.

Hoy, unos fragmentos del original:

"Ciudad de México -- Católicos del noreste del estado mexicano de Tamaulipas ofrecieron sus oraciones por 72 emigrantes indocumentados procedentes de Centro y Sudamérica, cuyos cuerpos fueron descubiertos el 24 de agosto en lo que posiblemente sea el asesinato masivo más grande desde que el país se empezó a poner mano dura en contra los traficantes de drogas y otros grupos de criminales.

"Un emigrante indocumentado del Ecuador, que sobrevivió el asesinato en masa en el rancho de San Fernando y pudo alertar a ua patrulla de la marina, dijo que los asesinatos se llevaron a cabo el 24 de agosto, según informó el periódico Reforma.

"El emigrante dijo que los otros emigrantes, que eran del Ecuador, Brasil, El Salvador y Honduras, entre los que se incluían 14 mujeres, habían sido secuestrados y ejecutados después de que no pudieron pagar demandas de extorsión y se negaron a unirse al grupo de traficantes de drogas formado por aoldados que operan fuera de la ley, conocidos como los Zetas.

"En un informe de la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos, que depende fuertemente en información dada por organizaciones dirigidas por católicos y y refugios para migrantes, se encontró que más de 9,750 emigrantes indocumentados habían sido secuestrados durante un periodo de seis meses, entre el mes de septiembre de 2008 y el mes de febrero de 2009.

"Se sospecha como responsables del asesinato en masa en San Fernando a los Zetas; y se les conocen sus activadades de reclutamiento de centroamericanos a base de coerción.

"San Fernando, localizado aproximadamente a 85 millas de la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos de Brownsville, Texas, ha estado plagado de violencia por parte del crimen organizado al tiempo que dos grupos criminales de traficantes, uno conocido como el grupo del Golfo y su antigua ala armada, los Zetas, entablan guerra territorial en Tamaulipas para lograr el dominio de lucrativo corredor de transporte de drogas..."

September 15. Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 13. Feast Day of Saint John Chrysostom. Lived 345? -- 407 A.D.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

From The Word Among Us.

"Meditation for Saturday, September 11. Luke 6:43 - 49"

"The planners of the World Trade Center in New York knew something about building on rock.

"When construction began in 1966, they took great pains to set the whole complex on a solid foundation.

"Workers dug down seventy feet to the bedrock to build a seven - story - high foundation wall of reinforced steel and concrete.

"Anchored on this base, the Twin Towers were about as firmly rooted as buildings can get.

"But nine years ago today, those solid towers came down in a cataclysm dust and debris ...

"...As we remember, the Holy Spirit gently invites us to consider a deeply challenging, often avoided reality:

"The world as we know it is passing away.

"None of it -- no matter how solidly based -- can sustain our lives forever.

"This is the truth that Jesus addresses in today's reading, using images from the construction trade he learned from Joseph.

"The house that collapses can stand for everything in life, and in us, that is built on earthly things:

"It will not endure..."